The Penguin was in our compound pool!

By Bargainqueen •
My son was playing with friends in the clubhouse in our compound last night, when they saw something in the pool. At first they thought it was a small dog, but when it got out, it was the Penguin. We live close to the beach near the Lebanese School, but I still have no idea how the little thing got here.
My husband caught this on his phone, but when they went to take a look it had vanished. We looked again this morning, but it was nowhere to be seen!
crossing fingers ;)
getting tanned maybe ! :D
i thought the penguin in Qatar was a joke. but i have heard from a number of people now that said they saw a penguin in Qatar.
not all penguins live in the cold. there are some penguins that can with stand warm weather. so a penguin running around Doha is not too far fetched.
i guess ages back, qatar was a snowy country and now its the resurrection of the penguins :P
He seems to look for a home....maybe the rents are too high for him...he might have to do with a pool space....;)
Damn...aint good at math, I told ya... :)
Gim'me a map and I am lost! :(
LmaO Draccy !
why is it, when anyone no matter if its a human being or an animal has to kiss each other when they are at the beach ? :(
Dracula its not the Corniche but it is the Intercon beach ..:)
Dracula sleeps during the day remember - so his timings are different :O)
By the way, Is that two female penguins ?
I KNOW..:p
yesday was 18 not 17June
This is PDA!
In fact there are 2 penguins!
Photo taken yesterday, June 17 - Corniche
Well they already have the "Seals" for most covert work, so perhaps the "Penguins" will be used for those missions requiring stealth and camouflage.
News is that CIA is also looking for the penguin as they want the penguin to teach it's agents the art of disappearing in broad daylight.
First the Corniche then a pool.Wait. Let me go check around my home too. By the looks of it pretty soon penguins are going to be turning up everywhere...
Gotta love the vid though...the guy looks all cartoon cool!
How can you find it in the pool when he was in Brit's Lunchbox?
Do ask him about his next destination next time.
i wish somebody will catch dis penguin very soon :(
i have lots of questions to ask him lolz
Check the attach video...
hehehe britey!
I found a Penguin in my lunch box, but after a few minutes it disappeared :o(
nice pool you got over there.
s_isale you mean beamed away just like Star Trek..:)
ever heard of being spirited away?
Ask dracula for more explanation
how can it vanish if it was in the swimming pool ? :(