Kudos to the Romanian Group.

My pet peeve for QL has always been people posting headlines in English, when they are for a specific group.. It gets confusing because you click on the title and then the post is in another language. :O(
My thanks to the Romanian group who always post the title in their own language, thus stopping any confusion..
mulţumesc !!!!!
You can find 178 stories.
We are 127 members.
you see only story there.
I'll be there :))
Dinner on Drac this weekend at his cave :-P
please stop flirting publicly
Even i've clicked the wrong threads sometimes due to their headlines in ENGLISH...
Thanks..Thanks..and Thanks!
But in story type?
Exactly...infact, I requested the Admin once to add an additional column for the "Group/Forum Posted" in the "Recent Posts"...just to know about the group or forum where the thread is been posted. Hope they work on it soon.
Yes.. It always pisses me off too.