.. mind .. a place for thoughts ..

By Molten Metal •
Hello QLers,
Mind : A place for { all kinds of } thoughts ....
Discard the unwanted ones to make space for the fresh ones ....
MM ..... ....... Tue, 26.11.2013 , 08.55 hrs ..
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Thanks everybody for your valuable inputs ..........
Wed, 28.11.2013 , 06.10 hrs ..
Ma fe Inbox anymore, tears on the menu :'(
Woow tats great !
Quick, inbox me the venue and time and menu - will be there in no time...:)
OK then, let's have lunch together Rizks
It's on me :O)
Its in general ! :(
Rizks tats OK was for whom? me, brit or MM :O(
Rizks, Pic shows inlets - outlets & routes and a processing tank .....
Let the outdated / useless thoughts move out & new ideas / thinking come in the mind for analysis ..
Tue, 26.11.2013 , 09.35 hrs ..
Rizks ,,,Remove the dust over your dead brain and try to find the link
but for now you are the weakest link, you can leave the stage, with the shame walk :O)
Rizks: You fog brained papadum. The pic shows vats of beer connected by pipes- similar to the left and right sides of the brain .
and wats the link between tat pic and ur thought ?