.. Lost Sleep ..

By Molten Metal •
.. Lost sleep time to a dream ..
Hello Everybody,
What do you feel ... you loose your sleep time for the period you are in a dream .. ?
Regards, MM. Wed, 06.11.2013, 10.28 hrs.
{ Writing error corrected 11.16 hrs }
Thanks one and all for your inputs ... Thu, 07.11.2013 , 05.43 hrs ....
You can visit places & meet relatives for free in your dreams only at a small cost of loosing your sleep for a short period is still profitable.
R2R, I forgive people who deserve { as most of the other QLers often do} .
Cheer up @ Rizks. Look how happy is Boxbe.
yes it is...full of ql we only dream about bald head and lungi..and u sleep with ur bald head and lungi...lol
My lungi & my bald head is irrelevant to 'Sleep' or 'Dreams'...tats wat this post is about !
he can not observe anything because ur bald...maybe he likes observing ur lungi and its internal functions...lol
R2R, you have better things to observe here rather then my comments.
I have no reason to follow you my dear. Just observed your way of acting.
I think it depends what you are dreaming :)
Riyal2Rupee, stop following me ! :)
I did not understand the grammar...pls re-phrase it again before i go for blank stare...lol
'What do feel'....i feel there is some English grammitical error in this.
Personally, I feel tired when I wake up after a dream. It seems my sleep time was used up by the dream.
@ Rizks, It is not difficult to understand you'r being childish every now & then.
MM, as expected post from you - thanks !
Rizk, As expected , thanks , ..... Wed, 06.11.2013, 10.40 hrs
Blankish Stare