for the PDF documents Users

A Little Survey.
Do you guys think that the person who is dealing on the daily basis with the PDF format files must be aware of the option of combining 2 and more different PDF files into ONE PDF File?
Do you think it’s too much to expect from the person who daily scans documents and saves them in PDF format to be aware of the matter that instead of saving for instance 3-4 pages of passport he/she can actually combine all these pages in ONE file?
I need to know what do you think of it.
Based on your responce we will develop a relevant way of uploading documents in our application.
Thanks a lot.
ramshinaushad saved me one bullet..:):)
But MD is kidding.. I know.. :):)
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
lol MD.. QS will shoot u now !!
Adobe Acrobat can do this, Acrobat Reader not. If you need Acrobat I can give it to you.
thats what im doing..maximising the minimum technological knowledge i have... whatever tricks u do, as long as u got the outcome u questions at it?
If ngourlay is right, the reason maybe why my boss dont want to get higher tech opt is bcoz i can handle myself what he needs for the office...ehm ehm ehm...
thank you jeproks.
1. ngourlay suggests me to "buy the commercial version of Adobe Acrobat, rather than the free version." (why he suggest me to do so since i am only CONDUCTING A SURVEY??)
2. now you say that "pdf file format cannot be edited if the file is opened by a commercial adobe softwares like pro adobe V.7"
ok, anyway... I actually got the answer for my question..
as my hubby said: make it as simple as possible, keeping in mind that the maximum what the Operator will know is how to press the keys on the keyboard (IF!)
Thanks to everybody!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
qatarisun, hold on to your tense! the guys are just replying as they understood it. First, you did not mention to give answer by just simply yes or no, second, pdf file format cannot be edited if the file is opened by a commercial adobe softwares like pro adobe V.7. See ngourlay feedback.
insert pages!
I am not screaming, I am just trying to explain again and again since it was not clear after the first 6 times.
I try to highlight the most implortant things. I try to tell again that this is:
a) SURVEY with ONE question
b) just answer YES or NO
where do you see me screaming?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Qatarisun, why are you screaming????
baldrick2dogs! thanks for your reply! this is very important! Please check again:
1. Open any PDF Format
2. Find 'DOCUMENTS" in the Menu
3. Click on "Insert Pages"
4. In the open window choose any other PDF file from your comp
5. Click Insert.
Please check if you have this options..
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
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LAMBORJEEPNEY and other GUYS! I DO NOT ASK YOU TO HELP ME to create/combine/send etc. files!!
I am a superprofessional with Adobe.
there is only ONE question in this survey:
- you open the first document in PDF
- from the Menu - Documents you choose "Insert Pages"
- the window "select file to insert" opens
- you choose any other PDF file from your computer
- Click Select, Insert page
ONLY: are you AWARE or you are NOT? THAT"S ALL I NEED TO KNOW!!
I need to decide how to set up the way of uploading documents for the dumb users of the future website (which is now under development), so that they wouldn't screw up the whole process!
Your answers show me that I was wrong, assuming that everyone should be aware of this feature.. I thought any PDF files user knows about it :(
But now I see, that my hubby was right, when screamed: you expect to be everybody on your level!!! Make it as simple as possible!!!
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
QS, what version are you using as mine can't do that!
I have Acrobat Pro at home but can't use "iffy" software at work (Especially as the IT man's boss!)
wish my boss would buy that for our way..just like that song..i did it my way...
With permission...
Do u get irritated when acrobat reader takes 5/10 seconds to load when you want to open a pdf document. There is a way to speed up the loading.
1. Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader
(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)
2. Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional" directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).
Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and not allow you to move the files).
Now your acrobat reader will load very fast
and almost as good as notepad..
Buy the commercial version of Adobe Acrobat, rather than the free version. The full version allows you to combine documents, add or delete pages.
if you need to delete or add pages into your pdf file, on your window open documents, click insert pages or delete and follow the rest of the instruction.
katas ng qatar
use redrispro when scanning a pdf documents and create 1 file with various pages.
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He who dies with the most toys wins.
ooh.. Datz very helpful ! i din kno that.. nyways thanks for sharing !!
ok.. i see it doesn't work. Let me be more specific.
Are are guys aware of the following feature:
- you open the first document in PDF
- from the Menu - Documents you choose "Insert Pages"
- the window "select file to insert" opens
- you choose any other PDF file from your computor
- Click Select, Insert page
and your new combined PDF file is ready.
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
i am not into technology...i just use resources that i know... for the simple works required.
YANO...if i have ONE dox and to print to PDF, i can do that. but what we are talking here is 2 dif dox into 1 PDF...and im saying thats my way..thats what obviously were sharing about if u have knodlege of doing from MULTIPLE/ diferent dox into ONE PDF...common share it...
obviously... you have'nt yet tried printing directly into a pdf format.
your method is printing first into paper then scan it to make a pdf.... that's a CRUDE way!!
wasting paper and time on the process ... :( THE COMPANY WANTS!!LET THEM PAY FOR IT!!!..
BTW we recycle papers here...
ye.. itz simple na..
open PDF, Create PDF file, chose multiple files.. u can combine more than 1 PDF files ..
am i right QS ??
it's all about softwares... twitching it from one way to the other :)
pyano..posible also..ther is a pdf editor... but i dont have software of usual to edit...same procedure as above...just learn the tricks..and u'll have fun doing it.. simple things need not any hitech.
oh...pdf to excel?,havent tried that...only pdf to word or pics
obviously... you have'nt yet tried printing directly into a pdf format.
your method is printing first into paper then scan it to make a pdf.... that's a CRUDE way!!
wasting paper and time on the process ... :(
how about asking you guys, of converting back a pdf file into original form (word, excel, dwg, etc?)
have you done that??
certainly, scanned files from hard copy will not work here :P
just select the files to combine, right click and choose "combine in adobe acrobat...."
then you need to sort the files in order/sequence that you want. i think that would take more than 3 secs depending on number of file to combine...
plus combining and giving a filename and save to a folder..
otherwise, if no sorting required... for 2 files maybe 3 sec will do :)
thats a gross thing to do but lovin it..what ever forms of docs..if nothing to edit, u only want to send it in one file..print all..scan into u have files?..send it to our office, in a second u will have a pdf file in one (from various formats). thanks to our printer (lazy)user-frendly... hahahaha
hey, if any1 here knows how to do other than my way and ther is asoftware for such, please please, let me would somehow ease my job.
that is too much time consuming... and works only if you have hard copy to scan.
but if you want different types of document to print directly into pdf format then bind together later...
that would be a breeze :)
not to mention that you can still edit text on printed pdf, but you cannot do it on scanned pdf...
askme, I didn’t see anybody fighting so far, thanks god! if you read initial post you could see that this is a SURVEY. It means, I have to know what percentage of the users DO know about the Adobe feature to combine different files into one,what percentage does not know about this feature.
Again, this is a very peaceful SURVEY for those who uses PDF daily.
Thanks Tanya... anyone else?
I repeat the question:
you have 2 different Files, both are in PDF format.
You want to combine them into 1 PDF file.
Do you know how to do it in 3 seconds?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
YES :)
that what i always do...
i print different type of documents (WORD, EXCEL, CAD_DWG, ETC) into pdf... and then bind them all together to form one set/volume of calculation document/file for submission either soft or hard form.
But you need an Adobe Acrobat Professional version in order to do that. Adobe acrobat reader won't work for that task :)
the best and easiest..if u have a great scanner, print all document needed, scan all together one PDF file..
am a frequent user of pdf..this the way i know:
open file A..."print screen" & paste to paint
cut the pages u need...paste to word
same goes to file B.
when done..convert word into PDF readr...
if the pdf content are all text, select all, copy then paste all to words, litlle editing..and thats it
thats my way,...thats my knowledge is only up to,if theres is more software being used,would be glad if someone will tell on how to..
u may ask what if its A LOT OF??,i have patience on doing and i love doing it, my boss will not bother me the whole day for doing bunch of it, working while a litle of QL...'wink'
are importable.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
I know how to do it....
Ask if you don't know- no need to fight on small matters.
ok, again, the question is:
you guys have 2 DIFFERENT Files in PDF on your computer. Do you guys know that you can combine them into ONE File?
Do you know HOW to do it?
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
thanks tanya... can i ask you, are you a regular user of such stuff, or the occasional one? It is important for me. Thanks a lot.
“You become responsible forever for what you have tamed”. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
I use PDF files when scanning multiple pages. It saves your effort to send/receive many files of the same subject.
Besides, we can use ZIP file if needed.
For editing into multiples PDF pages, I'm using Adobe Pagemaker or Adobe Photoshop.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
yup... like if 2 pages of a person passport copy, instead of 2 pages also of PDF file, it can be in 1 file only...
i mean multiple pages in depends the capability of the scanner, some dont have this feature...