Lord this courage is giving me goosebumps

A British man afflicted with complete paralysis (unable to move any part of his body), but fully alert and oriented, and able to appreciate the world normally has died yesterday. He had been living with the condnition since 2005. Just before his death, he asked his family to tweet these words for him:
Goodbye world, the time has come. I had some fun.
poor man, very sad
Could not quite get you. Perhaps you could rephrase your question to help me understand it better.
Is that rare ? It looks like a little knowledge.
Fully alert & oriented at death. There must be millions till today.
As long as you are laughing, I am happy.
Lol your personal attacks on me may attempt to be condescending, but you are making yourself took like a teenage kid with no friends who sits in his bedroom alone all the time. You may not have a sense of humour, but I am laughing at you anyway.
Brit, indeed. Amen.
Timeba, here is the source.
He was indeed a brave man. Last week he asked the courts to let him die (Euthenasia) - the courts refused. May he rest in peace.
Well, I just read the news somewhere in the morning. May I just say I read several newspapers everyday. That is my addiction. Anyways, I saw the news in Gulf times and Peninsula (did I spell that correctly?). You can read it there. You may google it. Just put in the words locked-in syndrome, Tony, and London. I am sure you will find it. Now dont ask me to do the research for you. For that would be spoon feeding and I hate spoond feeding.
What is all this can't read business. It is etiquette on QL to post the link to such stories.
A source need reading, and that is something you can not do my dear. Do you know this rarebird called newspaper? The guy is called a hawker and they sell it for 2 QR. Just buy any English newspaper and all of them have that as one headline. :)