mothers stay at home to raise their children

By girls_kidnaper •
mothers stay at home to raise their children?
Should parents be held morally and legally responsible for the actions/needs of their children?
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at last kidnaper's certified
...when the easiest answer is to find it out yourself.
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach giving my comments only...nottin else.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
pleas mr every_mothers_n stop it. kidnapper is Good Guy.
he just want your comments.
proud&pure PAKISTANi
it will take Iran 100 years if not be something like mumbai.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
dont forget that 50 percent of mumbay's population sleeping on footpath. be in your limit. do somethig for your country.
Girls k....when u open a thread stay on the thread and share your views as well.
dont just open a topic and run away...this is the 5th one u opened since morning.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
What’s your question?
Are you saying that mothers should be at home to take of the kids?
I think when they are very young they should stay at home once they start goin to school mothers can go back to work, if they are capable of taking care of home and work.
If mother is earning more than father there is no harm in him staying at home and taking care of the kids till they g to school.
Upbringing plays a major role in a child's life. Parents are partially responsible for their kids action...