Only Beautiful People Need Apply

Dating service that bans ugliness comes to Canada
An exclusive online dating service that attempts to weed out unattractive members, allowing only the beautiful through the door, is coming to Canada.
Prospective members of the BeautifulPeople Network submit a picture and profile, and other members of the opposite sex rate the applicant over a 72-hour period, deciding whether they're worthy of joining the coveted community.
The online service even goes so far as to advertise a ban on ugliness -- something the managing director says is more a reflection of reality than evidence of arrogance.
"If you're in a bar in a romantic situation and you're going to approach someone with a romantic inclination, you're going to approach someone you're attracted to, at least initially," Greg Hodge tells Canada AM. "There's certainly nothing shallow about that, it's human nature."
Hodge says he isn't trying to define beauty. Instead, he said the organizers believe in the old maxim 'beauty is in the eye of the beholder' and as such they give the power to the people -- other approved members -- to decide who is allowed in.
Including Canada, the dating service now operates in 16 countries, and Hodge attributes the success to a simple formula.
"It plays on a clever combination of four things: beauty, love, sex and money. Advertisers use those four desires to sell us pretty much everything and Beautiful People plays on a clever combination of all of that," Hodge said.
Not everyone thinks the concept is so clever. Lisa Naylor counsels teens with body image issues and says the website is a step in the wrong direction.
"I think the message that it gives girls - boys and girls, but particularly girls - in the culture about appearance is quite damaging," Naylor told CTV News.
Jacqueline Levitin is a Simon Fraser University professor who teaches how women are portrayed in popular culture. She says the site is evidence that the feminist movement still has a long way to go.
"I don't think things have changed all that much," Levitin told CTV News. "I think we've done a lot of back-sliding."
Hodge admits the dating service usually provokes some negative reactions whenever it opens in a new market and he jokes he could soon need his own security detail.
But the bottom line, Hodge says, is that the online service simply makes it easier for people -- provided they pass the attractive test -- to meet that special someone.
"People want to be with someone they're attracted to, that was the initial premise of the creation of Beautiful People, remove that first hurdle," Hodge said.
"And once you do become a member of this coveted community, you have essentially the best little black book in the world."
When was the last time a Canadian Woman won the Miss Universe or Miss world pageant contest?
Miss Universe -1982 and 2005 Born in Russia-Canadian beauty queen
Miss World - Zero/nada/zip
Miss Earth- 2007- Born in Canada father is Ukrainian-Russian heritage, and her mother is Filipino
Keep mixing and working those females genes, maybe you will win more often.....
It's amazing to me that literacy isn't considered a right
Goin on Ksa...kya fun without hon situation.
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Why ofcourse, looks to the both of you that I m kinda here waiting for you both to come and kick my off girls...LOL!!!and yea right after the Johnny details are safe with ya...LOL!!! In your Dreams mate...btw, how you doing and hows B'lore holding up...?
KSA... of course i saw it... I'm not the blind one u see(or do u??)
WitchStix.. dont u worry pal... wen i get to Doha we'll kick his butt together!!!(after the johny details are safe with me;))
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Someonenew, surely you are unique girl...LOL...and ofcourse clever enough to ignore that "Bewakoof" Comments...LOL...yeah right, atleast you did see it...LOL!!!
And Witchstix...ofcourse bring 'em on, but I doubt any of my sweeet Numero Uno Ladies will come against me...remember, my repustation preceedes me...LOL...and out of all, you got Someonenew...a lady who's on my Numero Uno List...of India...AAAH HAHA HAHA...LOL!!!
Well remember the moment she finds out that you dont have deppie boy's details, she will bid adieus to you my dear lady!!!LOL!!!
someonenew and witchstix against KSA... two to one for now, until we get more. just so that you have the heads up, i will be recruiting all the LADIES from QL to be hating on you....
watch yourself
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
KSA U meanie.. I don wanna be in ur list. Infact I dont wanna be in any list. I am unique:) Also I am samajdar enuf to ignore ur bewakoof comment
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
Indeed in the case of you being beautiful, I think I forgot to add that its only in that case...that I lied about you being beautiful... :P
Otherwise, I normally am quite true to the world...but ofcourse, Lies need to be there ...
u admit to being good at lies? i will keep that in mind from now on... dam me, all this time i was believing you.
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Sometimes to ignore the Truth that comes at the end of the statement is quite handy, gives you a lot to talk about, and yesyou could ignore me being blind part...but also remember...I do tell LIES and I'm pretty good at them...but I m not telling that you being beautiful is a LIE right on your face...dont worry... :P
Did you get to see Johnny's tatoo ??
is it really in that place?
lol this is stupid...
You know, that you are screwed, when ur phone rings, while you sneak into your own house like a thief and your wife is asleep at 3 am in the morning... Perhaps that would be the last time you enter your own house lol.
aw thanks KSA about the beautiful part, not the u being blind part :P please ignore the nasty PM i just sent you!
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
I guess, they must be real horrible in person to never get a date.
Well atleast the canadians know where all the horrible people are, It will be easier to avoid them
I certainly would vouch for the fact that you are damn beautiful and I certainly am BLIND...LOL!!!
And Gyps...didnt we have an agreement that you shouldnt be blurting out Truths...keep calm buddy...keep calm... :P
Both of you rambling on Deppie boy ch ch ch , shucks indeed an attention seeking stunt eyy girls...
And Witchstix...aaah doesnt matter for the beauty girl, I m doing quite fantastic without it, still talking to you, cos you share the same league...LOL...and you know just dont need to worry, you wont have it even after the aging proces...but I shall pray to Almighty, to shower you with a little of it atleast in the next birth, that is if you are good enough for this birth, which seems like a high improbability... :P
someonenew...well, I aint J of him getting attention, why would I be, rather I would be more interested in the girl giving him what I said and in this case bewakoof ladki ( Oooops did I just put your secret identity OUT in the OPEN...LOL) you are out of the List for sure, and the other partner of yours, welll, lets not get her into the LIST AT All, or to be a touch more rude, she doesnt deserve a list, LOL!!!
Multiple "One night stands"
Said he taking the thread to a new line:o)
LOL someonenew... of course, im very pretty, KSA will agree with that ;)LLOLLING! however, johnny's not shallow, hes deep... not depp, but deep! he's more of a soul sorta person rather than a surface/face person..
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
45 is not almost 50, and you also said you dated him BEFORE he was dating Vanessa Paradis, and that was 3 years ago, which is sheer bullcrap since they've been dating for 10 years.
Not a lot there. Damn, i need to pimp my self out on google more !!
gypsy, use your little mouse and scroll up the page and read... i sed ALMOST 50. of course i know how old he is.
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
KSA u nutcase!! I'm not talkin abt me!!! I was talkin abt Johnny! Asked if u were J that hes gettin sooo much attention:)
On a more serious note... WitchStix..If u've dated him u shud be really pretty...which means u can apply for the dating service! (Kidding)
But then again if u've dated him u dont need a service!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
she's zimbabwean? oh how do you know that mafiriyals?
oh someonenew... ALL men are jealous of johnny. they only wish that as they get older they too will remain that sexy, but poor old KSA, maybe you will after all, coz you def dont have it now!! maybe later in life, god will shower beauty on you! :P you asked for it!
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
No worries someonenew, the girl claiming to have dated him should have Wiki'd too, at least then she'd have some of her information right. ;)
Visit and J...aaah christ naa...dont you realize, i dont need to get J, you are a married girl...LOL!!!
Witchie...aaah ofcourse WitchStix...whatever...we'll see my dear friend, who's azz is gonna go down the damn drain...I cant wait...for long to thrash...YOU!!!
More like keep waiting and you wont know when DEATH AND DOOM HAVE PASSED YOU MY DEAR FRIEND!!!
NFatima is gone... she sends her farwells to all of you!
someonenew, im still in touch with him, we occasionally "catch up" from time to time. you want his contact?
KSA... its WITCHSTIX, not Witchie! once i have my mango fool, theres no stopping me... u will sweat my friend... mark my words...
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa................... I want I want I want!!!!!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
New Fatima has gone to Zimbabwe to cast her vote for Robert Mugabe :(
Sorry Gypz...I shud've googled... KSA I think hes really cute and totally irresistable!!! Why're u getting J?
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
You on her side, remember girl, you have to come back to us...not Deppie boy...aaah whats with you both and depp...geeeeeezuz...
Ha well, you should have expected this line from me...(its DArude's List at stakes...)and ofcourse to add to that as well the Pool Table, indeed you better get your azz ready for the whipping that I am going to give you Witchie...shud I say, THRASHING!!!...
Just make sure you have a tissue box ready for wiping off those tears...aah on second thoughts, dont worry I can get that for you!!!
Where is Nfatima
Dont be so rude Da... I'm on ur side WitchStix!(She might still be in touch heheheheh)
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
He's 45. Just Wiki him people :P
i knew it
Johnny's 50???? No way!! I mean i'd like to think hes not... I'm crazy bt him thou. Lucky u WitchStix!
I dream of a better tomorrow where Chickens can cross the Road without having their motives questioned - Unknown
WHAT!!!!! i do not believe what im hearing... wow KSA... im truely stunned by your statement.. fine, if thats the way its gonna be...... kicking your AZZ on the pool table. PREPARE for W*A*R!
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
I dont take sides normally...unless if there is something in it for me...but normally I rather prefer to stay on Darude's Side...he's got the List of friends that me and Khanan are after... :P
dream make sure you do leave that place in a good health then. hmm
c'mon KSA, thought u were on my side...
a troll! thats really rude darude. for that i am inviting myself for your little coffee event and there will be trouble grr....
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
People, dont drag me into this ... I aint sitting on anyone...sorry...especially Darude and Guys, no ways can do whatever... :P
guess he got guts that he will sit on me.
and accept it YOU ARE TROLL.
TROLLS? me? dont be rude Mr. ill get KSA to sit on you.... :)
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Trooooooooooooollllllllllll fuckin troooolllllllllllsssssss
Gyps...yes you should, Truth is better when youhave it hidden, ooops or is it the other way round...
Anyways Witchie, go on...yea dont bother about her truth, am sure you also have a side of truth...:P
Sorry KSA, I'll stop messing up her story with the truth now ;)
thanks KSA, but let her ramble on...pinch of salt.
i can actually stand on my clouds! ie they are real... man, why no1 believs ME!
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Sure.. and I'm with Brad Pitt.
Come on girl, stop making life for Witchstix so hard by blurting out the truth and the facts...if you know play it quiet let Witchie here have a walk in the clouds on her broomstick...LOL!!!
in between one of their many break-ups.
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Why you are talking about my half brother. You have nothing else to do???????????????????
3 years ago? Johnny Depp and Vanessa Paradis have been together since 1998.
i think its a lot more than 50 mill!!
and im being serious about dating johnny, it was about three years ago, before he hooked up with vanessa-whats-her-name. hes almost 50 and still dam sexy so i think your mum still stands a chance...
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
As it stands at the minute, its Brad...50 million, Paul....Erm ??
Are you cleverly putting yourself forward as an eligible bachelor mate...aaaah you know you have to do better than that to get infront of me and smoke...LOL!!!
hunt yer down...Shes mad about the Deppster, and shes 60 !!!
I have already subscribed..
No difference between Brad Pitt and You ?
Two eyes, Two ears, nose, mouth, wiggly thing..
hey, deppster is genuine inside too :P i know him personally, actually, i dated him, but it was really low profile....
"And think not you can direct the course of love, for love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course" -Khalil Gibran
Where women intrested in average looking men, can meet us peeps who may not be Brad pitt or the Deppster, but are genuine inside ?
I don't qualify to join coz I'm not a pretty face????
I would be a SPINSTER forever then and die of OLD AGE ;-P
Damn straight, all us Canadians are good looking. But once again, if you are that beautiful WHY do you need to resort to online dating?? My guess is these peoples personalities are so bad that NO ONE wants them.
This is excellent.. It would be funny, if it wasn't real .. Gypsy, at least you're OK..
Greg Hodge, Managing Director of viewed Canada as the ideal market to take BeautifulPeople Network to the next level. "Some of the
world's most beautiful women have stemmed from Canadian soil. There are many gorgeous people in this country, but there are also many uglies. We'd like the
former to apply!" blatantly states Hodge.
"We simply and unashamedly exist so that beautiful people can meet other beautiful people, without the unwanted attention of those who are less attractive."
I wonder what they would talk about ?
Most of the people there must fake...the pics there must be the pics of somebody else. There is never 100% gurantee....I prefer the strip-cams where you know what you see is
I wouldn't be surprised if this site is taken to court...but perhaps because it's online, and perhaps not based in Canada they can't? Not sure how the laws apply in this case.
You took a pic (?) of me and added Ron Jeremys Todger to it....How can i press charges, hes quite well hung if i remember !
Flaws Gyps and Korly...tell me , where do ya want me to start ? :D
ops yes you are right Gypsy so is it not banned in Canada people can take them to court
Neither do I Korly, I like guys with a few flaws. :P
No Tcoffee, then it's called discrimination or prejudice.
sorry, I don't do the hot model types, male or female.
Bet anything this lot think they are too good for anyone else.
Paul I just applied with your face pics...and Ron Jeremy's you know what pics.....hope you wont press patent charges for your QL pics.
Once I get registered I might throw QL guys a couple of numbers if I am in the
hmmmmm Selectees and restricting some few also falls under it
No....unless beautiful people have suddenly become their own race. :S
Is this not called racism?
Yes Mashok, this is MY concept of beauty, because I'm the owner of this site.
Red Pope, what does that have to do with a dating network? :S
"President Bush wants us to cut the amount of gas we use.
The best way to stop Using so much gas is to deport 11 million illegal immigrants! That would be 11 million less people using our gas. The price of gas would come down."
So lame all you dumb azz buggers...Alright make way please, I need to join all your sorry azz lame souls on the flight back to Doha from Canada...LOL!!!
I don't have any slutty pictures on facebook!
For research purposes you understand !
Hmm, I don't think I look slutty enough to go on this site, so that's me out too.
Here's the site
How can I tell them tat I'm beautiful inside ?
go to the Airport and take the next flight to Canada!!!
an ugly soul
can i go to canada now :D
What I don't understand is why Beautiful people need to resort to online dating.
who says someone is beautyful.Not even a Top Model is perfect in all eyes.The world is going crazy.