Muntaza Clinic - Bad Experience

Recently i had experienced badly as i was waiting with my 3 year old son to consult doctor in Muntaza Clinic, my son was very ill with high temperature. A lot of other patients also waiting near the doctor's consulting room. Gradually the visiting area became over crowded as no body is coming out from doctor's room. Actually in side the room doctor was chating with his friend, every body is looking face to face but no body can do any thing but only to wait to finish his discussions with his friends. Several times the blue uniformed attenders remind doctor regarding the long que of the patients. Unfortunately it takes nearly 40 minutes to come out his friend from the consulting room. This kind of behaviour from a doctor is unaccaptable to a society..... How we do... and where we can complaint such incedents ....
Unfortunately, this habit of chatting with friends or colleagues while keeping others waiting, isn't unusual in the Middle East. Have personally experienced this irresponsible behaviour among officials in different countries in the region, and lately also here.
I believe it's a combination of laid-back attitude and lack of accountability that encourages this type of behaviour.
Better go to Childrens Emergency Clinic at Al Sadd as mentioned by Ohbewan. they are very efficient there and attentive.
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sorry to hear about thet. but next time if it's your 3 year old son, try going to Pediatric Emergency Clinic (PEC) which is located in Al Sadd. I found the Doctors, Nurse and all the staff there very helpful and efficient :)