Lady shouting at others birthday party at DQ

We were at Dairy queen Ramada Signal for dinner and suddenly we hear loud shouting by some arrogant Arab women in some person's birthday party. This (Deleted by Mod) and ill mannered women just entered into someone else party in kids area and started yelling on party guests because DQ staff blocked the area for the party and her kid could not play in that area. DQ staff were unable to control her and how disappointed is this. I will not recommend anyone to arrange their parties at DQ because they were totally clueless in handling this situation.
just wondering what effect does the fact of her being an "Arab" has on the story?
DQ is managed by some Philipinos and always full of Indians .. how cool is this?
Well if this little guy was stuck in DQ play area,one side of which was blocked for the party, its a big safety concern coz this little one could have been in shock and very dangerous situation and yes I totally blame DQ for this non sense blocking of area which put some kids life in danger.
Normally the play area rules in these FF restuarants say that kids should be supervised with the parents so what the f**k this lady was doing when her kid was playing inside play area (Sure gossiping with friends. I am pretty sure that he would be too little to get stuck in some tube in the play area and should not be even allowed unsupervised entry to the play area. So DQ staff again responsible to let the small guy played inside the play area. But again none of these things allow anyone to ruin someone else party because of their own mistake.
Arab English accent and thier dressings are not a big math to figure out one's origin. Grow up Doha Chap:)
I couldn't agree more with your comment TB.
It is the usual shameful behavious from certain sections of our multi-national community who get a kick out of abusing someone who could not defend themselves - it is bullying pure and simple. For which I might add that I received a private message from someone which was not exactly pleasant in response to something I wrote on QL- you know who you are and you have now been blocked from sending me further messages
Lets see now... exactly how far is it from DQ to one of the other fast food joints in Al Sadd with play areas? If I had turned up and found the play area closed for a private party, I may have sighed heavily with a good TB frown. But then I would have got in my car and driven for 5 mins to an alternate. Shouting and causing a scene (which was never going to change anything anyway) is the sign of someone with delusions of grandeur. She demined the staff, took the shine off of someone's special day and caused a debate on QL. I wonder if that made her feel any better? Or did she go home and kick the dog as well?
Doha_Chap. When you live in an arab country and hear Arabic daily, its pretty shameful if you cannot pick out when someone is speaking Arabic as opposed to other languages.
Did you post here just have have something to say? Or to actually contribute?
why would someone want to hold parties in these no-good fast food restaurants.
How did you know if she was Arab or an alien from out of space!? Did you look at her ID? Oh wait so coz she spoke Arabic? But I’m assuming you don't know Arabic coz ur Canadian. So how did u know?
is wrong in all angles.
Do you mean "stuck"? If so, then that is the parent's business..just because there is a play area, does not mean they can leave their kids unsupervised. Or does DQ have designated supervisers for kids playing in that area?
I've been one of their customer since I'm in Doha and having my daughter's party at DQ also. I knew that staffs never close the play area and that was open for every kids. They just close it with chairs on the area where the party is, so that other kids will not go and enter their party. Who amongst you here likes to be entered by other kids not invite to your party? Guess no one likes...and I've heard what really happen that night was, the kid is playing and was stocked at the tunnel while the party is going on and nobody hears it because of the loud crowd and there goes the lady yelling to stop the music. The one who writes this news is not having the right info. The kid was exactly playing at the play area that is why the boy have been crying because he was stocked and don't know how to crawl up in which the tunnel has a ladder inside. I think, it wasn't the fault of DQ staffs. Just that incident happen and all was a victim.
flor i totally agree with you
is under management responsibility. If they want it exclusively for the party, that's their right. It is not automatic that the children play area are for all customer. The screaming lady is wrong in all angles.
Agree with Brit expat. The play area should be open to all who dine in the DQ. Management should not be closing it off. Unfair to other children who want to play and unfair to the party.
that what the lady did was wrong and quite unmannerly, I do find it strange that DQ includes complete rights to the play area as a part of their party package. The play area after all is generally open to all kids who's parents patrons the resto. at least that's the case with places like KFC, MD, etc. one of the reasons why we parents would dine in at such joints is so we could enjoy our meal in peace whilst the kids are safely entertained at the play zone. And hence when you find it's closed to all kids except those invited to the party it would be quite disappointing. Still It would have been far better had the screamer simply complained to the management of DQ than spoiling a kids special day!
sweet, please read before you type, it only makes you look silly otherwise
i witnessed what really happened last night at DQ.. dont blame the dairy queen staff of what happened bec.they didnt expect that incident to happend, that was beyond their control. who ever post this news here pls dont encourage anyone not to arrange their party at DQ because the party staff their did their best to make the party memorable but unluckily that scene happened.
flying ace lol
What's wrong with u? jjj75 didn't say anything bad to deserve such a harsh comment from u. In fact, she just stated that people in this town pick on the poor staff because they know that they are helpless.
Jjj go get a life"))) lol"))) don't you have nothing else to do- like knitting or gardening"))) since you such a smart*** why don't you go and try working in DQ- will see how your ' positive' attitude will work there")))
The sad thing is that a lot of people know in this town that they can shout and abuse people who work in the low paid service sector and these poor people will just take it for fear of losing their jobs. What courage it must take on behalf of the abuser to shout abuse at someone who simply cannot defend themselves, she ought to be ashamed.
bet she would of gone nuts also had someone gate crashed her kids party !!
Its not the guests' fault so why shout at them? She should have complained to the management instead.
Sounds par for the course, some think they have a right to everything!
that was normal
They need to refer to rules and regulations of DQ regarding the situation.
IF an area can be rented for a party, there must be regulations in regard to the other patrons.
Why blame DQ staff, they must be scared of loosing their low paid jobs, which makes a big difference back home.
Also, if the play area is for all, they should allow the child to play, but then again, the lady should have been considerate.
Anyways. already happened, Hope DQ have learnt something.
lol becca
Whilst I disagree with the lady causing a fuss and barging into another's party - Surely the play area is for all patrons to use. So, the fault lies mainly with DQ.
Mod Warning : Please read the original Post. It states Arab Women.
Do not bring in a specific nationality to start unjustified criticism.
how we can assure that after we paid online that the items will be delivered to us and Free of shipment cost?..
Thats really sad !