Late night emails bad for a good night’s slee
Checking emails late into the night has the same effect on sleep as a double shot of espresso before bed, a researcher says.
Focusing on the bright light of a computer or mobile screen can disrupt the production of melatonin, a hormone that is key to sleep patterns, Chris Idzikowski, from the Edinburgh Sleep Centre in Scotland, said yesterday.
In a study sponsored by the Crowne Plaza hotel group, Mr Idzikowski identified electronic gadgets, eating, television, caffeine and alcohol as late-night indulgences that contribute to a restless sleep. A cool, dark, quiet room along with a clean and comfortable bed and daytime exercise made up his tips for a good night.
Newpapers here publish stuff from forums and chain-emails as facts.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
what kindda work for jobless people??
What if you work night shift like me???
its wrong to sleep at day
day is 4 working
night is 4 sleeping
day time sleepin' in the coffin!
I like an espresso before going to bed... Are we talking about coffee?
My crontrab includes
0 0 * * * ~/bin/compiz-cmd neg screen_toggle_key
0 5 * * * ~/bin/compiz-cmd neg screen_toggle_key
sleep. I got my eyes staring my laptop whole day at the office, so no need to overdo them at night.
"I do live by the motto that pessimists are usually right, but all the great change in history was done by optimists" -Thomas Friedman
the bad news probably will make you awake all nite bu the good news from loved one give you subtle safe feeling and thus make you feel comfort and fallen sleep.
me think anyway... and yes azzy dear, i agree totally soft music and a good book is remedy for relaxing at night just before sleep time.
Everybody is right everybody is wrong, it depend where you stand
My screen's colors are inverted late at night, so I have no bright light after midnight (emails become white on black) , it switches back at 5AM.
what makes me sleepy would be reading a good book or listening to soft the likes of Nora Jones, James Ingram, and of course...jazz and/or the blues music :-)
No No this cant be true.. I can only chat with my friends at night the time difference would not allow me to check emails during the day..