Jail for attempting suicide?

By Olive

Here's a snippet from today's Gulf Times:

Man behind bars for suicide bid
A local man has been sentenced to three months in jail for attempting to commit suicide under the influence of liquor.
The 29-year-old was additionally slapped with a QR3,000-fine for drunkenness in a Doha hotel and subsequent involvement in a dispute that disturbed public order.
The judges heard that police arrested him after the scuffle but he tried to end his life while in police custody.
The accused confessed to drunkenness but said that he “had no memory” of any suicide attempt.

Now all discussion of the alcohol issue aside, I'd like to focus on the imprisonment for attempting suicide. Qatar is not the only place that I've heard of doing this, in fact I think I've even heard of people being imprisoned for attempting to kill themselves in Canada.

What I don't understand is the logic behind it...surely putting them in jail won't make them less suicidal?

By flanostu• 23 May 2010 23:52

people should be allowed to commit suicide.

By nomerci• 23 May 2010 14:57

Hmm, I understand he was arrested because he was drunk and disorderly. Maybe when he was in the cell the consequences of his behaviour dawned on him and he became so scared that he tried to end his life.

By ntasa• 23 May 2010 13:35

those who commit a (failed)suicide attempt, most probably find themselves at the edge of their sanity, or couldn't bear the pressure anymore or undergone deep depression or emotional trauma; life has no meaning for them and they blame themselves as its all their fault etc.

They obviously need Rehabilitation, not Jail ?

Ideally Jail is for those, who could cause harm to others if let free or otherwise dangerous for the society/system.

but such guys are poor victims of the system, may be they don't find themselve fit in anywhere or feel left alone or left behind ..

they shouldn't deserve punishment but care.

I know for example at professional colleges, we are so much under pressure .. it not so rare to hear suicide news from failed/ under pressure medical/engg students (specially from asian countries).

They all need help, care, sympathies ..

"if you saved one life - as if you save the whole"

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 13:21

"If you do not have the ability to create, you do not have the Right to Destroy"......

than what is clinical/biological death? I am against that also.

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 13:17

Ok....changed it but BOTH have similar effect :)

where is the coffee meet and what is the agenda?

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 13:16

for this meeting at all. After all there are more important things in life than eating lol.

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 13:15

I agree with FU......all idiotic/stupid efforts to kill self are spur of moment by weak people

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 13:14
Formatted Soul

FU I told I want my Chief Guest to be comfortable... not you..lol and you are onivorious...which I am really bad at..lol

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 13:13
Rating: 4/5

Life is the most precious Gift from God; and one has NO control (legally) to destroy/abuse it!

all idiotic/stupid efforts to kill self are spur of moment by weak people.

A pure act of Coward..........

One commit suicide when under tremendous pressure and find helpless and hopeless :(

Not at all A right option though

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 13:12

get onto the main course straight away. After that a speech and some wine before getting onto the dance floor.:))

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 13:10

FU forget it, FS makes terrible coffee. You wouldn't want to drink it :-D

By Mehnis• 23 May 2010 13:05

It goes both ways FU. I just find it ridiculous that anyone badly injured in an attempt to suicide is harassed by the law instead of getting some relief by way of counseling or support. So you are punished just for failing to die.

About the Aircrash the latest is that they found the throttle and it was in a forward position indicating that the pilot tried to abort the landing and overshoot the entire runway just as we had thought in the thread yesterday

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 13:01

Isn't it? I'am ok with it. LOL. Can I make a speech then?

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 13:00

your disagreement of the provisions in law. It is a positive act by the government and a good one which implies that people must desist from such attempts. What you are saying is an appeal 'to have pity' on the ones attempting such acts.

My logic is - If you do not have the ability to create, you do not own the right to destroy. Even if it's your own life in question!

Btw,the video that you shared on the plane incident was accurate IMO. Thats exactly what seems to have happened.

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 12:59
Formatted Soul

FU its my duty to make my chief guest feel comfortable :)

By Mehnis• 23 May 2010 12:54

Why not FU? what do you disagree upon??

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:53

would you be making aaloo parotha and dahi vada that day? I will do some shopping too. Need to buy a nice suit and stuff. Let me know the date when we are meeting at your place han?

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 12:53

FS...lol...good you didnt try...:)

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 12:52

Victory....it may not be right option but sometimes the only option.

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 12:52
Formatted Soul

When I was young.... I always wanted to sucide ..to know what it feel like to die and what happens after that....but I was too scared to try...:(

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:49

LOL, well if it's you FS, sure I'm up for it :)

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:49

FS I am omnipresent, you can't escape me :o)

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:48


Vic - Why do you keep using the word 'spurt'? Yucks!:D

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 12:47
Formatted Soul

Ok Olive... it's me inviting .... I will make sure FU will not be anywhere near your vicinity...but cant guarantee about WK...lol

WK it depends...:P

Noms...all informal things are illegal here..lol

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:40

I do not agree with you on this one.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:40

by god...LOL

By Mehnis• 23 May 2010 12:39

And to add insult to injury the ones that survive are charged with a 'crime' for their failure to succeed.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:39

I trioed commiting suicide once, didn't work..

See this thread to know why.


By Mehnis• 23 May 2010 12:38
Rating: 3/5

I did not know you could go to jail for attempting suicide in Canada. The only place suicide is glorified is in Japan through Hara Kiri relating to the ritual of self killing by a warrior. But suicide as such is considered the most dignified and expected outcome from any failure.

In India as part of the Socialistic thought even your own life does not belong to you. Maybe the punishment is a big deterrent but there are some who barely escape from suicide attempts and are grievously injured in the process. But to add insult to injury they are still charged for the crime instead of counselling or help and will have to face them when they recover.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:35

I think for anyone who's never suffered from severe depression it's hard for them to understand what actually goes into a suicide attempt and exactly how much pain the person is going through. Still doesn't justify the act, but does make it seem a little less cowardly.

By _noms_• 23 May 2010 12:35

@FS & Olive: if not Formal, how about informal? :P

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:35

suicide can be premeditated due to prolonged suffering.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:34

FS do you accept personal invitation for coffee/dinner ;;)

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:34

Depends who's inviting me FS. ;)

By _noms_• 23 May 2010 12:33

atleast for me personally committing Suicide is what takes lot of courage but still an act of cowardness.

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 12:32
Formatted Soul

Olive do you accept personal invitation for coffe/dinner:) lol

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:32

LOL, not going to happen FU :)

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:30

lol FU give it up now, SHE IS MARRIED. LOL :P

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:30


By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:30


By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:30
Rating: 3/5

Search on Google for how to commit suicide and you will find so many people discussing how will they commit suicide and what's the most painless and efficient method to kill oneself. Most of the cases, it is pre-meditated and planned.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:30

LOL. I don't go to QL meetings FU.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:29

Let's discuss this when you and your husband come for the next coffee meet, over a cup of black tea.I'll check if Alumnar,Xena,FS,WK,Pajju and all the others I agree with can join too. It will be fun....for me!

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:28

On the contrary, serious suicide attempts are premeditated and planned. I disagree that poverty and illness cause it. It's more to do with personality type and perceived helplessness (organic depression)

By chinx_lady• 23 May 2010 12:25

i don't think so WK, what he will do slam his head through the steel bars?prisoners are not allowed to keep any sharp objects inside.most especially with his case cops will be more vigilant in checking him...:)

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:24

For most people to commit suicide FU they have to be suffering from severe depression, which means they do spend a long long time thinking about their own death and the method they will use. Those methods point to a desire to feel as little pain and have less a chance of surviving as possible, not a spur of the moment thing.

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 12:24

A pure act of Coward..........

One commit suicide when under tremendous pressure and find helpless and hopeless :(

Not at all A right option though!

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:21

Unless it's due to prolonged poverty or prolonged illness. Thats the reason why most victims use handy means rather than elaborate ones. Hanging,shooting oneself,taking poison,drug ODs,jumping of the roofs,jumping in front of trains/vehicles etc. all point to the spur of the moment character.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:17

Actually FU most suicides aren't spur of the moment. It's a decision that's made after a lot of thought and there are very BIG signs to identify those that are suicidal. Not many people take their life on a spur of the moment whim.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:16

chinx unless it is a padded cell with no sharp edges anywhere, he can commit suicide in Prison also.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:16

of the moment. They are not premeditated in most cases. And who should be the target population for such proactive efforts?

By chinx_lady• 23 May 2010 12:15

I understand why they put him to jail at least inside the cell there is no chance for this man to get rid of himself cosidering the four corners of the wall...there is no way to escape life.

By Victory_278692• 23 May 2010 12:14
Rating: 4/5

Even your LIFE is not YOURS :(

Life is the most precious Gift from God; and one has NO control (legally) to destroy/abuse it!

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:12

In India, law doesn't work the way it works in other countries. Usually cops don't write a complaint. They simply give a warning and advise the family for counselling. Rest is left to the doctors.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 12:09

Surely a more proactive response would be better, such as teaching people to identify the signs of depression, rather then a reactive approach. All legislation against it will do is make people do a better job and killing themselves.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:07

In India, probably they jail you for failed attempt than suicide per se; considering the big population......lolz

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 12:00
Rating: 3/5

Suicide is punishable not because of it's implications on the incumbent but on the basis of it's overall impact on the society. The idea is to prevent people from such attempts and WK is right,if you look at the statistics;suicide attempts in India are mainly in young age groups due to very minor issues. Many people use suicide as an attempt to justify their viewpoints about love,marriage,relationships and even politics ( many people tried to immolate themselves in anti-reservation campaigns). Hence government recognizes the reasons for such attempts and wants to curb it. Hence the law.

Do you agree now?

By Olive• 23 May 2010 11:30

The thing is, he wouldn't have been thrown in jail that night, or even days or weeks after the attempt. He would have been sentenced months after the attempt, so if he was going to kill himself again he would have. So jail time long after the fact doesn't really make sense. Again, anyone who feels that their life is so bad they want to kill themselves doesn't need to be put in jail! That's just kicking someone when they're down.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:16

lol no happy, most of my college friends spent one night or more in jail during college, there was groupism in college and we fought often for 4 years, cops used to come and pick random guys and put us in jail for a night or two to cool us off. I was picked up once.

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 11:14

WK...was mention of your being in jail just to stress your point...:)

Anyways... for any common man the mention of jail itself is depressing leave aside going there... and I am not saying that its the best place to get the person back to life...it seems to be just as an attempt to let the person get over that feeling and in the meantime also avoid him any access to be able to do so. Once disconnected from that feeling rehab and other things can be the next step.

By flipfloper• 23 May 2010 11:14

There seem to be no logic on that..

Maybe they just put him in jail because of being under the influence of alcohol and adding up his being suicidal..

Not because they think he wont be more suicidal when he's in jail.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:13

FS in India most of the suicide attempts are actually by kids who failed in exams or some lover boy dumped by a girl. They need a couple of hard slaps, that's all :-P

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:13

I think the logic is to ensure that whoever attempts - succeeds. That way India will end up having less loosers.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:11

today :D

By Olive• 23 May 2010 11:11

I agree FS, but throwing the kids in jail doesn't seem like the right way of straightening them out and wanting to continue their lives.

By kinimoto• 23 May 2010 11:11

Probably olive, the logic is when in jail they can't do the suicide act and will make them realize or enlighten themselves that there is life after jail rather than life after death. ^_^

By KHATTAK• 23 May 2010 11:10

Happy... rehab itself is like putting someone on house arrest...or in other words, its a jail with better facilities apart from Counseling.

By flipfloper• 23 May 2010 11:10


If you call drinking more than half case of beer 3-4 times in a week.

or 1 bottle of Brandy with no chaser, a light drinking.. then I can agree with you...

Somehow it's almost a year since the last time I had a drink..

There are some folks to where I stay who drinks whiskey and asked me to join them... And I was going to.

until I saw them pouring some water on the glass of whiskey they offered me.

In my dismay.. i rejected their invitation.

In my entire life. It was the first time to see folks drink liquors and putting water onto it..

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 11:09
Formatted Soul

Wk as Happy said... once attempted the tendencies are more..so in prison they are under constant watch..so its not easy...

But I personally think..if someone want to end his life..why should he be stopped? for more suffering? but many teenagers take it as the easy way out… failure in exams or love affair will end up in suicide which I think is stupid..

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:08

happy I spent one night in jail, I have never been more depressed in my life. It is not a place to send people with suicidal tendencies.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 11:08

LOL, no one has to agree with me. I'm just trying to understand the logic.

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 11:06

Khattak...I think rehab would be the final solution...but immediate concern of the state seems to prevent someone from taking its life...and talking ideally, jail should be the place to start with. May be the very mention of word 'jail' makes us think otherwise due to stigma generally attached to jails...but I think they are supposed to do work otherwise too.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:05

on her thread. I propose that we agree with the original posters in all threads. This will make Ql more agreeable .

On a serious note, many prisoners comnit suicide by breaking their heads in the bars and walls and many hang themselves using their payjamaa as ropes after shredding them up. I have heard a lot of similar stories.

By drmana• 23 May 2010 11:03

That man needs counselling and treatment not jail.

By flipfloper• 23 May 2010 11:02


True.. There might be no tools

But you can bang your head on the wall. ^_^

Or maybe try inserting your head behind the bars. lol

If someone really wants to die that badly..

I recommend them to those things.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:02

for the purpose.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 11:02

Flipfloper you are simply not drinking enough if you remember everything the next day. FS I am not comfortable with the idea of prison for suicide attempts, the man is already suffering from depression, prison is only likely to increase that depression.

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 11:00
Formatted Soul

In Prison you dont get the tools for suicide!

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 10:59

In prisons seems they are made to look as suicide, isnt it...:) (too filmy ya)

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 10:59
Formatted Soul

Wk...'Right to Die' How can it be a right if you are using it to give up all your rights? :) yea it should not be a failed attempt..lol

By KHATTAK• 23 May 2010 10:58

Putting him in a rehab would be better than Jail.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:57

People comit suicide in prisons too :)

By flipfloper• 23 May 2010 10:57
Rating: 4/5

A Weak drinker indeed and a suicidal Fag too.

Actually I really don't believe when people say they don't recall any memories of things they've done while under the influence of alcohol..

I call it a lame excuse...

I've been drinking since I was 16 and been drowned on it lots of time. But every single thing I do while under it's influence..I remember them all clearly the day after...

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 10:56

What I think is, a suicide attempt is a momentary phenomenon and if failed may be in short term the person may have the tendency to attempt it again (something like a hangover after drinking....:))..but if the person can be refrained from having an opportunity to do it again for a while he may get over it for various reasons...may be thats the reason of putting in jail.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:55

only :D

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:54

FS everyone has a right to die.

By Formatted Soul• 23 May 2010 10:53
Formatted Soul

Bharat is India in Hindi..

Because as per our constitution nobody has the right to die...any form that involves unnatural termination of life, whether an attempt to suicide, abetment to suicide/assisted suicide or euthanasia, is illegal.

By Arien• 23 May 2010 10:50

Olive , Bharat is India, and its a penal offence there.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 10:48

Nom's that's assisted suicide, which means someone helps you, that I understand, what I don't understand is attempted suicide by your own hand being illegal.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:48
Rating: 5/5

In India, attempt to suicide is an offence punishable under Section 309 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 309 reads thus: Attempt to commit suicide. “Whoever attempts to commit suicide and does any act towards the commission of such offence, shall be punished with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year or with fine, or with both.”

A Division Bench of the Supreme Court of India in P. Rathinam v. Union of India (AIR 1994 SC 1844) held that the right to live of which Article 21 speaks of can be said to bring in its trail the right not to live a forced life, and therefore, section 309 violates Article 21. This decision was, however, subsequently overruled in Gian Kaur v. State of Punjab (AIR 1996 SC 946) by a Constitution Bench of the Supreme Court, holding that Article 21 cannot be construed to include within it the ‘right to die’ as a part of the fundamental right guaranteed therein, and therefore, it cannot be said that section 309 is violative of Article 21.[5]


By _noms_• 23 May 2010 10:46

the below link might help learn more on laws on suicide in many countries.


By Olive• 23 May 2010 10:44

Well you could have just said India :P , as I said I've heard about people being jailed in Canada for it as well, I just don't understand the logic. Surely anyone who is attempting to commit suicide has already punished themselves enough, what's the point of further punishment.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:44
Rating: 3/5

India is Bharat Olive.

Same law in India too, guess the government trying to protect them from themselves :-/

Once a friend fell down from 4th floor of a building after being drunk, we had a hard time explaining to the cops that it was a drunk accident and not a suicide bid.

By Rizks• 23 May 2010 10:43

Bharat = India

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:43
Rating: 4/5

Also known as India by many.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:43

there is. There are many suicide support helplines too. It's just that those who call don't die and vice versa ;)

By Olive• 23 May 2010 10:42

Where's Bharat?

By mjamille28• 23 May 2010 10:41

question, if there's an Alcoholics Anonymous for the "sober" ones, is there such a thing as "Suicidals Anonymous" too?

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:41

Including Bharat.

By Olive• 23 May 2010 10:39

Jail's not really the right environment for helping someone who's suicidal. I also don't understand how it's an offence...

By mjamille28• 23 May 2010 10:38

i don't see the logic in it too... if they put him in jail, he might attempt to end his life again eventually... what to do...

By happygolucky• 23 May 2010 10:37

Being in jail they can be prevented from attempting suicide...may be thats why they are put in there.

By anonymous• 23 May 2010 10:37

he was trying to beat the system but failed. He should be rewarded for bravery.

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