India pays couples to put off having children

Rumour has it that Pajju is claimimng the money is five states under different names ......
Thousands of couples in India who agreed to put off having babies for at least two years after their wedding will collect cash payments this month as health officials attempt to curb the country's rapidly growing population.
The country's population stands at 1.2 billion and is expected to reach 1.53 billion by 2050. But increasing pressure on resources means that there is barely enough water and food to go round.
A pilot project in the Satara district of Maharashtra has proved a success and other states, including Delhi and Assam, are now considering cash incentives.
Satara, funded by the National Rural Health Mission, is offering couples a reward of 5,000 rupees (£62) if they delay having a child for two years (70 rupees a day is a good wage in rural areas). If they wait another year, they receive a further 2,500 rupees.
The birthrate in the district rose from 16.5 births a thousand people in 2005 to 17 in 2007. The project initially attracted 977 couples, but that figure has risen to 2,366.
Vivek Baid, president of the Mission for Population Control, said India could no longer sustain large families, and that it should now aim for zero population growth. "We feel that two children is a necessity, but that a third is not required. It is better for families to control their family size," he said.
"People's economic situation is not improved by having more children. It places them under greater financial pressure and exposes them to malnutrition and disease and they do not have the money for education and clothes."
What is wrong with Indian cricket team.They are much more better than any cricket team Decency in what way do hey lack that can u authenticate ur statement
Warm Regards
there are free condom vending machines in every major railway station and other public spaces. People are using them as balloons for their one year olds' bday parties.LOL
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
In this scenario, condomns are going to be expensive I guess!!!!!.
Bomb Blast & War...
Well if coersion & force both don't work,what will?...
forceful measures will not work in an advanced democratic set up like India. There are thousands of small time politicians who will incite turbulance for their own gains and there is a large population of people who don't believe in birth control as it is against their faith. You know what I mean?
No government will have the patience to execute something as draconic(?) as this.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Ermm... wasn't this the plan for world domination? I was told that the Indians will take over the world some day soon cos they're everywhere, blue collar and white collar jobs, etc.
China catching up.
Arien said "They should rather punish the Jerks those who still make babies like Dogs."
/Thot it was being at it like wabbits...:P
Don't want no drama,
No, no drama, no, no, no, no drama
Sanjay Gandhi initiated a forced sterilization program in the mid-1970s. And there were a lot of atrocities committed, which was a major cause of public aversion towards family planning.
Irrespective of what the Govt Plans....what we have in mind is ......
Ek aur Ek = Eleven....
why after marriage?
they must have do studies to reach that conclusion.
i thought that a simple operation to the man after a number of kid would be more afficace.
@ friedunicorn,while you're right in that India is a diverse country in many ways,isn't the Indian penal code applicable equally to every Indian irrespective of their differences,religious,cultural,social,etc?...i maintain that extreme measures are required to control our population,as in something a bit more extreme than a cash handout,it won't be easy considering the diversity we have that you correctly pointed out,but then again,extreme measures are never easy to implement are they?...
India is culturally much more diverse than China.It's not easy for India or any similaly complex and diverse country to 'do a china'. A lot of socio political situations arise which are very sensitive and need to be handled differently.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Well,it's a good idea but should've been implemented,ooh let's see,maybe a decade ago?...India needs to do a China & make it illegal to have more than what was it,one or two kids?...then of course,we actually need to implement the law,in India,that's the hard bit..."aw come on officer,it was a moment of passion,surely you understand?"..."no but i will if you give me a Gandhi(Rs. 500)"...actually,that idea is destined to fail,sorry,next...
Money for nothing and the chicks for free :P
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
fucking rule
Good much do i get for staying single?
Aana free, jaana free,
Pakde gaye tho khana free.
Abortion rates are going to up methinks.
So they can wait til the 4th year and start having kid after kid again? They should think longterm and spend that money educatiing the population from the grassroot level on up and creating awareness on family planning .
Gypsy being Indian, i'll come to Canada and make babies for half the price they are paying :D
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
Wouldn't it be cheaper to neuter all the males in India? After they have had one child?
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
I have to laugh though, in Canada we're paying people to HAVE kids & in India they're paying them NOT to have kids. :P
You don't need to pay people to stop having kids, you just need better TV channels and a decent cricket team..
We Indians take pride in beating all statistics.
1.53 Billion by 2050 huh? Watch out how we demolish those figures with a frenzy of rabbit activity LOL..
I have serious doubts on the success of this initiative.
- A study Conducted by FriedUnicorn - Vol I (September,1999)
Something had to be done... or else, India was on its way to become the highest populated country..!! and fast growing..!!
They should rather punish the Jerks those who still make babies like Dogs.
- Listen to Many...Speak to a Few -
Good move.
OR they could just take the kids from families that have extra kids and give them to the ones that dont.
Good Fortune always comes knocking at your door...when you are sh*tting in the toilet!! :)
A good move.. Hope it works in other states too.