Moment of Truth!!

I was watching this new “reality show” on cable the other day called “Saach ka Samna ( Facing the truth), inspired from the even popular show called ” The moment of truth” ,an interesting concept where participants have to keep their pride and perhaps even their peaceful lives at stake all in the quest to face the truth and of course in the process pocket as much of the prize money as possible. When the truth begins to crush them and it becomes too much for them to handle they run with whatever pride and money they have. Questions about sexuality, Chastity, modesty, honesty in marriage, work, troubled pasts, and disturbed relationships all that you wished the world should never know is all on display on this 1 hour show.
I guess we all in some stage of our life accept that some truths are best left untouched unseen and unheard.. its best to believe that not all in life is not as it may seem on paper.. ..the more you search for the truth the more you hurt your selves. Choosing between what’s right and what’s true is a difficult choice. Being right is never the same as being true. What we do and say in certain circumstances and situations in life may be right but it’s never the truth. At the end of the day, if a lie can bring a smile, a hope, a dream.. If a lie could make you believe what you wish for….. don’t you think it ok to mix a little?..
But then to face the truth an a million viewers worldwide in a quest to earn a quick buck is altogether a different story.
Given a chance would you participate in this show?? My personal opinion...some truths are better not told.
lol Brit !!!
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
FS ,
This showes are all planned one to increase their ratings.And spot heros and heroines are readymade by them with sensational issues in family.It's all are drama.By hurting another one and getting money and fame is not correct in my point of view.
Brit Expat we understand wrestling is not a real show.If any one have that much punch and kicks then surely the victim will all are gimmic.
FS, i appreciate you for not telling truth for money.
Do you know the thirukural Poimaiyum nanre -------,
I will translate the meaning of that" If we say lie instead of Truth for goodself ,then it is welcomed by society".
Nah, Brit..I grew out of it :)
Dont they get "cleared" from their diseases etc....after their confession?
Thats what L Ron Hubbard used to tell his Scientology/Dinetics followers.
Washing their dirty linen in public for some money..
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
u have to tell the truth,and nothing but the truth BUT NOT THE WHOLE TRUTH! sometimes it's better to shut up!
a happy man living his happy life, must not be told his wife is cheating on him! he's happy not knowing! why screw his life, his wife's life and her lover's? hahaha
Unicorn…Sshhhhhh… never know...don’t underestimate even a homemade bomb...:)
Ever since ‘Red pope’ is banned from QL…...we don’t have a confession booth
...after you reformatted your soul...I don't think there would be any explosive truths anyways...going by the chirpy good person you are
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Feels so pathetic..when people do such things for money...if the turth hurt someone...I better wont tell the truth...and vice versa ..if your truth can make a big differnce in someones life then why not tell the truth... but for Money.. I dont think I would do it!
The past is the past...
I don't want to know about my partners past...
And even they fluck up in the future I don't want to know
I just want to stay happy and in love...
Keep it simple people or you will never be happy...
Read my quote below...
You can't teach experience...
are more amazing than fiction on these shows sometimes...I have seen some participants on the original show accepting some unbelievable stuff...I would never participate.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Half of Canada would have a heart attack..
Just wondering if Gypsy would
I just hope that you don't believe that wrestling is real also :)
at the of the day, at home, you need to watch some tv programs at home and that need to be interesting....
that's it.
Amazing how some ppl can afford to lose or hurt important relationships for a handful of dollars! I watched one episode when a girl insulted her father by this so-called moment of truth! (Assuming it was a real thing)
Good for them, I'm not against it for those ready for this kind of "public" appearance.
Some people hve fame for 30 minutes and become heroes / rolemodels for others :O(
Some people like:
1- Adventure/gambling.
2- Fame even if for 30 minutes and then destroy the rest of their personal life.
3- Money!
Yea, i'm aware of that.. but still...
i personally cannot face anyone after saying i had sex with some one or i'm a gay or something like that if still they are on the the show !
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
Its all about fame, money and sensationalism. The "whole" family is in on the act ..
Those people who are participating for those quick buck of money dont think about the after effects of the show !
Do you guys really think, after the show if he revealed all his bloody shitty things and can face his/her mom or dad or spouse ? crap !
btw, if i get a chance, i will participate for sure! :)
tEaCh Me RuLeS, i'Ll TeAcH hOw To BrEaK iT ..
morons with time & not much of a life-btw, i'm referring to BOTH,the people that take part in this crap AND the ones that watch it...of course this is going to take off in India in a big way considering there are loads of my countrymen/women with nothing much to do in life...
as far as i understand the polygraph test is conducted prior to the show....the result is based on how the person responds buring the test... his heart beat n somthing like that.
imagine someone letting the truth out and end of the day he dosen't win anything.....that would really piss em off.
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
IMHO only moronic minority looking for their 15 minutes of fame participate in these shows. What I find worst is the people who watch these shows. I find it hard to believe that they don't realise that the shows are "geared" to produce drama , consternation and sensationalism.
I dont think they should protest, but my concern is how accurate is the polygraph result? I am not comvinced.....if am telling the truth and when the machine says false..then what's the point? unless they can prove that I was lieing.
there were protests in india regarding the show.
i dont understand why people should have a problem if someone speaks thruth.
but still i would not participate....
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.