I've been in Qatar for 2 months.. help!

I've been in Qatar for 2 months.. and I'm already hating QL :(
what is wrong with you people?? why all the bashing?? why all the hate?? why do you keep attacking muslims in their home countries?? or expats while they're guests?? Muslims are peaceful loving people.. you of all people should know that.. and expats should be welcomed with open arms after all Arabs are well known for being hospitable!
I must say.. topics are intriguing...sometimes offensive.. most of the time end up off subject...
I started answering on forums.. but decided to stop as this has been affecting my day and time.. not only this, but I think I have been making mistakes while trying to prove a point...
I'm sorry if I hurt you.. I'm sorry if I mistakingly showed you that "it's my way or the highway".. I'm usually a good debator.. but I must admit.. QL made me loose it..
peace to all..
Salam Alaykum..
also one thing u should realize is the "virtual world of internet"
were no one knows who is behind the scene
who is commenting wat
this enables them to show thier comments without fear
and they can yell anything here
for this i tell u to reread the comment of WHYTEKNIGHT once more
i generally find him to be a man who has this "who cares " attitude and sharp comments
however im marvelled this time and cant help in admiring the deep meanings he has tried to convey abt the virtual world.
his words should be written on stone and published as an article in a newspaper, for public view!
indeed most praiseworhty and to the point , besides using the simplest of language he has conveyed the msg most effectively
whenever one feels depressed of chatting online abt our thoughts we should remember these words...
hats off to whyteknight for this
oh dear so many people muslims and non muslims alike have come to ur aid what u want!!!!
look at the way Allah is helping u get over this depression!!!
indeed Allah helps those who help his cause!!!
what u want i garuntee u that some of ur posts r most praiseworthy dear many actually consent to ie , even though they dont necessairily post thier comment
believe me, decent people get the msg, even if people dont agree to our statements on our face - that is euilvalent to accepting defeat afterall
they secretly agree with the msg in their heart ,
so we should never expect of people to agree to things at our face , every one has ego,
so we just let them be
as it is clearly stated in islam that our duty is only to convey the msg, clear the misconception, deliver the msg and not lose heart
whether they agree or not is the only business of Allah
he is there to take care
we already know that no one is to believe accept by the permission of Allah
come watuwant ur posts are one of the best i have ever read,
u and hamadcz, oneshot , cryspy, saeed khan and many more i fail to recollect , are contributing in the most amazing ways ever seen
people like u actually prove that muslims dont believe in thier religion blindly , they actually have reasoning and logical explanatinons
remember watuwant islam doesnt really need us , it is we who need islam - it is we who will reap the benefit in an already successfull business!!!
I truly agree with you there more chosen righteous to add in your list
relax! if u want to debate with inteligent ppl, u in the wrong website,
here u'll find only stup... ppl, like urinus, whyteknight, nomerci, exiledsaint...
but don't blame them, they do not have brain, so their speech is strictly limited to insults and stupidity,
they are lonely in their life, nothing to do except insulting ppl,
that's life unfortunatly!
hmmmm... another one feeling the heat and unable to manage it. Wonder, how do you manage yourself in real life.
Don't sweat the small stuff..really QL is not all bad. Ummmm..for the most part! Actually there are some really nice people round here. and some not so nice. But hey that's life for ya..anyways your posts have been quite lively and informative too. Just don't let it all get to ya. As Muslims we know "Allah is with patient" so hold onto much sabr. Remember the Prophet wen't through far more trials than this by people who make the QL bullies seem like lil bunnies in comparison. He is our example. He is the sunnah. Hold onto it with your molar teeth!
For all its worth I've been on QL awhile now and though its had its had its infuriating moments for the most part QL is a great time pass!And yeah I've met many of my friends through QL, Alhamdullilah. Truly I'm grateful to be here. Hope you will soon feel the same,Inshallah. Keep posting..Barakhallah feeki x
i have the answer for that...it is not the mistake of the users...but the MODS who are sitting there are 100% racist and they welcome those peoples like WK, URANUS, NOMERCI, QHRIS to say such comments
if u see when we talk in favour of our religion...we get deleted by the MODS but those who commented against it are still there...
u got my point....i had send a PM to the owner of QL but no action is taken...
You better get a life, GOOD LUCK
Ok now that I am fully awake, let me try to answer your post.
Bashing is the easy way out taken by most when they have no intelligent response but want to have the last word anyway.
Nobody really hates anyone around here except a handful of users but everyone wants to show himself/herself as the smart, intelligent, witty one and most users often assume that to show themselves in a better light, they need to degrade someone else.
It's not just Muslim that are attacked, every religion gets it in virtual world. There have been several threads on Christians, child abuse in churches. In every thread where Hinduism is mentioned, you will see the comment Hindus are piss drinkers, Jews get it all the time (Not many read this website is another matter).
Most users in here are not Arabs, infact I don't think I have ever seen any Arab here being too rude.
There are many intriguing topics. Somewhere along the line many of them drift off topic but that happens in every discussion everywhere, real life or virtual. You never had a conversation in real life where you started talking about something and ended up talking about something else?
At the end of the day, don't let it get to you. When you feel you are starting to lose it, just log off for a while.
P.S- I act like a jerk here many times too
Sit down, have a drink, relax. = Lighten your load, enjoy some refreshment and let the world drain away.
Totally understand what u feel.
Somebody from QL attacked Muslims in their home countries??
Didn't know that Bush is a QL member.