Luminous Retort System V.1

Ladies and Gentlemen,
It gives me great pleasure to announce the unveiling of the new and revolutionary Luminous Retort System V.1. Priced at a mere QR. 99.99; this product is my very own invention and will enable users to counter Road-rage very effectively. I’m sure that like me, many of you often find yourself being tailgated by some fool in a SUV flashing his headlights as if they were death rays intended to kill you. Well, now you can fight back. The Luminous Retort System V.1 fits on to the rear of your car and utilizing advanced photoelectric technology, automatically generates a high intensity flash focused at the perpetrator, temporarily blinding him. This patented technology is the result of years of frustration experienced on the roads of Doha and is guaranteed to provide you with a more peaceful driving experience. Please place your orders via email; bulk orders will receive discounts. Also, the Luminous Retort System V.2 (beta) is currently available on a trial basis. It includes the Preemptive Strike feature which will emit a blinding flash at any SUV homing in on your vehicle with the intention of flashing at you; please contact for free trial versions.
Many thanks, etc.
...boobies transplanted to my back for this very reason...there are other reasons too but those ones will cost you...
DOn't worry, a lot of people don't think of that. :)
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
LOL... why didn't I think of that before !!!
I use the rearview mirror. Sometimes I turn around, but it's easier to use the mirror.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
It seems like a physical impossibility to flash your special "Luminous retort system" at a guy who is tailgating you !!! Can you turn around while you drive or is there another way of doing it ? Please educate the ignorant by sharing your enlightened thoughts....
This could well be an additional feature on Version 3 when it is released in June, 2008.
LOL. where can I get a fake one for myself.
If you found some of us sarcastic, but seems ur products is not allowed yet in Qatar. Be careful dude :)
This invention isn't so spectacular. I do this all the time by flashing my boobs at them. Drives them right off the road.
[img_assist|nid=13228|title=I feel your scorn and I accept it-Jon Stewart|desc=|link=none|align=left|width=180|height=180]
To the couple of people who dig sarcasm, I doff my hat. To the rest, I apologize.
Dont give up your day job :p
Luminous Retort System V.8 in form of a MAC 9 sticking out of your rear window and aiming at the windshields.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
I love it...let's see who's in the hot seat now....LOL....can I order 10 :p
Seriously, with all these 4x4 driving around Doha, we might as well be in the states!!
...are you planning to use halogen bulbs or a xenon light source? You'll get a much more intense flash with xenon but the simplicity of halogen has much to offer.
If I may offer a suggestion for future models; perhaps you can offer an optional audio component to the excitement. Maybe a 400 watt PA system directed backwards to replay his honking at high volume. Of course, this would be an extra cost option.
Spikebelts, caltrops, ballbearings and other devices can also be employed if a more physical effect is called for.
Good luck, young entrepreneur...
I want to tell him that I invented an invisible porsche but doesnt know yet how to run this:D
whats ur invention???car cleaning soap?? :D
na dont go for fake things they never last for long may expire anytime.
and if he is that much sure he should get us some proof here a pic say or some video trial. but its just an other way of earning sure it costs around 200Dirham in Uae and he might be selling it for about Qr500Approx.
This thing is very dangerous!!! OMG!!! sorry but it's a big no no this can cause accident! temporarily blinding the person!!!whew!!!
I thought he is an inventor, that's why.. wanted to meet up w/ him.
Coz i invented something and may need help from him to complete:))
its kind of white flash light sharp and too bright its available in Dubai not here in Qatar coz its not allowed here in qatar. may be he go one from some one around and made one of his own.u can see the below the plane flashing white colour.
you mean, he is not the inventor of this products? Nye!
ok he is gehnius fine u got that Retort on ur car also fine u worked out too good now tell me the time when the police will stop u in middle of the road than what will u do???just will think why the hell did i get that. and when u get fine than what??na dont try.boys do get that from Dubai and use it mostly in the headlights but still when get in sight of the traffic dept u are lost.
I just want to meet him in person, seems the guy is a genius can't you see? I'm meeting him in purpose:)
what r u upto now?or u wana get rid of the drivers driving behind you :) funny stuff but its not allowed.
Would like to order your products, but I want to see first how it works before i can move ahead. How i'm able to contact you?
U better check it with the Govt. I' doubt it really is gonna work here, probably some baddu's can use it for fun.
Come on, qatexpat, why spoil the fun.
Luminous Retort System V.1 or whatever is simply the guy's imagination. It is a specific kind of physological state that is the end result of years of sustained and supressed high frustration levels. Typical cases imagine that they become powerful enough to obliterate their sources of frustration by vivid and novel means !!! Something like the feeling when you watch action movies where the hero single-handedly destroying a city, you too imagine doing something like that to those whom you hate with all your heart. In this case, its those tail-gating SUV's and the crazies who drive them !!!
wondering whats he upto and whats on his mind and from where did he get this Lominous Retort. beware if the police caught u with that Mr. Smelly u will get fined coz thats not allowed here at all.NOT EVEN AVAILABLE here in market too and never will forget it.
Yeah brainless character with another WMD..
What an excellent idea! Temporarily blind the guy and cause even more misery and who knows what else.
If you're serious, I must ask: What are you, nuts?
If not, attach some pics or do a YouTube demo and share this amazing invention with the world.