Isn't this lying?

Everyday we meet our friends, colleagues, etc. and we ask these questions as usual;
How are you? I am fine, Alhamdoulillah(Praise be to God).
How's work? Fine, good, Alhamdoulillah.
How many of us really think and know how pretty bad our work is, how uncertain it is, how some of us are exploited in one way or another, or how our managers or colleagues are bugging us everyday. Why can't we just say, Oh, work is bad? Why do we lie and then follow the lie by praising God? It does not make sense, does it? Perhaps if we tell the truth we can find solutions to resolve whatever problem we are facing, innit?
A guy argued with me that it is good to say, Praise be to God, even when things are bad. OK, I agree. But then, let us just tell the truth and follow it by praising God instead of just telling a lie and praise God. Right?
Another guy argues with me,"Well your situation is not as bad as those in some other countries, such as war torn countries, etc" Well, again I agree but I think our circumstances and environment are different and the pressures I face may not be the same as those in war torn countries. How can you measure and compare the level of mental stress each one of us have?
I don't know if I have made myself clear. I hope I did. Bottom line is I will say things are bad when they are and things are good when they are. I just want to hear your views. Thanks for your input.
Ok time to close this thread or move it to the religious groupies section.
praising Allah it doesn't mean u r always in good ,,i should know what ever happen to you it happens for reason so u should praise Allah what ever the situation...i will give one good example : one of the tab3een emmam( followers of prophet Mohammed peace be upon him) having 2 large ship making trade from one country to his country once one his frind sees in see that 2 ship in the see are burning so he went and said to the person that you ship are burning said the emmam ALLHAMDULILAH after while the same person came told him that the 2 ship is not yours its another persons ship and the emmam said ALLHAMDULLILAH the man supprise when ever i told him bad or good he said ALLHAMDULLILAH then asked him why u r saying allhamdullilah in every thing the emmam replies we Muslims we have to pries what ever happen if bad things happen make patient (saber) and said allhamdullilah and if it happen good we thanks allah and saied allhamdullilah ) this the story so muslims should said allhamdullilah what ever happen to him
Effort should be made to pull the world from the jaws of reloigion.
Palancole,I very well understood ur question and read it carefully, however, saying am good even if we are nt good and following it with Alhamdolillah is nt a sin as it is nt a lie... as we are good in our body and health so why to focus only in bad things which happen to us!! we say we are good becoz we r alive and thats enough for us to thank Allah and we should say we are good nomatter how hard n bad our job is and no matter how we suffer with our colleagues or managers... the more u say am good and thank Allah for that the more Allah will look after u, as ur thanking him for everything and also we make from the bad things good things by comparing ourselves with others and appreciating that Allah loves us and thats why he differentiate us from others...
So tell me now isnt this reasons good enough to forget bad things and say we are good and thank Allah after that? just think that we have been loved from Allah.
and regarding inshallah thats another subject so lets focus in ur main thread.
Like you, many replies I got showed you all did not read my post carefully. Emy007 I did not say "there is no lie in saying am good and thanking ALLAH after that, and why u took it as a lie?" When did I say it is a lie to say good(when you are in fact good) and thank God for that. I never did.
Let me REPEAT myself. My question is: Isn't it a lie to say, "Yeah I'm allright, I'm good (when in fact you know you are not) and then follow this lie by saying Alhamdoulillah, I am good, I'm well?
I know I need to thank God even when bad things happens to me. This is between one and God. My question is related between two individuals. Why not just say( lying) "I am good or well" and stop at that. Why do you have to follow your lie by adding "Alhamdoulillah" when you know very well what you are saying is not the truth? Do you see where I am coming from? I hope someone, like FathimaH did, see my point.
Let me illustrate this by a scenario.
You have two friends or work colleagues, Mr. A & Mr.B. Mr B has just got his house repossessed or broken into or lost his child. He is perturbed and very sad or is so stresed he does not know how to solve his problem. He is feeling suicidal( at the extreme). Mr. A has just passed his exams, his wife delivered a beautiful and healthy baby and his bank account is fully loaded, he travels a lot on holidays.
You meet both. You asked them: How are you guys?
Mr. A : I am very well, Alhamdouillah!
Mr. B: I am good, Alhamdoulillah.
Do you now see the difference? Would it not be better for Mr. B to just say: I am good. Or perhaps he could have said:"My dear, things could be better however,... Alhamdoulillah!" That would be a truer and commendable answer!
Another misuse of words having relationship to God is Inshallah. I think this word has been very much abused by lazy work colleagues, liars. Words taken so lightly in daily conversation without careful consideration to its true meaning.
Palancole, I'm with you with this..but I do understand people who say the other way around because bad things are very difficult to open up..non the less I would still say thank god for everything.
whatever is happening to you is good;
you have bad job! someone out there have no job!
no matter what worse or shit happens to you there many others suffering from the worst!
Thanks God
Palancole, there is no lie in saying am good and thanking ALLAH after that, and why u took it as a lie? shouldnt u thank Allah that atleast u have a job? shouldnt u thank allah that u got an opportunity which many people r struggling n looking here n there to find a bad job with bad people just to get some bread? shouldnt u thank Allah that he chose u btw many people n gave u a job and health? shouldnt u thank Allah that from that work which u dnt like, ur getting bread and maybe feeding a family from that? so why ur taking it as a lie!!
another thing we should thank Allah no mater wht happens becoz when we compare ourselves with others we will find that Allah somehow love us more than others..
Also nt everyone will come n ask u hows u and hows work, u will start telling him about ur life story...
Allah has given us a brain so lets use it and differentiate btw lie and truth.
I thank God for whatever I am given. Good or bad. But I was just thinking that to say a lie and then praise God is wrong. Like FathimaH said, I quote,"Rather they may have not want to whine about their problems to all and sundry specially those who cannot be of help." Hmmm. Telling to those who cannot do nothing! Yep, this sounds fair point. Thanks.
So we should then, when we meet the right person, tell the truth, right? Instead of saying the same lie and Praise God. I dunno. But I do agree that we should thank God for whatever He Gives us.
Thank you all for your comments.
Just say THANK YOU GOD FOR ALL OF THIS THINGS HAPPENING TO MY this means either good or bad you are indeed giving thanks to him.
I don't feel like sharing my true feelings with everyone. I prefer to just keep them to myself, so I pretend to be fine if I want people to leave me alone about it. Unless the person is close to me, then I go into detail if im having a bad day.
To sort of show him gratitude
Because we Muslims believe that behind all negative experiences we face in life there is an ultimate good hiding behind, only we as limited humans cannot comprehend this good or only realise it at a later point in life.
This is best examplified in Surah (chapter) Al Kahf (the cave) of the Quran with the story of Moses and Khidr (symbolising destiny).
When Moses and Khidr rode on the poor man's boat, khidr made a hole in the boat which had Moses turn red in anger. Upon requesting explanation from Khidr, Moses later learned that some way down the river lived a king that confiscated all operational boats but that he left the poor man's boat as it was defective.
A bad hiding a good. We Muslims believe that Allah (SWT) is all good and whatever comes from Him in the form of destiny is ultimately good even if for us limited short-sighted humans the good may not be apparent.
Couldn't agree more!
personally bro, if my day/life is not going as well as I'd like it to be, I simply respond with the Islamic response "AlHamdulillah Ala kulli haal" which basically means "Praise God under all circumstances"
Sometimes people, even those we perceive to be under severe trials may still respond positively when asked about their affairs. This may not be lying on their part. Rather they may have not want to whine about their problems to all and sundry specially those who cannot be of help. On the other hand they maybe focusing on their blessings, rather than their trials, and thus still feel grateful for what they have. And those are truly admirable traits IMO. And not supposed to be interpreted to mean they are being untruthful.
tahsinmin & sheeto
You both did not answer my question. Why lie and then praise God? Do you think this is good?
we should thank full to ALLAH always no matter what ever the situation is with USS.