Office Violance

Wow... I thought this is only happened in movie or TV but actually just happening in my office today. One of the managers got really frustrated with our proc. dept and almost choked him to death.
This Proc. Dept guy is my friend, I mean we close as a Colleague, so first thing he done after what happen he come to me. I am shocked as petrified as him. But this incident took place in close door so nobody really knows what going on... So I told him to go to our PD and tell him the truth for what happening and take pictures of the red raw marked on his neck for evidence. And see what the PD have to say. I even advised him to see our site nurse for record and medication.
And I also tell him to go see the Manager, once the situation is calm down and tell him in proper way that he have the evidence of what happening and next time he do it again or to other people he have no problem to go to police to file report.
What you think about this guy? Am I doing the right thing here?
Now... all back to normal. Fyi, we all under too much pressure and tension to finish the deadline of our project. A lot happening in the making and we hope we can make our target with minimum accident and cost but achieve optimal productivity and utilizations.
Everybody is Right Everybody is Wrong, It Depend Where You Stand.
B.S. If you know the law, Phycical harm to somebody is a criminal act and will be against the Criminal Law not under the civil law. His organizatios has nothing to do with an act commited by an Individual the criminal law. Check with your lawyer for confirmation. Still not convinced, contact me.
I think LIB is right in suggesting to handle the matter within the company and have the company deal with police if required. But what if the company does not take any action?
This incident has happended in the company premises and hence the police cannot be allowed to intervene before the organizational due deligence is over. Moreover,the company's name should not be dragged in to such matters if it can be handled internally.Mila,my suggestion is the same as I have mentioned earlier.Calling the police is the job of the legal department of your comapany and the top management.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
If I was in that situation. 1. Report to Higher management immidiately 2. Report to Police station to book him (he will be enjoying his days in jail for days and one way returnn ticket to follow)
This is a physical attack and will be delt with accordingly.
If this were to happen in my company, the offending party's return ticket would have been booked and his RP would be cancelled...
Projects and targets are secondary... some lines should not be crossed...
You should report the matter immediately to senior management and then force them to take action...
And I assure you another thing... theres more to it than meets the eye...
Still I am not conviced:) I checked with our lawyer and he said lodge a police report immediately and let the police take the matter officialy. however the guy will be inside for a few days for sure before anything.
oh one more thing charan, and if you can be civil and give me good input to solve my office problem as I mentioned above instead bashing me in my personaly level then maybe you can be good to other.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
charan, i can do many things at the same time. you'd be surprise with my capability. but is cool I am not offended by your response.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
Milla - "we all under too much pressure and tension to finish the deadline of our project."
I don't the above statement is a true reflection of your work pressure. I am wondering how you are spending so much of your woking time chit chating here on QL
Life, I think what you suggested is correct thing to do. I will give this input to my PD and let him deal with both party. At the moment we have some urgent meeting and cannot be delayed because of this. I let you know later after lunch the progress. I am still shocked.
Everybody is right and Everybody is wrong, its depend where you stand
I have come across a situation like this while I was handling a Global Delivery Centre and this is how we managed it.
1.The best thing to do is to call both the parties in a meeting room and confront them.
2.Take all the evidence of the incident,viz.,pictures,medical records etc.
3.Let the aggrieved write an email with the description of the incident and ask him to mark a copy to HR.
4.Record your minutes of the meeting with the two parties with details.
5.Most of the time the perpatrator will agree to the assualt.If he doesn't,show him/her the proof and confront.
6.Issue show cause to the perpetrator.
7.Initiate disciplinary action with the help of HR and legal.
This is a very serious matter and should not be go unnoticed even if the accused is a high ranking official.In your case he is just a manager.Such people should not be on payrolls of any company that wants to communicate an employee friendly image to everyone.
Life is Beautiful...Indeed!
I suggest you go straight to the police! prepare all your evidence. No one has the right to do that to anybody.