Inspired to save cats
By tara_thesouther... •
I have heard about a cat coalition here in Doha. Does anyone know anything about it?
Seeing all these stray cats makes me want to do something for them. Any suggestions people have to help the cats in doha would be greatly appreciated.
I was thinking of setting water out for them
And grabbing some cat food.
I don't think they imported cats to get rid of the rats.
They brought a Dane (I think he was Danish) in to study them and he got rid of them in the early 80's. He and his team used to sit on a mound of earth on Al Saad street outside what is now the KFC and study them.
He introduced a poison that killed the rats but not pets.
Before he arrived, every time I switched my car headlights on I lit up about 6 to 10 rats. They could also climb onto the roofs of villas.
It was then that the government introduced the law that buildings had to have a smooth external surface and not the rough pebble dash finish that many of them had.
I have a lovely stray around my house, I'm feeding it every day. I would love to find him/her a loving home for ever, so if you need a nice cat (it's really beautiful, all it needs is a bath)and you can provide a loving home, just contact me!
It's true that had working hadn't killed anyone yet, but why to take risk?
Shame really, they imported hundereds of cats to get rid of the rats, now the cats are the problem.
Sometimes there is just no winning.
Yes, there are far less strays around now than there used to be. There was a big clean up program a while back where lots of strays were caught, and if they were injured or had a disease or illness they were put down but if they were healthy they were neutered (and vaccinated I think) and released.
People think they're doing good by feeding the strays, when in actual fact they're only making the problem worse. Far better to catch and neuter.
Just called Dorothy now. She is going to send me an email later on with all the info. Sounds good.
She said the problem used to be worse but since this program started has practically halved. Great news.
Thanks for the link Snow
Good find snowy. We should direct all posts about cats to that link.
Check out this,
I may be blonde but I am wise
smile lots laugh more
I feel like a kidnapper luring the critters in my car and taking them to the pound to get rid of their goods.
Hope they don't piss everywhere lol . Anyone have one of those cat carriers I can use?
I think there are people who will come round and catch them for you. I'm sure someone (one of QAWS or someone from the vets perhaps) will pop in here and tell you who to contact.
"Make a difference or make way"
There is no difficulty in catchin 'em. None of the stray cats here are that scared. They will easily follow if u give them some food.
Any ideas on how we can safely catch them?
I think its a great idea, i always leave out dry cat food in the morning before work and when i get home for the strays around my villa, they all got fat now but like Tallg said its best to get them to the vet to neuture them so we can stop the population from getting out of hand :)
If you can catch them you should take them to the government vets so they can be neutered. This will help to prevent the population of stray cats growing further.