Justice or Expediency ?

OK.. Here's one that caught the eye..
A prince jailed for life in Britain for killing his manservant is to serve the rest of his sentence in his home country, it emerged today.
Under the prisoner transfer agreement, which came into operation in August, five Britons currently languishing in Saudi prisons can ask to serve the remainder of their sentences in the UK.
My point: Should this be allowed ? I look at a case of a lady caught smuggling drugs in Thailand.
Should people be allowd to serve prison sentences in their own countries ?
I personaly think it wrong and political ..
the prince was jailed in 2010 for killing Bandar Abdullah Abdulaziz at their five-star hotel suite in London.
He was convicted at the Old Bailey, after the court heard he had subjected his aide to a "sadistic" campaign of violence and sexual abuse, which culminated in the "brutal" assault.
Today, government sources confirmed that Chris Grayling, the Justice Secretary, had approved the prince's transfer to a jail in Saudi Arabia.
@deedee,, spying in any country is non-forgivable!! and he was foolish as he was not a CIA agent.. US gov is confused to this situation
They'll release him the moment he lands on Saudi soil. Or they'll keep him under token house arrest.
Granted though, the 5 Britons who can go home, I wonder what they're crimes are? And if it's something silly like adultery or drinking I bet you the UK will release them as well.
embassies do not deport people. I know several US citizens who have been jailed in Qatar, including several teenagers. The US govt does little to nothing to help them. Most other govt's don't do a lot either UNLESS you are someone of importance. One US citizen is currently serving a life term in Doha (google John Downs)
they should rot in the place were they committed the crime.. else where they will be set free.
hmm.... wateva! screw the guilty
Once sentenced in a country, the guilty party should serve his term there. Prisoner transferring, specially when you talk of high profile prisoners like the prince, opens doors to corruption and unjust favoritism. Whilst in Britain the prince is a mere prisoner among many, despite his birthright, the moment he sets foot back in his homeland his position and power may very well come to play!
prison guests may feel offended by this.
It is one kind of insult for them .
ICC?? International Cricket Council??
i couldn't agree more, governments can manipulate things... believe me, we Filipinos know... :)
i think we're in the same page, but, a little different too...
what if the crime was committed in France, the criminal is French, and the victim is a UK national... would you rather have the criminal tried and serve the sentence in France? Or in UK - where the victim's family and government will be "assured" that the sentence is served judiciously?
when the victims are of different nationalities, i think the ICC can decide...
and a prince too... Faizal bin Musaid Bin Abdul Aziz/..
the problem is that governments can manipulate things..
Remember the case of the French agents who blew up the Greenpeace Ship off Newzealand.
France agreed to have them serve their sentences in French prison and then slowly freed them using exuses of health and mental capacity.
I do believe that the sentence should be served where the crime is commited.
Yeah, they executed a princess who tried to escape...... Of course different standards are applied to women.
for me, i think it should mainly depend on who the victims of the crime or injustice... i mean, if the "victim" is a national of UK, then the "criminal" should be tried and serve sentence in the UK...
if i remember it right, a US soldier was convicted of rape in the Philippines... he was imprisoned in the Philippines for a few weeks and later on deported to US to serve his remaining jail term... not sure if he's still in though...
no no QDC,, check how they executed a princess who tried to escape.. but u r right it wont work in Qatar and many other countries,,
for example, if a US citizen is caught doin a crime here, the police is first supposed to intimate the US embassy.. the embassy wud deport him bak to US an run the case here! this makes no sense,, the criminal is bak home and the case is open here :)
Pet jack, you have to be joking in Saudi it does matter! If you are a member of the royal family you can get away with murder. Quite literally!
I think this is wrong. Qatar tried to do the same with a member of the royal family convicted of child abuse in the Czech Republic but they refused as they said as soon as he got back to Qatar they would let him out.
I suspect the same would happen t the Saudi prince. The Brits should also serve their sentence in Saudi, that is where they committed the crime
that video of the prince attacking the servant is available in youtube... i've seen it once. it was really brutal!
in KSA it doesn't matter weder u r a prince or a pauper! crime is crime and if caught, vil surely be punished,,
are a truely GLOBAL citizen today.
So, it is OK.