Looking for..........

By Sylvianewton •
I came to Qatar 2 days back and looking for a person called Adrian GERHARD and he is from Croydon, South London. He said he is working at SEG as an Engineer. But when I rang up his office they said there is no such person. His mobile is switched off ever since I came here. We only communicating thru email and over the phone for the last couple of months. I came to Qatar because of him and now he is missing. Does anybody know him in QL?
AdriaN Gerhard ?
Isn't that the name Rizks uses when writing to his pen friends in China ?
he's here beside me.:D
Are you sure he was talking about his finger?
I do not have his photo but once over the phone, he did mention one remarkable identity: he has a finger that is 6" long and one and a half inch in diameter.
sristhi...your avatar reminds me of an old buddy: sentibhim
I know only Rizks, Smoke, Molten Metal, Dracula, Captain Lost, LP, BG and BritExpat in QL ! :P
Surely not this is not real did someone come looking for another person in qatar and they have now found out he doesnt exist. You said of jafaken decent. Just keep looking but have fun doing it
stupid person have stupid think
the best thing you can do just go to police station and report this matter also you can give his mobile numbet and i hope they can track him down
try to contect with me mayb ill help u
[email protected]
CL, coz no one knows you....:(
Damn, why nobody came to Qatar for MEEE !!! :(
syedrustam nice try ! :)
by the way, whos mobile number is tat in ur signature ? :)
Thats not method to search anybody my friend .So i see iff if i do antthing for you so i will to find your friend .
Go to the police station,they will help you track him down with his number.
deedee r u trying to get a scoop? lol
I remember the other day britexpat told me sweetly tat he looks like brite...ney spears and i asked for a date and when i saw him in real..he was like a Polar bear...:(
nerieness, you are right - people we meet via internet arent who they say they are...:)
why in the world would you come here to meet him? Is this a business opportunity or a love affair?
A lot of people we meet via the internet aren't who they say they are.
...If you are Sylvia Newton from MySpace....then aint blaming him for running away :)
Did you try Google?
Sylvia yes britney spear is a female but he looks like a male lol.. maybe that is why Rizks asked u that. Anyways, dont waste ur time finding nemo.. there r a lot of gold fishes here also just be careful with some aruanas or janitor fish...lol again.. ;)
you are still lucky that you did not get to know him in person. If the company said they do not have anyone in that name - then he is a fraud and don't waste your time looking for that kind of man.
Do you have his photos or contact no?
Difficult to find some one who is hiding and doesn't care for a relationship!
I wish you Good Luck!
Surprising , he didn't care to recieve you at Air Port, I wish he is fine healthwise ...
He said, he used to go Kiteboarding Qatar and I checked there as well. They said none visited over the weekend in that name.
Britney Spear is a female artist and he is a man and a Caribbean origin and his surname is Hoopper.
How does he look like ?
I mean, like Tom Hanks, Britney Spear, Tom Cruise etc. etc. ?
send him email that u have arrived & ask him for his phone number, maybe he is just a virtual person
oh no.......... If he is not on the record of the company he mentioned it means he was a fraud. where are you now and what are you going to do now regarding him?
may be he might have "befriended" with a different name or ID ? who knows ?
I went to his company as well and I couldn't find him there. I posted here to find out he befriended to someone thru this popular site in Qatar.
wats his maritial status ?
I do not know his QL ID.
go to his company n look for him this will b the best solution. and plz dnt ask such stupid question like if we know him in QL
You are an idiot. enough said.
wats his QL ID ?