Massage??? WTH??!!!

By azilana7037 •
I keep reviewing and checking my QL profile if I EVER mentioned I know someone who do MASSAGE services butI can't find it...
BUT some "nincompoops stupeedumdums" here keeps sending me PMs asking me for info. WTH!!!
I DON'T WORK FOR QTEL Directory Assistance nor I don't see my avatar so square-faced to be mistaken as QTEL PRODUCT FINDER???!!!! HELLO!!!!
Yeah, MODS will say, "ïf you have complaints,please use the "contact us" tab for appropriate action." Though I would prefer the NAME & SHAME topic thread, these "moronic cretins" are far too dense like ADOBE (sun-baked blocks made from straw and mud).
ahh so that's the meaning of PM - Private Massage, now I know.
Just look at the brigther side. If you can charge QR5000 per massage session than theres a whole fortune in it. Now that you about to be within the rank of Rich & Famous amoung QLers, go for it.
Thanks kenji
If I have extra time during my vacation I will try...
i took up lessons sa massage center..but i didn't finish it cause i have to concentrate on my studies and family matters.. pero chinita it is easy to learn massage,you just need to learn and will see pag natuto ka for sure you're bf will be addictive to it and he will never leave me :D
actually may gf was the one who pushed me to learn massage..after i learned doing massage, i made it as a part time job sa pinas..
chini no :(
You can't teach experience...
hello people,
ei PAJJU still now u haven't receive any PMs from masseurs?
just wait :)
Kenji, wer did u learn doing massage? is there any training for that? coz i want to learn... i will give PAJJU a great massage after my vacation..
oh, ok... thought u were...
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
star Nope .. saturday :)
lol bajju... are u back?
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
star its ok .. no probs , ask him any gals there for massage to me ? :)
lol kenji! sorry bajju, we have a professional in the house... now we get to have some real massage! lol!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
hi Azi
No Peace :)
yeah i think i shud have wrote it in english, yun nga lng mas magaling pang mag-english ang carabao sa kin :D
anyway,nice to meet you star :-)
I'm sure you'll get queries now...
We're in the main I can't post in Tagalog...
But welcome to QL, nonetheless...
LOL kenji!
ure on the main forum though, english only...
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
hi star, i'm kenji, and i'm not green :D yan,sinabi ko na sau real name ko ha..pero npangiti mo ko nung sabihin mong bka green ako :D
actually it's my first time browsing QL forum, and i saw this topic..and then i read azilana kinda promoting what i posted sa ad.. azilana,thank you that's very nice,mraming salamat. i really do massage as part time,khit nun nsa pinas pa ko.
i never thought na mhirapa plang mgpart time di2, nglinis ako kya lng sobrang nkkpagod kya gumagapang ako pauwi ng flat :D kya naisipan ko why not ipart time ko yun masahe, and i did, di na ko gumagapang pauwi :D and nkksama ko na kpatid ko during rest day nya.. kya lng hanggang 1st week of august na lng ako,kya bahala na c batman..if you know someone na gusto pmasahe ipaemail nyo na lng ako sa [email protected],yan di na green yan ha :D
greenmail elmo... sounds green... :D
like bajju's green bottles.
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
Pajju out of business .. lol
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
That;s it.. I think I have found my perfect Masseur, and it's Kabayan, what else do I need. I will contact him when I come back from my holidays..:)
Pajju you are not wanted anymore, me and Pikey are gonna use him..:)
was checking QL classifieds for some carpet cleaning service when I came across this one. Seems legit so those QL folks wanting one, check this out:
* hi sir/madam, if you need an oil massage (home service) don't hesitate to email me at greenmail_elmo/-a-t-/ * i accept male/female client
lol Azi :) early morning u makin me hot :)
Uk for male no :) happy holidays buddy .. bring some dolls from mali :P
with her cricket bat and oil....lmao
PAJJU...for once, make an exception. It turns out that a lot is looking for massage service. Me and starfaith could be your agent and book you up from today till kindom comes...lmao
maybe then we will have funds for your hospital bills after starfaith 25 is through with you. (joke)
Peace MAN...Good Morning :-D
I don't need to be popular or whatsnot.
But sometimes, we need to vent out once in a while. That's why there's
Do you offer happy endings Pajju?
Uk sorry , my free service for ladies only :)))))
i stand corrected azi,... and yeah i agree with you on that point.. we do need to sometimes.. :)
Pajju he is a male I think.. Please help him...
pikey r u male or female ? :)
Azi I am sure someone will help the poor bugger, looks like he is really in need of a body
Though Qatarisun have someone sending her PM's offering such service.
Anyways, I'm sure someone would reply to you here or to your PM inbox sooner or later. :-P
Hey Pikey.. Do you want a massage with a happy ending?
I have read this interesting thread about some weirdo asking Azilana about massage services.
So what is the verdict, Is there or Is there not any massage services being offered. I am very interested in finding out about Massage services in Doha.
As this topic is related to massage, if any one knows any good masseurs in Doha please forward details to me, especially anyone that can do home visits..
lol azi, guess that means some points have been added to your popularity level hence the add requests hahaha...
which other topics you referring to anyway ;)
I think I missed a lot last night when I went offline around 7pm last night.
Been on the READ MODE since 5AM and I'm smiling (more like smirking) from what I have read so far (referring to some other topics in the main forum)...
Anyways, my PM INBOX is quiet now...but my "Add Buddy requests" seemed to be getting active. ;P
y'all still at it huh lol ;)
been receiving PMs like that every week. In fairness, after more than 2 years of being a QLer, I shouldn't be shocked/affected anymore.
But sometimes, one thing or another may grate on one's nerves. Maybe it's just that one of those days in a month for me. :-)
I'm yet to see one too ;-P
lol azi!
i too got one from a user whom i think is banned now...
sandeep, there are lots of pervs around trying their luck...
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
You can't teach experience...
lolz nice pic funni :P
My point is to at least disrupt them and not make it easy on them. But no one is forcing you to do what I do.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
PM, and if MOD blocks their one account, they create another one in the very next moment.. I am just ignooooring... this is the only way... it doesn't really hurt you to find couple of silly PMs in your inbox... as soon you see you are not interested in the subject, just move to the next message.. you max loose few seconds and 100% of your nerves are saved .. if you started fighting them, you waist your time, you loose your emotional balance, and on top of that they feel important and significant in your life, and eventually thats' what they want: to be noticed this way or another.. that's what makes them happy.. do you want to make them happy? then go ahead, start threads, send them angry replies, report the MODs, boil over, fight for your rights.......
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
let the fierceness rule!!!lol
I'm new at this.. How does one go about this harrassment malarky ?
PM said it right... :)
They deleted his account.
LADIES: please report these sleazeballs to the moderators so they can deal with them. If you simply block them, they will continue to harass other women here.
I refuse to drink the kool-aid! -- PM
oooohh... cat fight! now that would be a good scalp massage!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
Why not just block them or respond to the PM... Seems silly bringing it to the public forum...
hey azi, what did i miss? ;)
Not like that... i love azi... so ur the serious type ha... don't take everything seriously " ate" hehehe . mwaaah
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Azilana and Jen....
The lovely....
i wouldn't mind one now :(
show ur talent girl!
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
so I could give it to my PM sender...
Now PAJJU has a
I was meaning/referring to MY QL AVATAR being 'SQUARE-FACED'and comparing it with the THICK SQUARE BOOK itself, QTEL Product Finder.
I never posted/commented that QTEL PEOPLE are 'square-faced'...
Sweet.... pls. show us what you got... show ur hidden talent...
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
I DON'T WORK FOR QTEL Directory Assistance nor I don't see my avatar so square-faced to be mistaken as QTEL PRODUCT FINDER???!!!! HELLO!!!!
So all who work for Qtel have a SQUARE FACE?
ROFL azi!!!
and rub some white flower on ur temples while ure at it! LOL!!!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
ops,. i just recalled that I, on the opposit side, keep receiving the PMs OFFERING the massage from the same guy.. let me forward them to you Azzi, and you forward them to this annoing guy, and he will leave you alone.. that's it.. it will make everybody happy.. I will get rid of these PMs, your guy will get the address where to get a massage, my sender will get the client, and you will cool down.. great deal!
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
nothing SALOMPAS can't remedy...lmao
"A Wise Man knows what he does not know!"
lol azi i know i did my respect :) yea azi she is cheatin me .. i said its free service :) star u u u u :P
If you ever become single, let me know...
I love your *spice*
bajju... the chicken head on top of a jelly body. lol!
dont worry about pretty azi, she's busy ignoring so she'll ignore this lil hijack... lol!
let's give pretty azi a head massage... ;)
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
but whatever's the outcome of your massage service with Starfaith25...I'm not involved there....lmao
star .. ya ya u wanna try ? lolz .. Azi sorry for hijackin .. lol :)
lol bajju... like jelly???
malabari jelly!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
and with a track of topic like really have an ATTITUDE...too bad it's UNBECOMING for a young lady like you.
I suggest you better learn some INTERNET MANNERS
But I'll follow your advise...From now on, I'll learn to IGNORE...AND I will start with YOU...
lol star i dunt have born ... a soft body u know :)
lol Azi am here only just waitin for star call :P
iiihhh.... azzi... you sounds really pissed off... I am wondering what EXACTLY pissed you off? don't think it's a massage messages.. just tell the idiot that you have no clue who can provide such service, or ignore him couple of times....i am sure he will stop asking you..
"What lies behind us and what lies before us are small compared to what lies within us."
Oliver Wendell Holmes
LOL bajju... i can give u a massage as well...
im good... at breaking bones!!!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
What's his specialty anyways?
hey Pajju??? where are you?
lol star i like sandwitch massage :)
lol panda ... for him cricket bat is better :)
aswin PM me ur details :) we will have dum biriyani dubiyani .. lol
Ash, you prefer with hand or with baseball bat?
oh azi, how can you be so selfish...
after posting everything here? LOL!
well then i guess im gonna have to take bajju's offer...
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
Suddenly my body is paining like hell ...
So who gives a Good massage here ????
Reality is a Illusion Caused Due to Deficiency of Alcohol
lol Azi :)
if u cant handle simple message like those better go to the bathroom then cry... don't tell me u take it seriously dear... well, i wish u don't look like a spa
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
not offering :-P
Á QLer named
Don't worry, Pajju...I'll definitely forward the message to you.
azi, and the foot massage... darn, i so wanna have one now! gimme the no. of that PM sender... LOLz!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
You can't teach experience...
Azi plzz prefer my name .. lol :)
reflexology therapy...
LOL bajju! come with some lavender oil... :D
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
star i am :) free service .. lol
i just had to comment on thai massage... AWESOME!
haven't tried it here though... u know anyone azi? LOL!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
just send him to me, i'll show him how to do a massage.
NOT !!! ;P
blame it to "ïgnorance" or trying to be "cute"
The PM sender or the PM?
Someone here do needs attention...
i neva fgt massage from bankok .. wow wat a chiks :) lol
You can't teach experience...
So you posted it as a proof??? duhh...
Just ignore it KalAs!
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Miss Jen
Word to the wise:
refrain from speaking Arabic
Said by a pinoyski ... usually is eardrum perforating!
Just as horrible as girls that are not Arabic that use the word 'yani' ..... HORRIBLE!!!
I wasn't doubting u azi.. jst found it hard 2 believe.. anyway keep ur temper in check.. as i said be4 name and shame.. atleast other people will know whom 2 avoid...
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
hehehehe...I read that topic too. :-)
Anyways, I've been reading posts that are equally pathetic and embarrassing at the same time...SO WHAT ELSE IS NEW?
i feel for you azi, i get those days as well....
azi, there's a thread on how to control ur emotions... anger management ba... lol!
but ure keeping it cool... and still being nice diba... :)
so now he will PM u more as he knows he got ur attention... LOLz!
Life's a bitch and then you DIE! ;)
my patience is kind of wearing thin.
Imagine yourself working for 8 long hours communicating with your staff whom you can't understand when they talk and/or you don't know if they understood what you said.
then, when you open your QL, here pops a message from someone you don't know asking STOOOPEEED questions/info...(*sighs)
i don't think it's got anything to do with time warp anyway, some of them just want attention.. ;)
These éntities would contact you for 'somethin' you posted 2 years ago on this site. Guess most people are trapped in a TIME WARP or something (*gigil)
hmm azi another FC (feeling close) huh.... they send you messages as if they're talking to their bestest friend... ;)
To: azilana7037
Subject: Massage
Date: Tue, 14/07/2009 - 12:15am
Hi Azilana...!! Have a nice day. I am in search of messaure for my full body massage. If you have nay contacts ..kindly forward to **************/-a-t-/
Thanks in advance.
See...i'm still nice coz I can't/won't divulge the PM sender. one thing's for sure...HE'S ON LINE right now.
Let's see if "he" (and the rest of his kind) are that dense.
to make up some stories like that?
But don't worry...I'll revive this thread/topic when I receive another massage PM...
Do people really send such messages????? sounds a bit ridiculous.. anyway i say name and shame
" Dont take life too seriously, you will never get out alive!!!"
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Smoke thats the whole plot.. If I say that I want a lady Masseur Hell will break loose. So the plot is that when Samya gives me his details I can ask if he has a lady friend in the same business.
By the way I was recommended a very good Lady masseur by another QLer who goes by the name of Jonjavajones.. Now that masseur is worth the money I hear, but there was no happy endings :(
BritExpat is London at the moment checking out the famous London Soho, for the latest talent..:)
relax, so early in the morning AZI :) lol
i think they want to get some attention... but couldn't find anything to say...
i received PMs/msges like that....good thing im always in a good mood these days... i just erased it. khallas :)
If I receive another stoopeed message/PM asking for info about massage services, I'll just send him the number of the police station so he could inquire directly from them. I'm sure, they would be delighted to know HIM....
UKeng come on now you do realize it a HIM giving massage right? Chinese dolls becoming too expensive for you? or did you get scared about that whole arrested at Ramada parking lot thread? Brit hasnt been seen around since :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Cor Blimey.. How come I never get any Massage requests.. Samya please pass me his details I wanna Massage with a Happy Ending..:)
This is great news, azzy i'd like a full body massage on the 24th please try and work me into your busy schedule..i'd prefer it by the beach side thanks :) lots of X and O's :p
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
lol azi, even if you ignore them, they still won't get the message... ;)
LoL @ Azilana... i keep getting pm'd by a Filipino guy asking me if i want him to come to my house and massage me... LoL QL is getting strange :)
when the spa I used to frequent raised their prices but the service deteriorated...uugh.
the road paver rolls over you...hehehehe
1. Just ÍGNORE...
2. Block him so he can't send you messages
3. REPORT the PM sender; then what? He/she gets a warning or gets banned.
If YOU(you know who you are...stooopeeeed) are scared to ask in the QUESTION forum coz others would make FUN of you...Then here's what you do:
A. Go find yourself a QTEL Product Finder
B. Google it
C. Do it the old fashion way...GO OUT or drive around(if you have a car) and look.
Just, the second part was a bit less...
This picture was taken JUST before you forgot you needed to go to the toilet
Me and my wife really enjoyed your massage Azelana,
hahaha azilana? so where can have a massage? hahaha joke dear.. just want u 2 smile.. chillax!
Just let me vent for 30 minutes or so...then you can go ahead and delete this topic...