new to Doha!!

Hey! I am this new resident of Qatar and I guess like many here trying to figure out an activity in the spare time.. and then i just had this wonderful idea of joining for some guitar classes and I just wanted any of you out there help me find a place where i can take guitar lessons...
Meet you all soon!!
Take care!!
oops I mean narq mein
appka hell mein swaagat hai
im a well known guitar player in qatars underground metal music scene & also known for my music among the teenage crowd in doha.I speciaise in playing the acoustic,bass and electric guitars.mostly heavy metal.classic old skool and basic rock.i also play a bit of spanish guitar.i am interested in giving classes in guitar techniques and basic music theory for QR 1000 per month.i will not charge per hour.and i can teach at the learners house..if the learner requests for extra classes i will not be charing any extra fees.and we will start from basic music guitar parts..chords...different chord progressions.....scales.....finger techniques.....learn the famous songs etc.....and as the learner gets more skilled i will move on to the advanced level....i will also give classes as how the electric guitars and the bass guitars are played and how to train urself to play and sing together...
classes will begin once i get any interested student and i am ready to teach at the students house..the student is required to have an instrument of their own...i can give a good suggestion when buying the instrument....three classes per week...further changes might occur once i get any more interested students...looking forward to hear from you guys...thank you
ps:i am not muscially qualified in any way...but i guarantee delivering high quality knowledge and skills to the student......please check out some of my work to get a better opinion..thankx!!!!
when you are good at something....never do it for free!!
This post is nearly one year old
if ure still seeking...
i can give u basic & advanced private lessons or combined.
bats in the belfry!
hey spanky... Well nope i dont play guitar..its just been a wish to learn to play guitar for a while now....So it would really nice if you could help me....
bats in the belfry!
hey souperman!! Well I guess this is indeed a place for all the new comers.... Anyway welcome!!
bats in the belfry!
well i dont really sit online 24X7...anyway guys thanx for the great welcome!! And surprisingly this isnt as boring as Qatar is....
bats in the belfry!
nah spice mom... i am pretty much used to ppl calling me everything except Fiju...he he he...
ello there souper welcome and yep lotsa ineresting ppl in here.......:D
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
hope you both enjoy your time here :)
I am fairly new myself and I am always looking to meet new and interesting people.
all credit to you, we learn from the master ;)
am so proud of you my Hijacker STUDENTS,
they have given up on us already rizks??? :)
is the OWNER of this thread there ?? HeLLuuuuuu
there is nothing worse than a big smile and yellow teeth lol :)
and do you floss too?>waits for reply......
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Brandiz & Spicy Mom.... this Wolfy brushes his teeth daily....
Thankz to Close-up toothpaste keepin me close to everyone .....LoL
wokay then small tiny wolf with small teeth (hope they aint false........hahahahahh)oooops me bad
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
me thinks your wolfy has a very cheeky grin :)
Spicemom ... me not Big Bad Wolfy...
Me small tiny Wolf with small teeths ...EEEEEE
brandis morning 2 u ....LoL
morning ;)lol
lol , are ya another big bad wolfy?
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Oops... my mistake....LoL
I wish you all you wish yourself here in Qatar and enjoy QL x
nice to know that you're here...Guitar lessons..., i will try to find one can teach you already play guitar..?
ROBIN!!! To The Batcave!!!
rizks- you changed the name to fujitsu??hmmm what will fiju think?:D
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Welcome Aboard !!! Fujitsu ....
Welcome to Qatar hope you like the place
dont be pessimistic toward the heat outside we used to have snow previously !!!!!!!!!!!
yes in dark ages :):):)
enjoy your stay in Qatar
Welcome to Qatar
Welcome to
"Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are"
welcome to qatar dude.
Welcome to QL Fiju, and more importantly Qatar, i hope all the dreams you hoped for in Qatar come true..............ENJOY!!
fiju did you get my PM abt the guitar instructor??
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
Fiju do tell me in which institute i can get classes for
bats in the belfry!
Even I hope to have a pleasant stay here!! Anyway one good thing i have done so far is having joined this site!
Fiju you got PM
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
hope u enjoy your stay here...
bats in the belfry!
hey shane!
type in the search box - guitar lessons and the whole list will pop up or thread rather- gl(still if ya need an instructor do PM me)
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
bats in the belfry!
hey would be of great help if you could give me the number..
bats in the belfry!
Alright!! I never knew i would have such spontaneous response.. at least something in Qatar is happening!! And how do i search for Ram in the QL forum.. I am like this kid lost in some carnival ground... Cant figure out how to go about using this Forum!
just got son started with guitar lessons , if ya need the number pls send me a PM
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
check with Ram one of QL member here he is into guitar
greetings and welcome to doha, hope you have a pleasant stay
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
welcome welcome welcome