Morning people...Breakfast time ! ! !

Alright people, it is rather lovely for a day in March at Qatar out there...
But then I guess, it is time for everyone to get their lazy A-Z-Z-E-S up and be at work...
So quick suggestions...
How do you stay awake at work...(by the way, is it that easy for everyone out here to get out of bed at 5 am and be at work by 7 am...if yes...please tell me the recipe to that)...
And second, alright, back to the usual topic for me...whats in store for breakfast...I need to decide where to go...
Eggs, Muffins, Fruits, Cereal, Beauty, Brains (Picked up from the other topic)...
Actually I've decided from today not to hijack any topic...Fingers Crossed, Hope To Live...
And people, whats in store for today...
I can See that Darn Smokey's Cat is back on again...Yuckkkkk...Good to have You Back Pussy...Cat
So whats up people...
Will see Darude, got a T60 laptop to finish tonight :( The customer is an important one and my GM entrust me only with this one ... don't know if it is a bad or good thing ...
Scarlett> Not yet .. the said tomorrow .. if not ... i'm really going to shoot someone tonight .. that is why it would be a good idea to meet Darude tomorrow .. so if my car was not fixed yet ... I will introduce Darude to him and while I don't like violence i will tell him ... gotta get something from my car ... he would realize late that i did not get my car yet ... too late atcually :)
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
good morning to you as well!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
just saw your post, sweetie!! Thank you..things here are going fine, just very fast and furious! Missed you last weekend...sighhhhhhhh I always start the day off with a good breakfast to give my brain a lot of energy to run needs all the help it can get lately!!
hopefully you are doing the car fixed yet?
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
just a quick good morning to all of you sweet qlers..
[img_assist|nid=12867|link=none|align=left|width=|height=0]Nothing in life is to be feared. It is only to be understood.
Lol - Well Tweety is in the office but I'm not sure if I'm in "DA house".
Good morning Da!
Ok enough of being naughty by posting on QL and not working. Time to get to work because my boss is a real task master. (wink wink).
Take care - Tweety is now officially leaving "Da House".
Good morning guys.
Wish by this time, ksarat's stomach is not screaming anymore.
Now my problem is I have off today and tomorrow. Trying to figure out what to do. Any ideas?
Hey there buddy, how you doing...fablous morning to you as well..the sounds of a long weekend is always fantastic isn't not going off anywhere..of already ready with an Easter schedule...
Whats happening over the weekend...
GG: O well what was that you just asked..."SHE"????
DaRude: O well, I have bfast in the night before sleep I wake up the nexxt day and ready for bfast again...just can be cheating mind can ya buddy...
Hey how about a quick meeting for a coffee in the evening for a while...just a many are ready...
Mila: Aaaah...a special bfast...shud I say that your hubby is a real lucky guy...or what...(sorry got personal)...kidding...and yes...thats a list alright...shud try that Aus...we used to have this Aroma Cafe...there the breakfast...ooooo superb... And Mila, just for your info, it is not HARSH is HASH BROWN...dont sound HARSH IN ALL YOUR WORDS TODAY Girl...
Ksarat, I am talking about special b'fast that has nothing to do with food. wink.. know wa i mean now yeah?
But speaking of real food, I always go to Eli France Caffee they have good breakfast with very reasonable price. Harsh brown, sausage, eggs, toast, slice of fruits, orange juice, coffee.. Man.. I can eat. hehehe
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
...i will feel urgently i need a coffee yet.
and tonight i will feel supersupersupergreat because a long weekend stands bevore.4 days off.
Ksarat- She?
yep..I think I need an IV drip of coffee for the caffeine to kick in this morning.
Ql..yep has been a warzone for the past few months..pretty sad, actually. But there were always those that kept it going...and Darude was always ready with his pistol to whip everyone back into included...
Hubbs is doing fine..had major meetings this week but will do fine, i'm sure. We go on a week vacation next week, so both of us are looking VERY forward to that! Well needed break for us. The boys loved Doha...but youngest got the flu while here and spent the week in bed with high fever and coughing. Eldest met Da, gypsy, johnb, xena, corne,greeker, ok there were more but I've slept since then, so my brain isn't working right.
If I had switched chairs and let Corne sit next to him, I'd probably be a mother in law by now...but I saw that look in her eye...ooooooooo....he'd never know what hit him! Actually, he thought she was beautiful and sweet (yeah, corne WAS sweet for a change!) We'll have to wait and see on their next visit here.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
at night when going to bed he starts thinking of breakfast. man why dont you just take your breakfast at night and go to sleep :?
Good monring/Evening and how are you? you dont sound the real you... hope everything is fine with you?
You can come any weekend and have breakfast with me, I don't like to breakfast alone either. Man no need for a wife ball and chain thing whaaaaaaaaaa
Mila - seems you are not happy today girl lol lol
hmmm how about today night hmm tomorrow night?
Xena hmm will check with her later once i am done with it myself.
First up, morning to you buddy...
Secondly, why are you being so mean...I mean if I get married and have a wife then I would have to eat only what she cooks...but here its a feast...(not that it still has worked invitations)...but still you cant loose can ya...Everyday brings with itself a New thats why...
Speaking of a wife...naaa...dont talk about it..its a bit early...
Selamat Pagi = Good Morning to all... hope you all are alright.
Ksarat, why we always discuss b'fast? you really need to get a wife man, so she can prepare special b'fast for you everyday. LOL
Everybody is right Everybody is wrong, it depend where we stand.
Morning to everyone I missed....
Had a nice start in the sun today...cause the fire alarm went of in the office...hehehe..I think there is someone else who doesn't want to work this morning...
Latte with no sugar...I know thats your style...tasted it...(with great difficulty...sent it down my throat)...Lol...
sure will keep the fruits in check though...
Farhan: Cya mate...have a nice one...and regards to that Martinez....
alright guys...jus dropped in to say hi to all of ya..gotta get back to work...loads to catch up...
Have a great day ahead ...
Try low fat latte no sugar..................with a bit of fruit works for me.......................
wanted to see you last night but you know the situation better than anyone ... so it is really difficult to get any ... ask Xena as she booked those before ... maybe she can help ..
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
yea everything is well and fine and working on the dhow trip. went from work to pick Red pope last night came to check few dhows he picked up few and then after that went to wakra to check for dhows there but no sign they are all fishing dhow. so i have to book with in few days and will let you know all.
Yea yea Scar i know you were waiting but got late at work and the pope was looking for me since 3pm till 8pm :D
Martinez is very much in Doha..Moved in to a new place...he is yet to get his ADSL line there...All fine otherwise...not much to complain....
"Make a difference or make way"
Aaaaah so you are buying out the souqs...........
and the rest ... Big Good Morning for you all ... Hope that everyone is having a nice morning ... had or still planning to have a superb breakfast ...
KSA> Sure buddy, wait until my car get fixed and we will arrange that ... I'm really tied up with wotk and got no car and it is really difficult to do anything these days ...
Scarlet> Looooooong Tiiiiime noooo seeeee How are you doing these days mom? Hope that you are just like always doing fine, still pretty sure that you can be better ... That was a feast and not a breakfast ... a nice one to start the day with ... got no sugar here in the office and had to drink my black coffe without it ... once i taste it ... i start break dancing ... felt the electricity shocking all of my body ...taste ewwww without the sugar there indeed :(
Darude> How are you doing today big dude? Hope that everything is just ok ...
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
no no she is not in my house she is in her house :/ Da house is empty right now so thieves are welcome in my absence :D
GlobalMerchant..haven't been on much lately..seems I am spread thin (figureatively speaking, not physically, unfortunately!) lately with hubby's work and personal committments..and shopping at the souqs..
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Hey Tweety: Morning to you buddy, how you doing...long long long time no see...hope you been alright...
And yes I hear ya...those works at office...LUCKY YOU...LOL...
I wonder whats with the Coffee...I used to drink Red Bull when I used to work night shifts at a Gas Station in Aus...I bloddy used to sleep more...sheeeesh...Caffeine...and Me dont go together...How unfortunate...
Good to see you ... buddy...
Yo! sup Faran good morning to you too :)
Wouldn't take ya too much time to know the others as well...
A few of them they say...:)
So whats up buddy...where is that other bugger Martinez...his parents called him back to India is it...LOL...
Good Morning....
Looks like I am a member of the caffeine camp. I drink coffee to get going in the morning along with a protein bar in the car on my way to work.
Staying at work is easy because as soon as I check my email and drink another cup of coffee I'm off and running. If I'm lucky, I get a breather at lunch time to check out what everyone is up to on QL.
What's in store for me today - trying to take as many things off my "TO DO" list while doing my best not to add more than I take off.
Have a good day everyone !
Alright...Good morning to all you lovely people out there...I guess I knw a few people in the house...KSA, Smoke & Scarlett...Good Morning guys...
where did i go, where did i goooo...oh wait here i am :) corny i thought all women thought men are dogs...or was it that we are pigs..i cant remember now :)
Well the pinneaples are Ok, and other natural products from philipines are nice too. LOL
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
O right you did hear your name...was jus beginning to miss ya already...alright buddy...take those wheels for a service...if you could take my car as well...they need servicing and if possible a new set of wheels...Lol...
C ya in a while...and you had to mention that you had breakfast so mean...:( now scram girl...
@ KSA did i hear myname being mentioned???yep i am home (preparing wats for lunch) and now out the door sending me wheels to be wat ya need ?watever it is will have to wait as i so gotta get my fat butt to yall later
btw already had my bfast.........heehehhhehhehehhe
life's too short so make the most of it, you only live but once.......
"Make a difference or make way"
Well the weekend is approaching. Nothing much in store. Just came down from Dubai a month ago. Met a few folks here on QL. Darude has something up his sleeve for the weekend I guess, so I might approach him for some shelter
Thanks buddy, indeed saves us a scroll to the bottom of the page...
And indeed, weekend approaching...cheers on that eyyy...whats in store for the weekend...
"Make a difference or make way"
Hey how are u doing. Either I am absconding or u are absconding or are we missing each other daily
"Make a difference or make way"
There you go buddy Was a bit exited. Weekend approaching
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
"Make a difference or make way"
Good mornin Everybody!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey there mate, morning to you infact a lovely morning to you...
Now come on get that topic line of yours a little smaller buddy, you are ruining the whole page dimensions...
You want to edit that post...
would if I was wearing right now..hate wearing shoes at all, much less first thing in the morning. (Ksa..RUN!! I'll distract Da...)
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Now where did you see and whats and whos Mariam-mar...
Come on mate...take your love tracks elsewhere...dont do that in my thread...Lol...
now whats with you and mariam-mar...and who's mariam-mar...
wake up and sip a tea. feel the goodness of the day by starting with a big smile and hope that everything will be alright.
log in now
taken that, thanks for the tip on Phillipines,
And on a lighter note buddy, come on get off...we aren't here for a Tour of the Phillipines ... Lol...(jus kidding mate)...
most of produce in the Philippines is good if not the best. better visit the wonderful islands of philippines.
Just take your shoes off and start hitting Ksarat with it. while i get my belt and strike corny and smoke :D
That's alright girl, did notice that things havent set in for the day still with ya...I was just kidding...LOL...
And thanks for those words, indeed I have been noticing too...lot of positive stuff missing...I was away on Hols, so couldn't stay in touch with QL, however I was keeping an eye on the amount of warfare and armour that was being blown on here I am Back again...
And anyways hows hubby doing...boys back in the states are they, hey by the way forgot to ask, how did those blokes find THEIR FUTURE WIFE...Lol...and seriously, how did they find Doha...
Perhaps if people were to take on the role of dogs, the world might be a better place..I mean, heck if we all walked up and sniffed each other's rear ends instead of just fighting or blowing each other up, wouldn't that be better? Mabye we could all find a friend to help us find the bone we buried somewhere in the yard last month also.
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
sory honey...caffeine hasn't kicked in just yet. lol
always good to see you on here..we've really missed your positive attitude on here lately..BOY, have we missed that!!
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Aaaah...Scarlett....I was just wondering whom was I missing, cos I was just seeing the best of Corne back in action, and so stopped missing her, but then I knew there was someone else that I was also missing...YOUUUUU...
How are you doing beautiful...that was indeed a healthy and a BIG BREAKFAST...Lucky you, next time remember and put it in that damn brains TO CALL ME GIRL...
Good to see you, am doing good...( just in case you didn't ask and notice...LOL)...
Corne: Oooo...looks like you sure are quite done with your exams and are ready to party...Hard...Naaa...smokey woudn't know anything about dogs he's always been behind pussy....cats...I mean...Lol...(cho chorrie being a lil bad early up)...and he aint human he wont know what humans do...there that goes for a toss...
Hmmm...smoke...u do know humans are NOT dogs...don't u ? But then again ur smoke, so I wouldn't be surprised if u didn't :P
Dogs like chasing cars and postmen, chewing on old shoes and smelling eachother's butts...u think we should do that as well ??
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
just finished breakfast...berries, protein powder, juice and flax oil hit in the blender til smooth...then some now a happy camper! the you spend the rest of the day with the seeds that get stuck in your teeth.(culprit is the blackberries!).but at least it keeps you occupied!
Was going to work out but jaunts bailed on me..which is alright cause I was out eating sushi and smoking sheesha til 1 am...ouch..i'm tired now..
Corne...I am SO gonna tell your profs that you are "resting" in class...ahem...
Most folks are about as happy as they make up their minds to be. --Abraham Lincoln (1809 - 1865)
Hey Spicemom, where are you still sipping Green Tea, now come on and get online will ya...
And what about the rest of the people, gone off to sleep...
off for a smoke break brb...
Hey there King...indeed, back last week and started on my new job as well mate...
You are seriously asking the wrong person of a breakfast session, the only reason I wake up on Fridays or Saturdays is because of you buggers, who turn up on a weekend only in the mornings, like there is no guys, so deprived of quality Sleep...Lol...indeed buddy...should try that out one fine morning...before it gets tooo hot....
Anyways how have you been and hows things...going for you, long time since we've met, we should meet for a coffee soon...what do ya think...
Good Morning Ksarat (official good morning to you) the best thing i can advice anyone to stay awake early in the morning while doing your long drivings to work is to stick your head out the window...if dogs like it why shouldnt u?
@ GG: Morning girl, good to see you in such a nice mood...stay like can surely bring a lot of light to QL...and yes, back in action...I mean early know GG, before I post a thread, I think too many times, because I know of someone who would scold the crap outta me the moment they see "Morning" Threads...but then again, I hate the day start with Lovey-Dovey stuff, and thats why set the day light, with a heavy breakfast...(but unfortunately, even after so many threads, noone has served breakfast yet...)
@ DaRude: O indeed, Confession booth, heard a lot of this...(is breakfast served in there...and I hope it is around 8 - 9 am)
@ Corne: Morning sunshine, Alarms ya I know, the problem is I just cant cheat my brain, LOL...I know it is only 5:15 am and that I still have another Hour to start off...but before I know it again, this time my brains have cheated me, I see the clock it is 6: 20 AM...Lol...And breakfast...QF should be a place that I might need to try...
Never knew that you were back here buddy, how are you doing by the way? How about aranging one Big Breakfast Feast for QL members on Corniche one of these Fridays or Saturdays? What do you think?
------------------------------------ Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. (Gautama Buddha)
Oh the alarm snooze this is soooo true! I set my alarm about 15-20 before I actually have to be up cause I know I'm going to snooze it a few times lol.
Morning KS! Drink tons of coffee to stay up, that's what I do for lectures...and sometimes it works...and when it doesn't I just "rest" eyes for a few minutes while the professor isn't looking lol.
Hmmm...breakfast...I don't know what I'm having yet
I'm not always right, but I'm never wrong -Garfield
should i get them to your booth for break fast saturday or friday morning. Ksarat and Gypsygal and mfx are good cooks while skanky take well care of glass.
How are you guys doing this morning? I am really in a good mood dunno why? lol
Sarat you are back in action with his usual food stuff and DAY thread..... I dont have breakfast am used to it...and not hungry.. I get hungry only when Charan post his recipes at mid day...LOL
Darude - some of us live to eat...and people like you eat to
Morning Gentlemen,
@ MFX: O Well, buddy thats my biggest problem in put me in any part of the world, the time period of 5 - 7 is something that I really dont like to see, but till date every job that I have done, demands that I wake up and get to work by 7 am...I wonder what enemity does God Have with me...LOL...
@ Skanky: Now come on buddy, dont take the topic elsewhere...I didn't ask for a feast from the Phillipines...speaking of which doesn't taste bad at all...;)
I know both of you start to work earlier than me...but what to do...maybe I just got to keep active...
And trust me for the first time, I was the person to switch on the damn lights in the at this place, nobody turns up at 7, its just me and security...drinking tea saying CHEERS...Lol...
Hey skanky! you said...same...different...ah well at least they pay me for being
Miss the pork to skank.....
Have a nice day!
Hows your day in Ras Laffan? Same Day Different Sheet? Lol
Yesterday I had the same as you for breakfast... I miss Pork Sandwich for breakfast. with a cold rootbeer.
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
Good Morning Ksarat
I have to wake up a little bit more early than You and start to work at 6:30 after One Hour Driving...
My breakfast is a big Pinneaple from Philipines... I dont know why everything from Philipines taste good LOL...
The Venezuelan Sensation!!!
To stay awake at work...drink coffee (I mean a lot of coffee), cold water...make it cold in your room.
Yes I am able to be between 6.30 and 7 am in the office (and I have a 1 hour drive every morning.....)
Just go to bed in time, set the alarm earlier than you want to come out of bed. Snooze a couple of times so you have the idea that it's already late en you had some extra time sleeping (just fooling your own brains) and get out take a shower en get your breakfast.
For the breakfast I would go for some low fat yoghurt and cereal...but he thats just me...
Have a nice day KSA!!!
O well, Paaji, thinking of which its morning time...and what else to do other than keep yourself full...
Now get back to the topic and tell me where do we go for breakfast...
Dont you have anything else just eateat eat ah thats why you are such a flesh drum :D