New way to commit suicide..

For anyone contemplating a quick exit. This is not the answer....
A MAN taken to hospital to have a cucumber removed from his bottom told doctors he inserted it in a SUICIDE attempt.
Chin Wei, 62, claimed the method was a variation of ritual suicide hara-kiri - usually carried out with a SWORD plunged into the belly.
He was found in a pool of blood by his daughter in Hong Kong.
Source: The Sun
ooh aah he crazy or what??
Cucumbers are a lot more dangerous than Bananas and slightly less than Marrows..
So please, please, please think before you act..
Didn't know that cucumber is so dangerous..:p
kill him?
maybe now he'll die from embarressment, for making such an idiot of himself;-P
I know people who do that kind of thing for pleasure....
no way,,lol..maybe it hit his internal organs and had internal bleeding. of the weirdest news i've heard.
OK.. I'm being good ... behaving and not saying what I was gonna say...
Beauty lies in the eyes of the beerholder.
Must have been a big one.
What comes around, goes around....
I'm in wet and windy London. Missing QL :O(
What the....
OMG.. brit, where have you been?
after such a long break you come up with such a bloody thread..
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
OUCH! seriously??? :P