Israel Wishes You Ramadan Kareem

Israel Wishes You Ramadan Kareem
Mr. Peres, thanks for your initiative. I personally hope that the coming years will be full of peace for all humans.
Ofcourse,he would..!! after all he is such a peaceful man and his country Israel by far the most peaceful country in the World that LOVES Muslims!!
You are relying on politicians ...
Aww our beloved Israel is wishing Muslims Ramadan Kareem, how kind of them.
I must send the same wishes for their Hanukkah and Rosh Hashanah :)
give them some of their lands back and freedom of movement in their own land, then the neighboring countries will declare the right of Israel to exist.
Why would they declare the right of existence to people who do not declare others' right of existence (knowing that they have got the land by force few years ago?)
By the way, I just saw the video which looks like an advertisement more than a formal speech of a well-known politician, but I truly appreciate his speech only if he meant it from his heart
Interesting site, but lets be realistic. If everyone would refer to his religion and go thousands of years back, then wars will never stop, hence everyone will claim his existence before the other:)
An interesting view point from ORTHODOX Jews case you are not aware, the neighboring countries of Israel have still not officially declared that Israel has a right to exist.
How can you expect Israel to talk peace when other party is not even ready to acknowledge her existence!!
My point is let's put the past behind & take Mr. Peres good wishes in good spirit.
if someone greets me Merry Christmas, Ramadan Kareem or whatever it is:) Why would we care of people greeting us if we are not related anyhow
I'm sure they have but it's not important in their culture so it will not get much publicity. Does the king of Saudi make broadcasts on Al Jazeera wishing everyone a happy Christmas?
They have already managed to exist by force and find a place for themselves. So, you better say "lets hope Israelis will work forward for peace in this region & accept the Palestinian's fundamental right to exist"
before asying anything about peace better to change own attitiudes towards Palestine and Palestinians..
Was expecting from Mr. Daivd Cameron, andMr. Obama, to do the same.
Very nice gesture from Peres. He is a reasonable person.
Let's hope Muslim world reciprocates & work forward for peace in this region & accept the Israel's fundamental right to exist.
Good to see the reaching out, however they need to change their attitude towards the Palestinians. Time to let them breathe in their own lands.