Mozaic or QCV???
By svelte_saggi •
Okay,dear comrades!Svelte is in need of serious help now!We just shifted to our brand new home and are going to apply for a new telephone connection.Somebody suggested that we take a Mozaic connection with ADSL,Landline and Sattelite TV All-In-One...some others say that in spite of the higher total monthly bill,taking a QCV connection and applying for a separate landline and ADSL connection is better.
Taking all the pros and cons,which do u think is better?I'm totally confused now.... :S
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
if u wanna tata sky receiver .. plzz lemme know there is one additional receiver there u just have to recharge from india
Sale of Tata Sky Receiver is banned in Qatar. So you can bring in the receiver from India and ask the local cable guy to set it up. The Tata sky transmission is coming in from the satellite in the it cannot be halted or "banned".
Subscription to Showtime & Orbit are a joke compared to it.
Also bear in mind no telephone lines will have to be laid or pulled to get Moziac. All phone lines are Moziac enabled. QTel just has to plug in their receivers into the phone sockets.
Moziac.. gives you Wireless ADSL, TV and Phone line all in one..
Beware that you have to sign up for Moziac for 12 months. If you cancel before 12 months you will have to pay the remaining subscription.
pro's. If you get Moziac. You will get free installation and all channels free for two months.
Derek Edward Trotter
is Tata Sky still legally available on air here in Qatar?i heard rumours about it being banned here.i'd love to get Tata Sky!and prefer it more than either QCV or Mozaic....
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
Mozaic is better..because of the wireless more than one person can connect to the net easily.
I was never happy with the QCV thingy box, antenna etc....Although football is very bad on Moziac as it gets pixilated due to the fast action ....While cricket is good.
Overall I prefer Moziac much better than QCV.
In fact one has to combine Moziac with Tata Sky to get the real benefit of Internet and Sat Tv :)
thanks a lot,fellas....i've been using QCV for the past 6 years and am quite happy with dad thinks paying 250 per month for the Mozaic package is better than the 330 we're paying now for all three separately.for the 250 bucks,what's it that we get?just one Channel package?
Going to church no more makes you a Christian than standing in a garage makes you a car. ~ Garrison Keillor
You have to check with Qtel... I moved to a new apt as well... Apparently Mozaic is not available at all locations in Doha... Take ur Qtel No. to any Qtel office and first check if da service is available in ur area... As for QCV, I've heard dat da picture quality due to signal issues is not dat clear in some localities... Hope this helps...
no difference... both are
i will vote for Mozaic... its a solution to three basic necessities as you know three in one...