Man trying to sell father's ashes on eBay!

T'is indeed a strange strange world we live in .........
BITTER William Ireland is taking revenge on the dad he says abandoned him as a child - by auctioning his ashes on eBay.
William, 50, claims he was six when dad Ken left his mum and broke contact to start a new life. He later tracked him down.
The bidding for his ashes starts at 99p. William said: "I spent a lot of childhood pining for dad.
"When I found him we started seeing each other then he died in 2006. I found out his estate was going to the woman he left my mother for and their son.
"I thought he might have made it up to me. Obviously he never cared."
William, of Atherstone, Warks, got the ashes after paying for the funeral.
Ken's wife and family are thought to want them back. The ad suggests turning the carbon in the ashes into a diamond.
It reads: "Here are the ashes of my father, Kenneth Ireland, an adulterer who left a wife, two children and just £17 in her pocket. He never paid a penny towards his kids' upbringing."
The Sun
An expensive way of getting "Closure" :(
he is a fool.
he can't move on, that's why. poor guy!
"Admit your mistakes...before someone exaggerates the story."
As bubbly said:'what good will the revenge do him'???if we can call this a revenge...I think,at the end of the day,God will take care of everything(here or on the other life)
Never say never
ahhhh forgiveness...
what human nature lacks...
and bitterness, what we always carry with us...
what good will the revenge do to him?