korean /singaporean/ chinese/japanese..

By angelwings •
We need some korean/singaporean/chinese/japanese - cast for extra's in a film. All ages welcome.
If you're free next wednesday 22nd july, and can come for an audition today (sunday), please email [email protected] or call 5206824.
I look Vietnamese and Thai but don't speak it. Is that okay?
The internet is our revenge machine
is that ok? lolz i can speak basic japanese....
The Most Exhausting Thing in Life is Being Insincere
Wish I could go, but I'm not even North East Asian XD hahah
oh i wish i could but i`m not here on next week,lolz ;P
lol rizks, it's not a dog show
I will send my hairdresser.
You can't teach experience...
i am free! i am chinese
i can ACT very well.
I can even play Mr. MAgoo's and Mr. Beans role.