Please advice...

We have a problem with or previous real state we deal, because until now we still not able to get the remaining 5 checks on them because they said they have to make a letter to the bank bla.. bla.. We already left from they're flat since november 2009 because they had a problem with the first party whom they deal, all we know that we deal direct with the owner but wasn't. So, all of the tenant of that building under the second party force to vacate because of the court order that we surprisingly received that we have to vacate from that building on that month.
We already went to the police, but the police said, they cannot make a necessary action regarding this matter because its not the second party who ask us to vacate. They said, we must go to court to complain regarding this one.
Every month we are receiving sms from the bank that our account are over withdrawn because of the remaining monthly checks on the bank and there is such charges for that.
Please i need your advice, because this fool real state whom we deal before is kind a disgusting!
I really appreciate for all of your advice guys! thanks alot.
God speed!
Try the Rental dispute court near the Muntazah Park. I don't think the police will issue a report or letter until the court gives out a decision.
But the bank said, they need the police letter or police report.. We already raise this issue with the bank they advice us to bring one arab man to the police station to explain this because they think we can just get the police report.
You can simply instruct your bank not to clear these cheque, but make sure you don't loose the copy of your terminated contract clearly indicating dates.
send a letter to the bank with those cheque numbers to stop them and not process them when issued.
sorry, cheques (PDC) i mean..