Nestle water delivery not answering their phone
By RyanCanuck •
The number on my coupons and on the three water drums I have is 44503332, but no one ever answers. You have the option to leave a message, but no one ever calls back. I am trying as hard as I can to give Nestle money. All I want to do is arrange for Nestle to take my money every few days in exchange for water. Does anyone know how I can get Nestle to take my money?
The ans. is N o B o d y ..................
Yes, I would also like to know who will break fingers for Britexpat.
Brit, Who has time for this fruitless task of Likes & Reports .......... Who will break her fingers for you ....... ?
You are not shy to gulp alcohol & inhale tobacco ....... then why do make drama of very minor issue ? .......
^Your advice is actually dangerous. X-D
You & your group live in a cocoon ............... know nothing ....................
That's all you can do about MM's comments. The alternative would be to cry. It's better to laugh, I guess.
Still laughing about MM's "our body has inbuilt cleaning system ....... our tummy has a purifier my pal , natural purifier which runs without any cost ......... we have resistance to those disease causing things you are afraid off "
True that britey !
MM thinks that we are oblivious to the fact that he "likes" all his comments as soon as he posts them and "reports" those from myself, Rizks, Wunae, Achhabaccha, WT and a few others :O)
^Why was that comment reported? MM does post nonsense. It's a fact.
Yeah, it's amazing how much nonsense one brain can produce in such a frequent manner.
Ryan, There is something stopping you from being straight forward .......... If you like me okay if not that too is fine but being in double status is not good for your health ......... our mind also will not accept impure thoughts .......... so you may tell me by tomorrow ....... if you support me , support me from the pure inner heart ........ unlike Mufties who just play around ........ any way thanks for atleast one comment which you ended with '' something special '' ............ all smiles my pal ....... don't forget to drink bottle milk sorry water ......... see you tomorrow ...... buy for today ........
I do admire MM's commitment to completely nonsensical arguments. They way he backs up his claims with irrelevant and misleading/untrue facts is really something special.
Mufty, Remind your friend Jerald to deliver 24 bottles at the Ryan's door today eve ....... let him bathe with the bottled water ..........
But de-hydrated ......... somewhat ..................
Ya my heart dies down for few minutes every time I read your comments, MM.
Ryan is a good friend of mine .......... now ..........
Ryan, Don't have doubt on me for liking the comments. I will tell you, there are many QLers who are in reading mode only , they may be doing liking task ......... so what can I do about it ? .............
MM, are you liking your own comments? That's pathetic.
I do have a huge nose, though. Like abnormally big.
MM..Ryan is not an elephant.
Never knew about you liking & attachment for the monkeys ....... love is blind ........ truly ...........
WT, If you go up & check by looking inside the tank you will notice that the outlest pipe is at about two inches above the base of the tank ....... so the impurities is any just settle down & only clear water comes to our taps via pipes ........ 2ndly , you may call Accha to assist you for tank cleaning job, it's 8 minutes job for one person .........
WT, If Zebras can get along well with the situation , elephants are fine ......... then what's your issue my pal ?
Good to know that Canada has elephants ..
MM, does the landlord clean the tank on the roof every six months? You will be surprised how much s... is in those tanks!
Okay tell me , how many elephants have become sick by drinking contaminated water in the month of April in Canada ? ...... .ZERO .......... Then who gives them clean water to drink my pal ?
Ryan, Instead of buying bottled water I will start investing that money in the stocks of bottling & filter making companies ........... you people spend { waste } & I will earn in equal amount .......... Ryan our body has inbuilt cleaning system ....... our tummy has a purifier my pal , natural purifier which runs without any cost ......... we have resistance to those disease causing things you are afraid off ............ anyhow throw away your money like that ......... till the time you understand Molten Metal ..........
Cheers, Mufti! Saves me again. :)
You have no idea what is in the tap water, so stop telling everyone to drink it. What do you know about the piping in your apartment? Perhaps one of the builders didn't caulk it correctly and now some of the caulking is leaking into the water. Maybe there is a section of pipe that was sealed with glue by an untrained plumber and now you have traces of adhesive coming out of your tap. My point is that you - Molten Metal - do not and cannot know what is in the tap water. Use your brain for a change. Stop trying to argue that ignoring problems is the secret to fixing them.
Ryan, There is nothing wrong in the water, all municipalities in the world give pure water for human consumption, it's phobia created by the cold drink makers & water filter companies .............. only people like Ryan get scared & run behind the water turcks ........... ha ha ha ...............
You can call up Jerald-66134276. He is an accountant and works with Nestle Water. He usually come to my office to collect money for water delivery.
My company has an agreement with them for supplying water cans. They come once in a week.
That's not actually true. And even if it were, chemicals could still be present. You should try drinking bottled water for a month. I bet the clarity of your QL posts would improve.
Ryan, I said in YOUR case, because when you make ice all life in the water is finished , all the impurities / bacteria become harmless ..............
Ah, Molten Metal drinks tap water. Finally an explanation.
I just feel so rejected. Is my money not good enough for Nestle?
Can't you take a hint ? They don't want your custom or your money ... :O(
Just go to the local Baqala and get the guy to deliver to your house - Not much difference between the waters... ..
I wouldnt buy Nestle out of principle - the name sounds French :O(
Tap water is okay in your case, freeze it previous night & melt it next morning , it is better than that mineral water you hanker after ..............
I just saw the Nestle truck drive by. I ran after the truck waving my arms and shaking money at them. "Take it! Taaaake it, please! My family is so thirsty!" The driver looked over at me, smiled...and then just gunned the accelerator, rounded a corner and was gone. I think I heard him laughing as he did this. I collapsed in a heap on the ground, dabbing my tears with my Qatari Riyals. The Nestle company is taunting me now, taunting me and the money they sincerely do not want. I'm lightheaded from thirst. I can barely type this message.
Why, Nestle? Why?
Ryan has a very clear view to the life now , fortunate he is ............... !
Remain at peace to live long ......... Do not 've sky high expectations form the society ......... be at ground .......... be practical ............
RyanCanuck: You finally have found the answer to the age old question regarding customer service is Qatar - Blessed are they who go with the flow
QL'ers are so forgiving to Doha and the frustrations that go along with living here. It's like everyone is channeling Molten Metal's 'agree with anything anyone says' philosophy. I guess that is why everything takes forever to get done here. Everyone so busy agreeing.
I tried several days this past week. No answer.
They are off on Fridays and Saturdays. Suggest you try on Sunday.
Yeah, it used to be Seagram's.
A Canadian drinking water - The end is definitely nigh O(
Nestle doesn't need your money, they have enough of it.