My Name is Khan - Lessons For Pakistan
My Name is Khan - Lessons For Pakistan
Ali Chishti February 16, 2010
Let those who love Pak-lover, SRK watch My Name is Khan”, Thackeray and what happened next day would change India for-ever; heading at almost all newspapers in India were, “MNIK Opens to Full Houses”; “SRK broke all records”. Interesting as I write this pieces millions would have already watched
the movie and showed the “Hindu Talibans” like Shiv Sena brigade that, “India loves Pak-lover, SRK and indeed Pakistan and India could be best of friends”.
Flashback some weeks back which caused so much “mirchi” to the orange brigade in India was SRK’s statement just after the IPL controversy that, "I truly believe Pakistan players should have been chosen. They are the champions, they are wonderful but somewhere down the line there is an issue and we can't deny it. We are known to invite everyone. We should have. If there were any issues, they should have been put on board earlier. Everything can happen respectfully. Pakistan is a great neighbour to have. We are great neighbours, they are good neighbours. Let us love each other. Let me be honest. My family is from Pakistan, my father was born there and his family is also from there” SRK.
And India listened to SRK and for MNIK to go on air and become such a success was a moment to savour, a victory for India. A moment when young India pushed back against old politics and the sowers of division. As a Pakistani I am proud of India and I wonder what would an average Pakistani Muslims reaction if someone like Deepak Pervani (wrong choice?) or Justice Bhagwandas brands, India as good neighbours and defends India?
And that is why India is so different from Pakistan and vice-versa. India is secular and Pakistan is tolerant or atleast a large part of it is (tolerant). Remember dozens of Hindu temples burnt because of one Babri Mosque in Pakistan?
By refusing to apologize, Shah Rukh triggered a civic protest but this time Shiv Sena was at the receiving end and its claims to historical analysis made it silly. Media in both Pakistan and India realized that Bollywood had found a real-life hero. Civil society, youth in particular, responded spontaneously. Suddenly the Sena looked mothballed. A friend who is a “born again Muslim” like JJ and Ali Haider and often bashes bollywood from Karachi only yesterday after watching the movie at a local theater mentioned that, “SRK did the biggest tableekh for Islam by making MNIK” which made me smile and my reply was that, “then give credit to the hindu and gay, Karan Johar; a sikh, Kajol and rest of the infidel crew too….” And the guy almost had a heart-attack. That is the typical Pakistani attitude to you for a country whose founding father was a Shia khoja; whose national anthem was written by a hindu and a foreign minister a Ahmedi now officially declared as infidels.
Masood Azher of Jaish-e-Muhammad and Hafiz Saeed of Laskhkar-e-Taiba needs to be shown My Name is Khan too and it’s after effects and how old-style “mai-baap” politics of Udhay Thakray and Hindu Talibans can be defeated without bomb-blasts; hijacking planes and fidai attacks where thousands of innocents are killed.
The whole episode shows how if we the “commoners” of South Asia are allowed to speak for them ourselves and given some-sort of a political empowerment; we would always give out the right decision but obviously let’s give credit where it’s due: Indians made SRK, India and ofcourse, Pakistanis proud of them now if we the Pakistanis could ever, repay the debt? Stop, Hafiz Saeeds; Masood Azhers and Kasabs for a starter.
In the end I watched the movie and found the message to be more brilliant then the movie itself. And since SRK-Karan wanted to make a film with a message, that message would have been falsified if he abjectly apologize to the Sena which he didn’t. Curiously, the theme of his film bled into real life. The persecution of the film has ended up reinforcing its message. This is no ordinary hero. And My Name Is Khan is no ordinary film. Long after the wary-of-physical-touch Rizwan has finally shaken hands with President Obama, long after the heat and dust of racial and communal hatred has settled down the core of humanism that the film secretes stays with you. Bravo!
...hhmmmmm.......nice post lunch discussions......!!
tooba, how can you forget Gadar? It was one of the most unintentionally funny movies I ever saw. You are right. Movies are no cure for the problems we have.
no pblm drmana..infact i love to read world news..
soniya, it was not a question about INDIAN POLITICAL SCENARIO but about a group in particular. Yes, we as neighbour do give interest in news about our neighbours.
I really wish Pakistan & India could be best of friend.... and I'll comment on this whole post after watching the whole movie....but what about other Indian movies in which Paki people/ soldiers etc are shown as the most culprit but Indian guys/soldiers/police etc are most humble human creature on earth type?? one movie cant change the political side and by the way all the terrorist activities such as bomb blasts and hijacking planes are done by in-human terrorists with no religion/country/name etc....even if its LOC/Khakhi or My Name is if they care??
well, Shiv Sena is a case of confused positioning. Most of the times they champion the cause of Marathis & I wouldn't call them religious fanatics. But they do align with fanatic groups like the RSS & VHP when it comes to 'protecting Indian culture' like what they do on valentines day etc. (They have an alliance with BJP, so I guess they have to do it). But otherwise its just a right wing political party.
Sorry Rizks,
I took over your job of hijacking this time but my intention was not to stir any controversy or war of words.
It was a genuine question for my knowledge.
rizk bro, it went to other direction and some of the people from our neighbouring country were curious to know about INDIAN POLITICAL SCENARIO..thats it..
i read/heard some where, that they are lying all the day time inside their rooms, having no work, and waiting for their partners (female) that they will bring some earning for their drink???
No offense if i generalized.
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
:( this thread was suppose to be the review of the movie "My Name is Khan" not for any dropping bombs :(
drmana, u can't call SS as a terrorist group..they r not the one who r dropping bombs in their own land..Yes, they r hardcore HINDUS or rather say MARATHIs.., 100 LOGON KE MOONH SE 100 TARAH KI BAATEIN..Let them call themselves as the representative of MARATHIs but the fact is that the shivsena has lost its foothold/ importance in its own land..Since u r not an INDIAN, i can't explain u in better read our or SHIV SENA's history..NO OFFENCE PLEASE..its just a straight answer..
Thanks Soniya for the info.
I just wanted to clear my thoughts as I had seen many times here in QL that people are quoting Shiva sena as terrorist(or similar) organisation of hard core Hindus. Hence the question.
Thanks once again.
i've an objection for your first answer.
the correct answer should be
Shiv Sena is political party, but as per the political scenario in Maharashter most of the time they are representing themselves as religious, Marathi Nationalist racist, and very narrow minded group. :P
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
about shivsena :
Shiv Sena is a far-right political party in India founded on June 19, 1966 by Balasaheb Thackeray. It is currently headed by Balasaheb's son, Uddhav Thackeray. The party originally emerged out of a movement in Mumbai, the then-Bombay, broadly favouring increased influence of Marathis in Maharashtra. It built a strong base amongst the Marathi community in the sixties based on its ideology that Maharashtra belonged to the Marathi community and that they be given preference over migrants from other Indian states.
Although the party's primary base is still in Maharashtra, it has tried to expand to a pan-Indian base. Gradually the party moved from solely advocating a pro-Marathi ideology, to one supporting a broader Hindu nationalist agenda[citation needed] as it aligned itself with the Bharatiya Janata Party. The party has taken part in numerous Maharashtra state governments at several times and was a coalition partner in the National Democratic Alliance cabinet that ruled India between 1998-2004. Members of Shiv Sena are referred to as Shivsainiks.
drmana, here goes the answer of ur queries:
1.)Shiv sena is a political party of MUMBAI..
2.)The word shiv has derived from the great maratha warrior SHIVAJI RAJE BHONSLE popularly known as CHATRAPATI SHIVAJI MAHARAJ who laid the foundation of MARATHA empire during medieval period..
Dear Indians in QL,
I have two questions out of curiosity from above post. Please do not link it with any controversies as these are just for my knowledge.
1. Is Shiva Sena a religious organisation or Political party for people of Mumbai?
2. Does the name "shiv" in its name actually referring to lord Shiva or a Marathi warrior (I heard somewhere the name MAHARAJ Shivaji, I hope I heard it correct)?
Please, it is not a question from religious perspective, but for enriching my knowledge only.
Thank You
now examine "Pajju" with these symptoms. :P
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
lol way KJo waves his hands & the way he talks, he comes across as a bit 'feminine'. I know I have some preconceived notions abt gays because I haven't seen one in person. But a lot of ppl in India have a similar perception of
will u plz, explain little, how gays look like??? :P
i mean their identification???
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Its beyond me as to how the author can compare Shiv Sena with Taliban. They don't use suicide bombers & militants to KILL innocent people in the name of religion. They are just some cheap attention seekers. They can yield power in Mumbai & areas around. I mean, I come from the same state & in my town nobody cares if they exist or not. I guess the author is from Pakistan & has not idea about whats going on in India.
Karan Johar is gay? Who told you that? I mean he looks gay, but no official confirmation. Because SRK is so close to him people call him gayrukh And whats with the fu**ed up grammar? Have some basic spell checks before publishing the article.
she wasnt for very long time, tatz one of the reason i too ditched her....ohh sorry him.....:)
Pajju cheated me, she wasn't a virgin :(
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Yes speed bhai,
Faith is a personal matter of choice, atleast I think so. May it be BigB,SRK or aamir or anyone else...!! they all r good entertainer!!!
lol Dot.Com
asif_khan dont go to him, he has spoiled our dear friend Pajju and now u r his next TARGET !!
kabhi hamarey pass aao na, akeley mein gup shup karega :P
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
then wat they r doing....????
even i m proud to be a KHAN long live KHANS
"SRK is loved in India for his credential as entertainer nor for the faith he follows."
He is just an entertainer !
A few corrections, sir,
1. Kajol is not a sikh, she's was born a bengali brahmin
2. karan is gay?? I wasn't knowing??? another rhetoric!!
3. Shivsena is not taliban- I havn't seen they burning girls school, banning females' activities, Bombing the BAMIYAN BUDHDHA, (actually they are not so big a force as being portrayed and always opposed by civil society and many a times they are "reactionary" then initiator.
For me, this stuff is not of big importance because I am no one to comment on my Neighbor's issue, as simple as that.
SRK is loved in India for his credential as entertainer nor for the faith he follows.
okey everyone Shhhhhs...My name is Khan is best name .. Proud to be in Khan family ,so all Hushhhh to boring ideas lol
-: Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. counting pulse :-
then The name will be My Name is Oily Man ...
-: Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. counting pulse :-
so what type of ling or link u want???
Pajju will be the leading actor in the movie "My Name is Sena"... he will jump around some mulberry trees with his big tummy and sing mallu songs with 4Ltrs of Coconut oil in his head dripping from his neck till his paints...
and the film is surely a big FLOP...:(
I've already started my project with the name "My Name Is Bombay Jan" :P
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
Dont let Balthakrey be Hero in My Name is Sena lol
-: Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. counting pulse :-
LOL if in the link the same long msg is there, then sorry i dont want the link...:(
do u need the link for this kopy kat post???
A lot of lovemaking can unblock a stuffy nose! Dr. Choc
I havn't watchd it yet ...but sounds nice movie..your views are interesting aswell..
-: Follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. Ask questions, then feel the answer. Learn to trust your heart. counting pulse :-
very well said. but how many pakistanis think like you. most of them are hypocrites who dont want to comment on the real issue. they would enjoy MNIK but wouldnt appreciate the true meaning.
i wish every pakistani gets to read this article and gets over the vain frustration and anger they have towards India.
we have so much of love to share its time to stop sharing hate.
hmmm will read it on friday....
can u plz describe the above in just ONE SENTENCE ?:(
Good, that u have liked MNIK..I don't wanna comment on ne other topics that u have highlighted..