looking for owner

I saw this guy drop his wallet and picked it up and tried to return it to him, but he jumped in his car and zoomed off, i was hoping if i described him i could find him.
He was wearing a long white outfit,
He was wearing a white head scarf,
He had a black ring on his head,
Also he was driving a white landcrusier.
If anyone has seen this man please contact me by email.
spesh when there is money on the table.........lol
Killed?!! Poor guy :(.. I always kept saying, jump on a lion, attack Tyson n bite-off his ears, even try to make sense of AA posts but never n I say never mess around with an angry woman :P
Loudgi is already killed. So yes that would be her paycheck I suppose.
The killing of Loudgi DG? :P
Or you could just give it all too me Londonboy. I know I don't fit the description but it will go to a good cause. :)
There was 100,000 QR in the wallet, so if i divide it equally between everyone that fits the description, that should be mmmm bout 2 QR a piece then - ok thats settled - you 2 get 4 QR between ya
Hope the wallet did not have much money in it, else I'd really feel bad I was not the first one to come here n say it was mine. Say it wasn't so QC, say it wasn't so :(
Jassim, you're late, I know the guy and I get the wallet.
All the desc r of me even the car :O so let me go n check if my wallet is in the car :(
lol.. this desc is like going to china n saying am looking for a guy named Ho n has a small eye :P
is this a wind up or what? :-)
But i will only return it to the person matching the description so as to ensure that the wallet is returned to the real owner.
Yeah I know the guy. Give me the wallet and I will return it to him.
WOW, how did you know? Were you also on that flight!
Did he have sandals on too? and a set of beads?
He was the same guy that sat next to me on a Qatar Airways flight recently. I think he spoke Arabic as well!!
I think I saw him this morning, behind me in his landcruiser, flashing his lights.