New in Doha - Question about driving

I have only been in Doha for a couple of days and I am driving a loaner car from my company. Today at a VERY busy roundabout - the two cars in front of me go against traffic and make a U-turn. As I am waiting the car behind me practically touches my bumper, starts beeping his horn and flashing his lights. Well there was no way to get in the flow so I did what the first two did thinking that maybe this is allowed as there is a small lane there. After I make a turn a guy in a toyota pickup truck comes right up behind me flashing his lights then passes me. As he passes me he makes a motion like he is writing something down. Probably my plate number as at this point I'm guessing I was wrong. How much trouble will I be in if he reports my plate number?
Go even further back and you would see rifles and machine guns firing out of car windows on the "D" ring! Only when accompanying the bride and groom to the airport.
I remember a decade ago you were lucky if there was another car next to yours at a traffic light at 10 pm.
I honestly thought they may have cleared the road for you. ;-)
So that knocks another name off!
You got that right Diamond Girl. I've only been here a few days and I have already learned to avoid certain routes if at all possible. Taking the longer way around in some cases seems easier and safer.
Dweller, driving is not fun these days...I remember when one could zip through the city with no traffic jams...not so now...also the volume of drivers on the roads and all the different ways of certain times od day it's just not worth the effort crossing Doha.
At the mo its seems to be the police, I haven't actually seen an army vehicle for ages and there used to be tonnes because I work quite near the route to one of the bases. Got me thinking there.
at "it may have been a policeman!
Are they still the worst drivers or have the army taken top spot!
If you're on a roundabout, go round. Its hard out here, when the driving is so crazy, but whilst you need to be fairly aggressive, try and avoid actually driving dangerously yourself (as much humanly possible here!!)
The traffic here gets some getting used to, for sure.
Thanks DaRuDe for your support. I just might take you up on your offer someday!
Well - instead of going all the way around I just went to the left and did a U turn immediately back onto the street I was originally on. I actually followed the two peole in front of me. I was going to go into the roundabout but when the two people in front of me did the U-turn and the guy behind me beeping and flashing I thought maybe I was in a lane that was supposed to do that. After that I just gave up and went home. But I live to fight another day lol.
Always stick to ur lane never give any one way make ur own way out dont make problems for urself. let them keep flashing lights and do pomp pomp :D
let them die u just take care of ur self and ur car.NO ONE CAN HARM U AT ALL. if any problem call me will get him busted.SERIOUS.
Did you do a u turn to go the way you wanted to without going round the round about??? Would you have been goin the whole way round if you'd got onto it? Just trying to work out what went wrong for you here. Gotta say if that is what happened never seen that before and wouldn't recommend it, or work out how you did it.
Also watch out for 3 digit plates,not common but beware!!!
check with traffic's official site
best regards & with pray
I think this is one of those who are in a hurry to die
some people here are thinking that they owned the roads and they can jump over other peoples cars bcause they have something waiting for them as drinking a cup of tea or coffee and they are those always receiving them in the morgue for high speed.
Look if you are doing the right thing don't hesitate with this stupids and drive safely
I'm pretty sure it was Toyota. I see alot of them on the road. White, very plain, no frills pick up with neutral lines on the side of it. As for Nationality I don't know - it happened so quick. It kind of shocked me that he made such an effort to point at me and pretend to write something. And don't worry, I'm not the type to give anyone a rude hand gesture. I'm the muttering type. I spew slights to the individual that has offended my on the road while in the privacy of my car lol.
Thank you for the quick response. I was afraid he was an off-duty police officer or something. Your comment about driving normally is so true!! The other day at a traffic light the guy behind me decides he doesn't want to wait so he jumps a curb into parking lot running on the side of the road, drives as fast as he can to jump out on the other side of the light. I couldn't believe it. As for the U-turns - I see people doing them all the time - at lights and at roundabouts. I thought it was acceptable - and I'm still not sure it really is a violation. Is there a book of rules somewhere for me to look at? lol
dont' flip the bird at a qatari
get a qatari friend you can call when u r in an accident
not all thobes wearers are qatari
bcareful of anyone with a 4 or 5 digit numberplate
don't prove any point on the road just let the tw&ts push in - you just want to arrive safely. pull over what ever get out of their way.
so what nationality was the person in the truck? and it was a toyota truck not a bentley
dont worry to much.
Sorry I don't know much about the traffic rules here but just wanted to say sorry that you have had such a bad day after only being here a few days, welcome anyway!
it is a very serious offence to drive normally here. I would start looking up flights right now before the Local traffic police come for you.
Don't worry, he wasn't taking your number plate. He was probably making a quick sketch of you so he has something to look at of a winter evening.
Welcome to Doha.
I'm not sure what you did wrong. Anyway, expect a lot of bravado and little action. You know what they say about a dog's bark. Don't worry.