Hi friends,
Do u have any secrets? Doing things if no one seeing u or everytime ur alone?
Well i mean... do u have any habits or do anything that u think is beyond normal way and u keeping it secret because u think people will laugh at u once they knew about it???
Like mixing & eating different type foods? Like ice cream with catsup? Raw chicken eggs with apples? dipping shawarma in a chocolate syrup?
Sometimes doing funny or not so ordinary things like pulling strands of hair everytime u thinking or biting ur finger nails if ur nervous or scared... scratching or banging ur head everytime ur angry?(Ouch!!!)
Come on lets be frank each one of us doing crazy things when nobody seeing us! Or maybe u just did it because u just want to be different from others even once in ur life?
What about you??????
yes u know everything abt everybody...rite darude? for e.g. i kept riding bycycle with balancers throughout my i could never learnt to actually ride it. My dad, and thn my friends ..thy all gone i just couldnt do it......these kind of things i keep sharing without any hesitation - this is nt kind of secret. something that can be shared thru any media cannot be a secret.
You mean cotton balls, smokey?
elementary my dear QT, i let them play with my woollen balls ;)
Smokey, LOL.
...and what do you do in return?
heck no QT i have play boy bunnies do that for me...what sorta cat do u think i am?
Just for the fun of it
The thought of him wearing a thong while having dinner in a fancy restaurant....ooooh
...and no I don't wear his undies...if you know what I mean ;-) lol
For the record - to all those who knows my current, I haven't done this with him...just yet...mwahahahaha
“They say you can't live without love. Tell them oxygen is more important!.”
- G. House
When alone, do you lick yourself clean just under the tail?
Or do you do that in public too?
ahh corny still with the nail biting and thumb sucking eh?
woah! u make ur guy wear ur thongs....i hope u dont wear his undies...
Hmm jinkz why would u do that ? And if ur bf keeps doing it, then maybe he's not doing it just for u haha
I bite my nails when I'm nervous or stressed out. Awful habit!
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
Yeah, I tend to make bfs wear my thong when we go out ... he wears his pants too of course! LOL~
“They say you can't live without love. Tell them oxygen is more important!.”
- G. House
after each show,
i eat...
pizza, ice cream and beer.......
I do ............................... and ............................
I eat things i shouldn't when I am alone.
Sometimes I day dream.
At yet other times, I think of what might have been if I had done otherwise on certain occasions.
Aunt Polly
i sing my heart out when i listen to my favorite song...of course when im alone...
I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it. ~Charles Schulz
If I do it is my secret and I keep it for myself no need to publicise everything on the net especially not on QL
Dont be shy just tell them how you were fallen face first while climbing the tree last time.and broke your front 2 teeth :D
picking noce in bathroom.
"secret" has to be kept as "secret".....isnt it?
its much funnier if u doing a ballet dance... (wolf ballet dancer?? come on!!! hahahaha!
"Even if LOVE is full of thorns, embrace it. For in between those thorns there is a ROSE that's worth all the PAIN."
hmm just keep practicing thats all :D
I've never seen a wolf dance, I bet it's quite funny to watch!
singing loud just inside my bedroom
i dance
but never in public i could do so :D