Man Robbed in Qatar for QR1.5million - Please Watch out..

Did you see in today's Gulf Times? One man was robbed of QR. 1.5M in front of a Bank's car parking by a gang of four people. Similar stories are very common in Dubai also. One lady came out of the bank with the money someone banged her car from behind, she got out to check the damage and the other person in the gang took the handbag and ran away.
So all of you please watch out when withdrawing cash from the bank or from the ATM., always look around for suspicious looking people. It's our hard earned money, we should be more careful. Doha is no more the same place it used to be years back…..we never bothered to lock the front door even at night.
conspiracy..sniff,sniff..until proved otherwise by the "Galat
Times(Hindi word for 'wrong')".
It's an old saying, "'ll gotten gains don't stay long in your pocket"
In this country built by labourers who are paid QR.300 or 500, this 1.5m smells of an insider scam.
Nobody needs that much cash in hand, unless it was some poor folks salary to be distributed at some desolete campsite.
1/10th was probably the whole camp's salary and the rest would have been pocketed by arab bosses who drive in their fancy cars and whose wives sit in fancy waterfront restaurants sipping coffee.
Now it is even good reason to say they don't have the money to pay the salaries or delay the poor labourer's salary a little longer.
If it is stolen by the labourers gang, good for them, at least they will get their promised salary. In this case I say that 1.5m was begging to be 'stealed'.
Is it true that Qatargas employs office boys who reportedly earn 10riyals a day and does Qatargas know or care that Qr4 is retained by the employer. who is this contractor?
I work for a company that employ's ICC contractor. Their men are paid QR400 on an average. So our company tops it up by 400 more for ethical reasons and appreciation of their service. At least they don't have to work part time elsewhere after hours.
I am sure you can name a few more companies....let's have QL shame these creeps into the open.
don't trust all u see here, even frankurters have bits of bone...
dey shud not leb deir car unlok & oder valuabel tings f ur arawnd lil boy. jk!
during school pick up ... lots of car's door are left unlock with handbag, mobile and other valuables leave behind. Back home in Jakarta people wouldn't dare to do it.
We are seeing a lot of crime lately. Our house was broken into a few weeks ago, luckily they made a noise entering the house and then ran away before they got anything. The same night they tried to break into our neighbours house as well.
A few weeks before this my wife had cash stolen out of her purse at work.
I am amazed how many people tell me they don't lock their doors at night and people at work always leave bags, phones, etc unattended.
It is sad but I don't think we can trust everyone around us - got to be security conscious :(
Best go to the toilet quick.
watching your back at the ATM, turning on the car alarm.put a club on the steering wheel of your car. getting a alarm installed in your house. locking the windows at night.
just like back home. now i feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
should lock cars houses etc!! When we first moved out here we got broken into the person came in at night and stole all our lose cash! We werent too botherd as it must have been a labourer i felt sorry for the guy having to stoop that low that he had to steal from people. poverty creates crime!
people out here are not secutriy minded have you seen the handbags which people leave in trolleys while shopping? uttermadness!
Thou this was organized crime - but what idiot withdraws that kind of money from the bank and by themselves i ask you doh!
[img_assist|nid=13270|title=Love Life|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=113]
love life!
Gypsy Gal, How are you?
Hey, do you know, there was some news on Tihar Central Jail (or some other jail from India)) some days ago in GT? The ISCON has taken over the contract to provide food to inmates. The food they are supplying is sooo good quality and quite in abundance that the prisoners under trial are simply refusing to leave the prison; saying that if they are getting this food in the prison why would they go out and do the crimes.
But besides food there are some other resons too;
1. Some of them may be kleptomaniacs
2. Some of them have everything in there life but the thrill.
and so on.
I'm still in the habit of locking my house, my car and watching when getting out or into my car...looks like I need to keep those habits up!
Moral of the story...don't withdraw 1.5 million in cash. What was he thinking!!?
And what was he buying with it? Get a bankers draft, use a security company
Desparate times lead to desperate measures. It can't be easy for someone on less than 1000QR per month and there is not one single justification for paying somebody that amount of money. I have heard all the arguments before regarding how much that money is worth in their home country etc.
I do not have a maid for that reason entirely. We have a lady who comes round once a week to do the cleaning for about 4 hours. I pay her 250 rials per visit. This is how much I would expect to pay somebody in the UK to do the same job and that is how much I feel i would need to do it.
if it was preplanned as u just said it, They collect the information about,sum of,time etc ... ok that means they know the man very well .. and as they know the sum of the money that means they know the place of it .. why would they risk and do it in public ... i guess this case was just random .. or they were informed by someone inside the bank, could be a gangester or one of the staff ..
in our co. camp, some laborers are gone crazy due to unlivable condition. 10 workers in a small room with monthly salary as low as QR 500.00. they want to go but the sponsor will not release them. the employer doesnt care either. life is hard in Doha but it is worst in their country. Maybe some will commit to stealing just to survive.
ahhh I miss the good old days when Doha was one of the saffest places on the planet (sigh), things are changing rappidly...we are having more of nice buildings, good streets, but we are increasingly having greed and moral decay...the price of progress I guess
Life is so different in the wilds of the Scottish borders. To help a friend out my husband went off, toting a battery operated drill over his shoulder, and visited the various 'village' banks with the purpose of unscrewing and replacing the metal plates on ATMs which say what other bank card can be used in them.
He was busy drilling away at one ATM and a queue was forming behind him.
Eventually a little old Scottish lowlander stepped forward, tapped hub on the shoulder and said:
'Have yer nae gotyer card wi' yer son?'
Ram i gave just example of 1.5m.The thief doesn't know how many is there.But In the robbery case maximum are preplanned.They collect the information about,sum of,time etc.So they can know about the sum.If somebody know i have money than he may also know,how many i have ?.The people who robbed 1.5m he may follow from inside the bank,they can see the money or they may be informed by bye bank staff.What is the fact ? i dunno.IF not how can they imagine she/he have money, while parking in front of bank ?
Let's think a little bit .. i'm going to the bank and knowing that a certain man is going to withdraw ... i found him coming out and i waited for him .. then we (me and my gang) robbed him .. how do i know that his case was having 1.5m ... i was targeting the man and the case without knowing how much is inside ... that's it ..
when some one steal a wallet .. he steal it and he count on the luck .. it might be empty or it might be full of money ... don't think that they were knowing how much the man was withdraw or the robber should be one of the employees in that Bank .. who informed his gang about the man with 1.5m .... does that make sense to u ??
I suspect it wasn't the poor office clerk but the wealthy friend/manager who helped pull this off. I doubt the poor guy could move QR1.5m out of the country!
Organised crime is very different from the petty crime that being underpaid may cause. Remember, white collar crime has always existed in Qatar - rich people stealing to get richer!
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Never thought such thing could happen here. Let's be careful guys.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is facing a hard battle." - Philo of Alexandria, 20-50 AD
I agree with u .. but to do this that mean that u know that person .. it mean they might be employees for the sponsour .. and he is not paying enough for them .. these salaries r not only for clerical jobs or labours ... i have seen marketing people with salary 1300 ... accountant with 1200 for more than 2 yrs and he has 3 years experience ... so they might want to have more moeny and in the same time revenge from their sponsour ... 2 birds with one stone .. got it ??
As my knowledge,Maximum persons who involved in robbery case are their habitual action.some one try to write his name in magazine.For an example A teen agers boy robbed a bank in Nepal.Even he was from rich family.He don't know about he salary and job.Why he did ? simple answer,
he want to read his name in Magazine.
The people who robbed once time,he want to try again and again until he catch bye police.
some people have habitual action.Some people follow their generation,who used to Robb.
Actually who are lazy and don't want to work but need a huge sum of money they try to Robb.If some one robbed 1.5m i am sure that 1.5m is not enough for him,he will try for the next time.
IF salaries are the base of robbery case,maximum company are robbed in the world.No one are satisfied by his/her salaries.Every body need more and more.
Qatari is right... Ram all these organized crimes and mafia involved in these are not low paid workers. They are not stealing because they don't have money to feed themselves or their family. It's because they want big money in the shortest possible time and of course without any hard work.
Give reason to back up ur opinion ..
Ram : I totally agree that salaries are a huge problem (one that could easily aggrevate someone to knicking things from their sponsor) BUT let me assure you, the people stealing QR1.5million are not the labourers or office clerks - this is organised crime. They probably marked the victim, followed him to the bank and then jumped him when he came out.
Please read our Community Guidelines before posting on Qatar Living. It will save us all a lot of pain :)
it's not one of the reason . it's the main reason .. if they have big salaries wut will push them to do so ... if they have money .. why would they think to have others' money ...
"but that doesn't mean they can rob others and meet their needs" gypsy Gal said ...
Yeah i agree with u in that .. and i'm not saying that this is the way .. but i'm saying that this is the reason .. and that makes all the sense ..
good morning,gypsy gal,hamlet and ram
ram i am not agree with u.we can not compare robbery and the salary.
ram is not justifiyoung robbery, but you can't deny there is something deeply wrong in Qatar now....the gap between those who have and who don't is increasing more than ever
You cannot justify robbery with poor salary.. it is of course one of the reason.. but that doesn't mean they can rob others and meet their needs….that makes no sense.
with high rents and expensive living and low salaries for certain level .. what do u expect ?? actually i was expecting this to start happening and it will be more worst if the salaries did not get raised ...
Do u know the office boy or the constructing labor .. how much do they earn ... actually i've dealed with some and i was shocked ... our office boy is earning 900 Q.R .. some labors earn about 1000 to 1200 as max. ... shipping co-ordinator in our big well known company is earning only 1800 ... a cashier in the same Company is earning 1200 ... i'm talking about a big leading company which is well known over qatar and middle east .. it's QN .. so if in such leading company these are the salaries wut are the salaries in other companies ... and how do u expect people can live with this salary while every thing is expensive now .. WHAT DO U EXPECT FROM THEM ??? live peacfuly .. i don't think so ...
you are sooo right...i very often lock my car door. I think I should be careful cos after all as u said Doha isn't the same old place we all knew.
that's a lot of cash to have in your hand in this day of plastic money and cheques isn't it?