Parking Service for Eid - WTF???

can we report this to police or the management of the malls?
this is ridiculous! they make money for (free) customer parking space! BS!
By Moe640 on Sat, 19/09/2009 - 4:09pm
Model: 2010
Mileage: 0 Km
Price: 50 QR
Company name: Self
Contact email:
Contact number:
We are offering a parking service especially for Eid. We will book a parking for you at any location across Qatar. City Centre, Lu Lu, Mall, Villagio, Land Mark anywhere.
We will keep a parking for you next to the main entrance or any where else you like...while others are searching, you can pull right up next to the gate. This offer is only for Eid.
SMS or Call ------- and give the location where you would like to park your car. Its that easy!!!!
Why they don't just use VALET parking instead?? this would make more money and would save time and embarrassment and fighting between superior nationalities and inferiors on parking places where of course superiors will win even though they come later!!!!!
seth9900 > fail
Quality dude! Quality!
I would pay Qrs 50/- to reserve a parking as I too dont wanna waste time looking for one.
SamyaUK: It should be illegal even if its a Service,,coz, even every service provider has to register with the ministry of commerce. Now if this person should have registered, this wouldn't have been temporary for Eid itself.
"Before God we are all equally wise ' and equally foolish" - Albert Einstein
No, you are still the idiot because
A- There is no way to prove this is legit. Could be a prank, could be someone trying to get back at someone. Anything.
B- If it is legit, there is nothing wrong with some innovative entrepreneurship. Its what business is all about. Being innovative to stay ahead of the pack.
C- if you cannot come up with something creative, stop hating the ones who do.
In this country, if someone started it... everyone will do the same thing and that is my point. Soon enough you will never get a parking space without paying.
Quality dude! Quality!
seth9900 your the idiot one! i know for sure it is good business idea but you didn't get my point.
i put up this thread to give awareness to everyone but i think i address it to wrong country!
i forgot that there is a "totally different" trend in this place.
Quality dude! Quality!
for the life of me,i cannot understand why people would want to go to a mall of all the places during Eid??? hours for parking,get into mall which is overflowing with people to see the same old shops that you did last week & will see next week again or fight to make space to watch some unknown dance troupe from one of the former soviet republics(who obviously come cheap & no one else in their right minds will hire this bunch)??? i missing something here? opposed to, get a bunch of movies one has been meaning to watch but hasn't had the time,load the fridge with beer(ok pepsi or juice for the rest of you,beer for us 'infidels'),clear out a cupboard/s that's full of junk,listen to some good music,read a good book,catch up with spouse/kids/friends,just kick back...isn't a holiday supposed to be about doing stuff one normally DOESN'T do??? getting stuck in traffic(heading to the mall because every idiot is driving in that direction),looking for parking once @ the mall(this one is even worse than on a regualar weekday/weekend),walking around the mall overflowing with people(again,more so than on a regular weekday/weekend) all to see the same old shops...if people choose to be idiotic & throng the mall,no point blaming some wiseguy trying to make a quick buck out of it...if people had more of a life,something beyond going to a mall on a long holiday,this guy wouldn't be in business in the 1st place...that's another way of looking @ quit complaining about this guy trying to make money,stay home,chill out & save going to the mall till next week,when sanity returns(to an extent)...make sense?...
For goodness sakes..have a word.
why bother?...any interesting things to see at the malls these days?
You are an idiot. First, it is a fantastic business idea, considering the appalling parking situation here.
Second, he could have given anyone's number in the ad to play a prank or get back at them. There is no way to be sure.
Welcome to the internet.
IF he can deliver what's promise... what if you booked one in City Center and when you arrived, someone already took your spot!?. :(
"You cannot propel yourself forward by patting yourself on the back."
My point was that the mall is not getting any payment from this guy. They will not allow someone to compete on what is effectively private property for their own gain. Report the idiot. CID will take care of the rest.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
...and open for someone who wants to make a reserve?
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
interesting to see if this person(s) can stop you from parking in a vacant space. Keep your cameras ready folks.
I don't think we need to do anything in the name of God, he's a big boy and can take of himself.
Report it to mall management - I imagine they'll shut him down pretty quickly by having the police waiting for him.
Signature line > "You can't fix stupid"
QaQ its only on Eid... I said i would pay on Eid because its impossible to find parking, i didnt say everytime i go...
I agree with pm and madhatfx. It is called the "Service Business" :/. You aren't paying for the parking. You are paying for the service of having a parking reserved. Take it or leave it. Don't crib about it.
And yea, QaQc, even if you complain to the cops, they can't do shit about it, because as you said in your OP - it is a free parking and no one is forced to pay up :) !!
It's just an independent twist on valet parking. I don't understand why everyone races out to the mall on Eid. :-(
I didn't drink the kool-aid! -- PM
relax hes just tryin to be a bit innovative in his business....just tryin to earn some money on the the idea...50QR not much keepin in mind he will have to pay cops, mall officials to continue his business.
Most of the malls have about parking for 300-500 cars so u shouldnt have problem finding a place.....if u do u missin a trick or two on how to find a place so dont blame this guy.
Fair play to them... one of the rare incidents of someone displaying initiative over here!!
Samya is rich and she can let her be ok... and for us not the not so rich people.... well...what to do yane..:o(
Samya, think about this...
if everyone is doing this, soon enough there will be no more parking space and we will all pay Qr.50 for parking!
don't you realize maybe this is the reason why the mall parking lot is always full?
and you are right this is not illegal but the mall put that parking so the customers can park for FREE!
Quality dude! Quality!
Then i will call and play prank on this guy!!
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
But i dont quite get it!
How can one person offer parking around different malls in doha?
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
I would pay... finding parking on Eid is a nightmare and i would rather pay 50 riyals than drive around for 2 hours... plus i dont think its illegal, they are doing a service for u i guess...
50QR will he wash the car also????
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
this also started here? lol,