Plz do not fall for this

First incident 2 months back @ Lulu Hyper market.
My husband parked his car at the parking at the Lulu's.Suddely an Oman registration Land Cruiser came and stopped near him.The gentle man in good English narreted his sad story.He along with his family came to Doha from Oman yesterday and while shopping at City Centre some body stolen his wife's bag which carries all their money and bank cards.They already informed the police and police told they will enquire aboiut it.Now my cars petrol is going to finish and my baby is very hungry and V dont have money to buy milk for he baby also.Poor family.My husband looked inside ;there is a lady and a baby in the car.My husband felt so sorry and given the cash he had in his purse which was only 200QR.Hearing there plight we both felt sorry v could give them only 200QR.
Second Incident : Dasman Centre @ 11.00Pm Yesterday.
Me and my husband parked the car; somebody from behind in Land Cruiser with Oman registration "Excuse me Gentleman .. me nd my wife came from Oman yeserday...reaching there my husband recognised the same man ,women and baby and same car. then my husband completed the whole story and told this is what ur going to tell me.My husband told he is going to call the police.The man with his land cruiser flew to the ground near the parking lot.
Please nobody else should fall for this prank.
Now u people know the story next time this happen to u ;be well prepared and call the police.
happened to me too.. :(
i have had the same experiance but it was an indian or pakistani guy who poped up the moment we parked our car in front of family food center he said he is hungry n want some money i said ok come with me i m going to ma donalds lets have a meal togather he came n stood with me for 5 mins n suddenly disappeared i had my dinner n as i came out towards my car there he poped again n said i dont like mc donalds so i went away ........ stupid me gave him 10 riyals........ n next day again saw him at the same spot comming towatds my car n the moment he saw me ....... rushed away... now i feel cheated thankz to all of u i ll b more careful that i dont get duped by this omani family
I was just approached again by a husband and wife this afternoon in front of our office in bin omran. wat da pak..hehehe
Ok its obviously the begging season - they/he IS/ARE active in Doha as we speak. My wife and I were approached by said "Omani" in his LC with his wife and 2 kids on Saturday night in the car park opposite City Centre. Same old same old - handbag stolen, wallet gone, no ATM card, no way of generating cash and need petrol money to get back to Oman. Fortunately, I had read on QL about this lightweight scam so i let him bleat on for 5 minutes with his patter - then when he had finished laughed in his face and walked away - but here is the kicker and here is why he continues to be successful - my wife turned to me and said "Why didnt you give him money?? What about those poor kids?" I wised her up lively!! Its a shame because there ARE hard luck stories but pricks like this guy sully the water for peopale that I may GENUINELLY want to help!!
Anyway, message is as in all of these threads - dont part with YOUR cash - its a poor attempt at a scam!!
In UK they are honest, just sit down on their cardboard with a sign asking for change! lol. In qatar they make lies and long stories to get moeny
Yes, same thing happened with me at Khobar in Saudi. I was new there and a tough looking bearded guy stopped his white car in front of me while I was walking. I thought he was Muttawah and would ask me if I am a muslim and if so why i am not praying during the prayer time. Instead, he started narrating his tough luck story and how he was left with no money. Luckily my company PRO had already apprised me of such incidents and I was able to wade through it safely with no money lost.
this happened to me, a couple of weeks ago. the incident happened just infront of our residence that's why I got a second thought of not giving him a money. he said that he came from Saudi, he's driving not a land cruiser but Camry. At first I only gave him 50 riyals but when he saw that I got another 50 riyals he ask for it. Damn I was so furious, the thing is that I thought that he was already surveying our place that's why I was concern about my safety.
ny one from CID or Police in QL ..please take note :-)
and help us :-)
even my dad had the same experience which he shared it to me...........We should be Careful......
Hi All,
Reading the incident posted by dento, I was a bit surprised to know tht these kind of activities are still around... This afternoon when I was returning back after lunch from home, I spotted a blue previa, Oman Reg Num, a family inside with two kids...When i spotted him from a distance, the driver was speaking to a passer by, and this poor guy was taking his wallet out...I just parked my car cross front of his car and got down...Suddenly, he told the passer by to leave and just when I approached the Omani car, he asked me the way to a good shopping mall..he was actually asking the way to City Center..He was telling that he needs to do some shopping...He never revealed his identity in spite of asking him many times...Anyways I told him the way to City Center. I hope and pray this is not the person we are discussing... This was spotted in Umghuwalina area as well..
luckily i dont get these people and better to put our money in charity other than giving to these people
same exp i had in family food centre
i had the same experiance in family food centre...
same oman car with two kids and wife
this happened to me and my husband and the man didn't like what my husband offered him since we do not carry big amount of cash and he needs a large amount ,sad to say but like this some people who are truly in trouble people would be scared to help them.
Just ignore him, if nobody will be generous to give, he will leave and go away. many had done that asking for alms with some papers and after leaving your place you will see them walking towards a limousine.
running the same scam. We should all report them so the police can take them to one of the bona fide charities if they really are in need.
this happpend to me near jaidh bridge and the landcruser number plate was of saudi arabia and he was sayin we r camin frm ksa and money finshed coz of car repair and i said sory i dont have enough money to give and i said i am not qatari y dont u ask a qatari man and i jus drive ma car....thanq for postin this
its a trap. :D
why nobody reports him?
i saw him in ghuwalina area.
Call Police!
Please if you see it again call the police. This is very illegal in Qatar and police will take action against these thiefs.
you learn something new everyday this is the first time i heard of a beggar with a landcruiser! soo posh perhaps he was able to buy his vehicle by telling his sob story to a lot of people hehe
I've encountered the same ladz somewhere in Al Sadd, good thing I didn't have money that time:)... Lazy people......
It happened to me also.. 3 years ago.. but not in Qatar, i was in saudi arabia. That guy said the same story, he was a pakistani and there was lady and a kid inside.. they were from dubai they want to buy milk for their baby.
I think this guy is driving a Land Cruiser with a Yellow Omani number plate bearing number, I think, 96470. I spotted him twice at FFC near Airport. The first time I was getting into my car with my family and he told me the story about missing wallet etc. I sensed some foul play, but offered to get him Baby Food and he showed me a tin of Similac 1 which I got for him from FFC. I also gave him 30 Riyals for their food. Though I gave him money, I prayed that his story was false as, if real, it would have been really sad to happen to anyone. Also, in my heart I thought what kind of a situation would force a man to go around begging along with his wife and baby!Even if cheated, I just brought food for a baby and two human beings... Next day I again spotted him doing his routine with another guy... I didn't know whether to feel relieved or cheated. Yes he cheated me out of around 60 riyals..... But what would force a man to do it? Anyway, I am sure many more people will see him... He is not an Arab and he is targeting mainly Asian families...
Happened to us in Lulu, I'm surprised, it's exactly the same story.. We didn't have money though so there wasn't any problem..
It was a common thing happening in UAE during 90s. This is the first time I am hearing abt it in Qatar
One time a beggar came inside our house, and my father was in his room and saw her and thought it was a man stealing so he threw his shoe on her head and she scream and run out.
i think best we can do is take his car keys , or may be id and call few ppl around and Police!
happened to me as well near hotel Alishan
this guy i dont know omani or Arab..he was wearing white clothes.
i was parking and he came to me in his white altima with kids in it.he narrated a sad story that he is coming from Saudi and dont have money no petrol..bla bla bla..
i gave him some 100Qr and he was insisting on atleast 2000Qr and i said sorry..he was pleading , we can go to bank and take it out and stuff...
any how i think he was a cheat!
So readers please beware! (i shud have called the Police)
ny how , i wish i cud meet that bugger again and screw his ass!
This has been going on for long time. Take care guys.
creative :o)
It happened with me also at Al Safeer hypermarket a couple of months back,same story, I gave QR 50 and was regretting that I should have given him more.
Next time I shall give him QR 1 only or some Dhms,
What you will do if again he appears ?
It happened to me 8 year ago....still no change in that idea, Oman regn Car with family inside asking for help.
Btw I have spotted a light blue Toyoya Previa car on firday with Oman Number plate at Doha Jadeed area with the same story.
It happened to me 8 year ago....still no change in that idea, Oman regn Car with family inside asking for help.
Btw I have spotted a light blue Toyoya Previa car on firday with Oman Number plate at Doha Jadeed area with the same story.
It happened to me 8 year ago....still no change in that idea, Oman regn Car with family inside asking for help.
Btw I have spotted a light blue Toyoya Previa car on firday with Oman Number plate at Doha Jadeed area with the same story.
It has happened before, and it is happening now as well..
yes this has happened twice with me. I was new to qatar then this incident happend, i called up my friend he told me that he is lying and a freak, just ask him to come to police station, firstly he was not ready to come then he said ok ...he followed my vehicle till matar qadeem then flew away.......
i've been hearing this for so long now. there are even some ladies going inside offices and narrates her bad experiences (in arabic) and then will ask for some monetary help. there once one lady who was able to get inside our office and ask each one of us for money. she said that don't try to give her QR10, because she will just throw it to our faces! LOL!
Well this world there are many cheaters, so just take an extra care. It is always good to have a golden heart if not cheated.
ths happnd to many b4.. it has been postd earlier by som1 ... lemme check it