No Music Forum

By guitargirl •
How come there is no forum for Music?
You have Family life, Advice and help, Sports in Qatar, Doha Life, etc, but no Music Forum.
Think it's time to add it. Info about upcoming concerts, instrument reviews, instrument inquiries, etc should be placed here.
I know there are music lovers out there.
yeah, a music forum should be a great addition. ;]
Well, if you read it on QL, it MUST be true! lol
Seriously, though, if you want to start up a music group, let me know.
I read it on QL, some Muslim clerics told me that
that's not true guitargil, he's just playing you
LMAO what a crappy thread this has become. You are quite right COLT45, i am a chick, unfortunately, I have no idea how to chagge the gender profile. Pft. :P
By the way, whyteknight said Music is "Haram" ...
Is Music really Haram?? Haram is forbidden right?
ggjoseph, I see. I suppose I missed that. Thanks for the advise tho.
Colt seems to spot the chicks who all of a sudden grow d*icks LOL.... Good one :)
As to guitargirl(or boy) - Look around - There was a forum started my CrapCirle a while ago on music. Tons of people who I think only 'spoke' about it....
biyatch please... he's asking you to unzip so that Khanan can take your baby-smooth ass :-))
na colt..i will let u enjoy for a while with your partners...there rizks is already asking u2 unzip so he cud blow the flute ;-) ha ha
and pants zip open as well Colt....:)
so go to the "mall mania" forum... Khanan is waiting there for you with open arms :-))
colt this forum is oversexed..for example look at rizk..u can define this species as "IT" not male or female
guys..stop givin idea's
but guitargirl's profile says "MALE"... chick with a dick??? :-))
chup ho ja:)
Damn..stop hijacking the thread:(
Good idea guitargirl...write the to admins throuh contact tab and they will do the needful.
hmmm... do.. re.. mi.. fa.. so.. la.. ti.. do.. !!!!
wen yr openly y not blow the flute aswell...hehehehe !
Motiver put tat bone is ur A.. and getout from this thread, this is a music thread not ur bone licking thread....:)
throws a bone at! this shud shut u for a while :-)
Motiver popat, no i like to blow ur head if ever i see u in front of me ? :)
rizks..let me guess, you like to blow the flute aswell ;-)
bongo drums?
Shuddup you rasclee's, i am serious here.
and what about banging????
Music is "Haram" now you like "banging" right?
When is the next "play" to see if I can join ya??
ya i am music lover, i love to bang drums !!