INFORMAL GET-TOGETHER, Smoke-Free, Alcohol-Free

I was wondering if there is anyone interested in meeting new folk living in Doha in an informal setting where the environment is preferrably smoke-free (if there is such a place in Qatar) and alcohol-free.
Purpose: Just to chat and meet people in a non-threatening environment, such as a coffee shop - preferrably outdoors; to develop friendships and/or contacts.
Any age group welcome. Looking to see if anyone is interested in such a concept. When would be the best day, time and place to de-stress?
All going well I will be there -Bennigan's - at 4:00 pm provided I don't come down with the bugs going around our workplace.
Han already answer your question. Hard to explain the place if you don't know Doha very well. The best way is have alook at the map in Marhaba book.
oh bigmama i thought you figured out that rajeevs is a private house. they are alone and they were planning on dining together.
stick to places all know, commercial establishments.
bennigans is near al dana club, its the khalifa tennis court place where all the main tennis tournaments take place, near bukhara, near food ruckers. i dont know the name of the area.
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Manubtl, are you now telling me that Rajeeve's was a private house not a commerical premises?
Btw - sorry to here s/he was ill.
Rajev had a sore throat and taking antibiotics so had to cancel the plan.
Pls guys do lemme know where the BENNIGEN is.
As it was your suggestion to go to Bennigen's please tell us where it is and how to get to it.
Friday 19 January at Bennigens - 4:00pm till when you choose » edit | reply
Submitted by bigmama on Fri, 12/01/2007 - 8:32pm.
For those who wish to go
Place: BENNIGENS it is.
Date: Friday 19 January, 2007
Time: 4:00 pm until when you choose to leave.
Now I can only make it if someone tells me where it is. I am still finding my way around Doha.
Manubtl, have you found out where Rajeev's place is? If I don't know by 5:00 pm I won't be able to make it. SORRY.
Next friday 4 Pm where guys? Pls tel me exact location or else give me some of your numbers so that I can catch u all there.
Looking forward to catching up with you Butterfly. Will you bring Heidi? Enjoy your day and week ahead.
I cannot make it today. But I will be joining you guys next friday at 4 pm :)
Thanks for asking. I am on top of the world flying with the eagles, leaving the turkeys to scratch about in the dirt and squabble.
I am not on here often as I don't get to pick up anything worthwhile to discuss and work has been keeping me fully occupied. That is sad isn't it. LOL
bigmama i have not seen you here for quite some time....this is your thread after a long time, or did i miss something?
even if we dont meet, how are you doing?
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
what about butterfly? is she joinin? She seemed to be intrested too.
Thank you Manubtl. 6:30 suits me better but still no promises.
I also dont know exactly where, tomorrow I ll confirm the exact location and menu and time. Evening around 6:30 .You may call me if you would like to join.He told it is in old airport area, I forgot street name.
Silly me - just re-read the notes. Time is 7:00pm. I will try to make it but no quarantees. Now where is the place.
Exactly where is Rajeevs Place? Street Name please and where is it next to? What time?
Big Mama , will you join us tomorrow?
Saturday 13th Jan, 7 PM at Rajeevs place, old air port area, do let me know who all are coming.
For those who wish to go
Place: BENNIGENS it is.
Date: Friday 19 January, 2007
Time: 4:00 pm until when you choose to leave.
Now I can only make it if someone tells me where it is. I am still finding my way around Doha.
Also - will I need to book a table or do we just front up?
Whatever your decision will be please be specific about it...for example avoid using words like "NEXT" or "TOMORROW" because it could get really confusing sometimes.
Just simple mention the date and time and place.
I go with Bennigens...they have a very nice children playground...there is no way we can go out on a Friday and leave our kids at wouldn't like this to happen to you ;) lol
Hi Chit Chat,
I live in Bin Omran.Wat bout U??
Hi Manu
Could I know where is Manu's place.
well... just to voice out an opinion, Coffee Beanery is a nice place at the Ramada Junction, the only reason i recommended is coz of the time 4-6 it wouldnt be much crowded, or Costas at the Centre is good, or if ppl wana do sheesha or stuff, Grand Joud Cafe is an excellent place, we can book table in advance or how can we forget "Ras Al Nasah" at corniche, also known as Red Castle, excellent venue for hang out ..
You guys decide the place and i`ll try and join you guys for sure ...
Cheers !
Let me know where Bennigans is please. How does 4:00-6:00 pm next Friday sound for a date and time? That allows for people to then go on and party or do what they please for the evening.
Just need to settle on a place now.
As I know, in heaven wine is ok.
Earth is not heaven.
Dont think i would go at night time to city centre too Butterfly. Hubby would be grumpy have to drive in the traffic and find a parking. lol.
Hi guys ,if you are intrested in Indian veggie food then we can plan to meet at Rajeevs place 2moro evening. I will be going, pls do let me know if anyone is intrested.
I used to as well. However, seems that it offends too many ppl so I stopped going for coffee there, lol
It's only here on earth that the bleeding hearts whine enough to have it banned almost everywhere.
I wouldn't recommend going to starbucks in city center though...there are always people smoking there. Sometimes it's even me.
Smoke free and alcohol free environment for meetingd, you could find it in a monastery, mosque, church or maybe heaven.
Emancipate yourselves from mental slavery
None but ourselves can free our minds..
Novita, nightime it's no good for me :( Early afternoon much better. You know what it's like for peple with kids...
Han, yes, I have been busy this week, back to work, by the time I get home I play with Heidi for a couple of hours,and then prepare dinner, bath her, put her to bed early etc, and then do some the time I go to bed I'm too exhausted. But I'm ok.
If you all can arrange a meeting on a weekend around four pm I will be happy to join.
hi all, lets meet tomorrow some where like in city centre at star bucks near the home center at evening like 8:00 P.M. if any one is coming please let me know at 5679346.
you can take the kids and husband/wife too :-) But i think might be off putting for some people night out with the kids. lol.
hi big mama, let us know the final place of meet and if i can make it, then sure why are gith about affordable place of meet. oh are kids allowed or is it just for adults?
hey butterfly where have you been, i was going to mail youtoday but was having problems with my hotmail. are u doing fine?hows ur health?
happy heart
drive safe because someone is waiting for you at home
Oops!! I forgot to mention. I would like the venue to be one that is affordable for the majority and no entry fee or memberhsip is required. Most of us don't have oil or gas fields to tap into for an income.
fridays would be gr8.
I would be interested. I'm free on the weekends.
if u arrange some day pls do inform me at 6653073.
Thank you for your interest manubtl. If we can manage to get a group going that would be great.
Thank you for your interest manubtl. If we can manage to get a group going that would be great.
I m always intrested to meet new friends, regardless of the environment.Wat do u say Bigmama