Iran will not return US drone

Tehran: A senior commander of Iran elite Revolutionary Guard has said that they will not return a U.S. surveillance drone captured by its armed forces.
Gen. Hossein Salami, deputy head of the Guard, said in remarks broadcast on state television on Sunday that the violation of Iran’s airspace by the U.S. drone was a “hostile act” and warned of a “bigger” response. He did not elaborate on what Tehran might do.
“No one returns the symbol of aggression to the party that sought secret and vital intelligence related to the national security of a country,” Salami said.
Iranian television broadcast video Thursday of Iranian military officials inspecting what it identified as the RQ-170 Sentinel drone.
Salami called its capture a victory for Iran and a defeat for the U.S. in a complicated intelligence and technological battle.
“Iran is among the few countries that possesses the most modern technology in the field of pilotless drones. The technology gap between Iran and the U.S. is not much,” he said.
But Salami refused to provide more details of Iran’s claim to have captured the CIA-operated aircraft.
“A party that wins in an intelligence battle doesn’t reveal its methods. We can’t elaborate on the methods we employed to intercept, control, discover and bring down the pilotless plane,” he said.
Good Move by Iran..
Two thumbs up to them...
soon States will beg... no one forgot the China's story... when they said, we are sorry...
embarassed ?
Uncle SAM lost an eye to....
What makes anybody think that the US would even ask for it back? It's pretty obvious that the Iranians wouldn't give it back anyway, so I doubt they'd ask.
This time Technology leaked! !
remember they destroyed the helicopter during abbotabad mission to prevent technology leak.
Even how can America Ask for that , its not legal right , other then if they think that the are Super Power ,and they will do whatever they Want .