'Instant' taxis've increased ther asking fare

So I was waiting for a Karwa taxi in the front parking of the supermarket and a guy called me if I wanted a taxi that badly. I went with him and brought me to my destination. The usual asking fare for the same distance route/destination on several 'instant' taxis I rode were around 10QRs everytime. This time they asked for 15QRs. The benefits of the increased asking fare was maybe because 1) the car's a bit brand new, 2) no more body odor within, 3) cleaner on the interior, or 4) a viable economic crisis crunch demand(? LOL).
...but the driver still doesn't know the directions/place that you still need to point it where.
Next time I'm going to sacrifice body odor repellance and ride the Nissan Altima ones that offers only 3QRs with no demand just to get me to my destination. LOL
Remember, they are 'instant' taxi, so no worries to pay 5 riyals extra
eHow - How to Travel from Qatar to UAE and Oman by road
do you need a car lift thats worth for your QR15? i know somebody here using his Jaguar for carlift a high maintenance car but a low profile type of driver who dont even argue about how much u shud pay for a ride..
Never pay them more that Karwa.
Karwa itself has inflated fare rates.
If they argue tell them you will complain....and take down their number....after all they are illegal and should have a little shame if not courtesy.
In fact anywhere in Citylimit should be worth only QR10. ie from Airport to Dafna/North Khalifa....in average traffic.
Sometimes they even take more than one passenger.
The cars are normally hired from a Rent A Car Service...they pay around QR 80-100/day and use it as a private taxi...that's how they earn their bread & butter :-)
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
"Everything in this book may be wrong." Illusions: The Adventures of The Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach
That guy might not be a regular Taxi Driver.....he may have startged this after being recently jobless...I mean, just a thought :-)
----------------------------------------------------------------Give me some SunShine......Give me some Rain
Give me another Chance...I wanna grow up once Again
next time negotiate the fare before you get in...
buy your own altima! Lol!!!!
"I'm back, simple as that"