IELTS preparation

By jigsaw53

'Thank you VERY much' to a person who recommended Alexander Language Centre to me. I'm very happy with them. They are ONLY native speakers there and the centre is spacious and very well equipped. Unlike British Council. The person who recommended the British Council is not aware that there are not as many really NATIVE SPEAKERS are working there. There was a Russian teacher, a few Serbians, Bulgarian,Egyptians (one was from Burmingham,but still Egyptian), Indians, etc. And a few house wife with CELTA wich they did here at British Council and got a part-time jobs afterwards. And they are so commercial! They don't give a dam about you!
And the Interactive Boards and cassette recorders never worked there. It was expensive and very unprofessional.

By mjamille28• 21 Dec 2010 12:52

LOL ok shirt size.. are you happy now?

By DaRuDe• 21 Dec 2010 12:51

say shirt size

dont just say you like small size. that creates alot of idea in mind

By mjamille28• 21 Dec 2010 12:49

lol DA, what size did you have in mind? I was referring to shirt size.. :P

By DaRuDe• 21 Dec 2010 12:48

dont you guys know its forbidden to talk about sizes on QL

By mjamille28• 21 Dec 2010 12:43

lol TB, size Small for me ok? :P

By timebandit• 21 Dec 2010 12:42

I am going to produce some T-Shirts for the official Timebandit fan club.

By mjamille28• 20 Dec 2010 12:17

lol TB, is your list getting longer? :P

By anonymous• 20 Dec 2010 12:01

you REAL bandit you!..."He is on QL from 6am to 12pm." i think you have a new fan mate!...or she could be a stalker!...

By timebandit• 20 Dec 2010 10:30

Hahahaha I love the fact that I have been singled out ;)

By anonymous• 19 Dec 2010 09:48

brit,we haven't established that fact yet now have we?!...

By britexpat• 18 Dec 2010 17:43

Please stop this cynicism.

Anyone with long legs like Lana can't be all bad..

By anonymous• 18 Dec 2010 16:47


By anonymous• 18 Dec 2010 13:17

Support your husband's business but not by badmouthing others. You lose credibility instantly with that. Rest it's your business, your call.

By anonymous• 18 Dec 2010 11:38

Who are you talking to? To yourselves? Probably sitting in the same tea room gossiping. You are all the same company and the same type of people: Oryx, timebandit, exexexpat,gadarene etc. with nothing else to do, without any private lives, practicing your wit on normal people. The timebandit is a REAL timebandit wasting his employers time. He is on QL from 6am til 12pm. I couldn't believe it at first!

Nobody except teachers reads these blogs so far down, so I don't see the point continuing replying to you. Nobody gives a damn regarding your lectures on morality. Most people won't even understand what it is all about. I've done my job. Nobody knew about Alexander Language Centre before, now people are calling us. And I will continue supporting my husband's work in the future.

By anonymous• 14 Dec 2010 19:50

"who's the idiot that came up with this marketing idea"???...thundered the Alexander learning centre guy...

By anonymous• 13 Dec 2010 16:42

This promotional campaign by Alexander learning centre - EPIC FAIL :(

By Oryx• 13 Dec 2010 16:36

Really a LOT of people read QL, few post.

You are doing your business only harm with your posts.

By britexpat• 13 Dec 2010 16:33

Congrats and Good Luck ..

By heartsbeat• 13 Dec 2010 16:28

i prepared myself IELTS and got required bands..............its very easy ...........

finally got the study visa for london/UK

if anybody need material/help for IELTS, he/she is welcome

im leaving qatar soon.........

By snessy• 13 Dec 2010 12:17

Aaahhh, I see your resorting to name calling - what a fine example you lead. I suggest you re-read my last post as your response to it doesn't make any sense at all. Would you perhaps like me to teach you English?

By anonymous• 13 Dec 2010 12:12

@ timebandit,you mean broud of her for rebresenting his combany so well!...

By timebandit• 13 Dec 2010 06:58

Oh I hope her husband gets to see this thread. He would be so proud of her for representing his company so well.

By ex.ex.expat• 13 Dec 2010 00:39

This blatant attempt to advertise on the forum should be deleted, especially since your lack of professionalism borders on libel.

Re your threats to me: oooohhhh I'm so scared! I'm sure my wasta is bigger than yours Lana, not to mention my brain! roflmao

Do you really think any PROFESSIONAL organization would want to be represented by someone like you and would care about what some anonymous person on the internet wrote?

Now stop making empty threats, little girl, and start posting your advertisements in the CLASSIFIEDS!

By britexpat• 12 Dec 2010 22:07

Lana has long legs ... true or false ....

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 22:01

@ lana19,

Question 1) jigsaw53 & lana19 are the same person. true or false?...

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 22:00


1) jigsaw53 & lana19 are the same person. true or false?...

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 21:53
Rating: 2/5

I changed my mind and I'm back for the last time on this particular topic.

1. Stop putting words in people's mouths and calling them half brains. They can decide for themselves where to study. Let them shop around and see all the options. Nothing is immoral about that!

I met a few people who were not happy with the BC. And they were charged for the placement tests as well as the books. At Alexander the placement test is free as are the books which are the latest editions from British publishers. And they ARE FLEXIBLE. You can pay for a certain number of the lessons, do some, go on holiday, and continue whenever you decide. It's true!

2. So, if anybody (like damiankid) gives me any support so what? Is it only you are guys with nothing else to dowho are very correct and moral?

3. Is it true about the non-working equipment at BC?

4. It's not an advert as I would really like to discuss all the options of studying IELTS in Qatar and not just being bullied by BC teachers and pro BC people into their institution.

5. Now that you have run out of ideas and have nothing else to say and have started discussing my legs, it's time for me to say goodbye. Have a nice day.

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 17:39

brit,so basically a liar with long legs is better than one with...not so long legs?!...LOL! :)

timebandit,basically the thread is a sneaky attempt to advertise this language centre(is it just me or are these places popping up all over town? who quality controls these joints???) by badmouthing another one...

By timebandit• 12 Dec 2010 17:38

Apparently so.... or is she lying about that as well?

By britexpat• 12 Dec 2010 17:22

Yes, but she's got long legs :O)

By timebandit• 12 Dec 2010 16:56

The thread starts of with lies about two recommendations and then progresses to bad mouthing an organisation with more lies. So basically the OP is a liar.

By timebandit• 12 Dec 2010 16:43

Ahhh... so my suspicions were quite correct then ;)

By snessy• 12 Dec 2010 14:20

No matter how clever you think you are by giving negative press about another company to promote yours, any potential students seeing this thread will also see all the comments whether they are negative or positive. Unfortunately for you there are more negative comments for people to read.

Surely, anyone with half a brain isn't willing to use a company that stoops down so low with their devious tactics to promote their own company.

Whatever happened to the people with good morals??

This is also a blatant advert and the thread should be deleted as per the QL rules.

FYI damiankid, I didn't look at the website, I couldn't be arsed....

By britexpat• 12 Dec 2010 14:06

I am a little Hoarse and would like to know more about your Long Legs ..

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 14:00

Yes I will keep studying especially for you so you can understand me better.

BTW where did the idea that my husband is Egyptian come from? I didn't say that, perhaps there is a problem with your understanding English?

Right, I'm getting fed up with this conversation going round in circles around Egyptians, they must be dizzy by now. I am planning on a break for 2 or three days so I will not be posting anything. I am happy with my work.

If you need more information call Alexander Language Centre on 44364425. Have a nice day.

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 13:04

I am. You be careful what you are saying. Do not forget: you are an expat here. And you are criticizing Arabs in an Arabic country and the owner of the business you personally know nothing about. Admit that to yourself, and keep it a bit down. I can find out who you are in 5 min.

I will be busy know. And I will talk to all of you interested to find out more about Alexander Language Centre tomorrow.

Goodbye for now

Have a nice day


By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 12:57

Still LOL

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 12:55

Dear Oryx

Are you from the Backside of the Moon?

Sincere appologies to Pink Floyd.

By ex.ex.expat• 12 Dec 2010 12:41

You were the one critical of Egyptians, my dear. I only looked at the website you posted and saw the director (who you claim is your husband) is Tamer Ebaid (obviously an Arab name). The rest is available on the internet.

What "maesures" exactly are you threatening me with dear? And how will you investigate me? lol

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 12:34

1. I do not understand the presence of non Arabic speaking non-native English speaking teachers in Qatar. 2. My own words are: 'a person who did not grow up speaking the particular language can not teach another person that language, as he/she always will have minor or major problems with that language on their own. Basically, it's OK to have a bilingual teacher for low level who speaks the language of the country he/she is teaching in. Like an Arabic teacher who speaks good English would be perfect for teaching Elementary level in Qatar.'

3. Why did you decide that my husband is Egyptian? It just shows that you have never been to the Centre and know nothing about them

4. They don't have Egyptian teachers.

5. Are you suggesting that it is wrong to be an Egyptian and to manage a language centre?

6. If you continue that way involving the nationality of the Egyptian people ( even my husband is not one of them, but the Director of Horizon for instance is an American with Egyption origin) I will investigate who you are and take the maesures.

Have a nice day digesting that

Your friend Lana

By t_coffee_or_me• 12 Dec 2010 12:21


By ex.ex.expat• 12 Dec 2010 12:19

and since you keep advertising your husband's business, you will get the thread deleted. Then all your hard work bad-mouthing the BC will be lost ;)

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 12:16

to believe her claim she doesn't know anybody from the BC. Yes, of course, she does know anybody to jump so much into the conversation. Working as the 'moon godess' she wouldn't.

By the way, we do give discounts. Call us 44341014 - 44364425.

By ex.ex.expat• 12 Dec 2010 12:13

But dear, you failed to address why you are critical of the non-native speakers teaching when your own husband is Egyptian? What was that you were saying about the Egyptian woman from "Burmingham"?

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 12:00

Said Ex ex Ex expat. So do I.

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 11:57
Rating: 4/5

I think R is from Bulgaria. She is a very very nice person. And a very very good teacher. I'm NOT against anybody. The only thing I'm saying is that a person who did not grow up speaking the particular language can not teach another person that language, as he/she always will have minor or major problems with that language on their own. Basically, it's OK to have a bilingual teacher for low level who speaks the language of the country he/she is teaching in. Like an Arabic teacher who speaks good English would be perfect for teaching Elementary level in Qatar. But what was N the Serbian doing here, especially in the BC? That amuses me! They should have employed Qatari teachers. Many of them speak very good English and it's their country by the way. Halas!

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 11:35

I do. That's why I study hard. Are you as nasty to your students when they make spelling mistakes as you were to me?

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 11:27

as he never been to Alexander Centre, never met their teachers, or the owner. And though you have just insalted people working there AND the Qatari owner. You know NOTHING about the company that owns the Alexander Centre in Qatar and they are serious people with a lot of well established businesses.

Regarding your wife looking for a job in some other language centres (which ones if it's not a secret?) 'for something to do'. Obviously, she doesn't need the money. So, she started tution on her own and even was sending her students to the BC. Ha! Ha! Ha!

By the way, why are you Ex Ex Expat? Was kicked out from too many places before?

By anonymous• 12 Dec 2010 11:18

You all seem to have come to the defence of the Egyptian from Brum (who I personally know) but what about R from Rumania, N from Serbia, and A from Russia (I also know these three) All these ladies are fine teachers but the latter three still have problems with articles (they don't exist in their native language)problems with prepositions and also word order.

Nobody has defended the broken down CD/cassette players or non functioning smart boards.

Guys, what was the reason for lana19/jigsaw's post? She wanted to draw attention to Alexander school. I think she has achieved that. You all looked at their website (even I did, and I don't give a damn) So,snessy,perhaps she is a very bright star.

By ex.ex.expat• 10 Dec 2010 18:55
Rating: 2/5

I have British friends whose families originally came from India, Pakistan, Egypt, Yemen and Palestine. Their English is of course as "native" as mine. Silly notion to think it is not.

And I know what you mean about the language centers here. My wife interviewed in a few when she was looking for something to do and found them dreadful. She chose to tutor on her own and referred all her students to the BC when we left Doha the first time.

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 18:48

I know that particular lady. A polite, articulate young English lady. As with anyone born and brought up in the UK we consider them British thus native. Using someone's ethnic origins as a negative point is called................!

I see the 'product' of the educational establishments here in Doha. British Council may cost more but the calibre of the end learning is higher.

By ex.ex.expat• 10 Dec 2010 18:41

instructor from "Burmingham" at the British Council because she said she was a non-native speaker. And yet, it seems the director of this program is also Egyptian. Double standards much?

And yes, I agree with you about the marketing strategy's origins. As long as there are people looking for a cheap, quick and easy way to learn language (not to mention a business owner who wants to hire the cheapest employees they can get), you will have people throwing their money away on these kinds of "institutes". At least the British Council has standards that are maintained internationally and there is accountability in that.

By snessy• 10 Dec 2010 18:38

Exactly Oryx...I'll happily accept threads which are bad mouthing companies but when they big up another company in the same thread you know there's something fishy going on. I find it hysterical she keeps forgetting which username she's logged in as...not the brightest star in the sky, me thinks :-)

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 18:35

Although lana wasn't very polite to me I now feel very sorry for her.

Now why aren't I surprised that such marketing tactics have such origins???

By ex.ex.expat• 10 Dec 2010 18:32


By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 18:30

You pay for what you get I guess.....

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 18:30

@ Jigsaw53 a.k.a lana19,if your post is anything to go by in terms of English language proficiency,you do realize that you have hardly any reason to cheer?...

By ex.ex.expat• 10 Dec 2010 18:28

can pay for English lessons from a company that can't even write in decent form for their advertisements. They do not even use proper sentence structure or punctuation, and seem to capitalize letters for no reason. I have a hard time believing they are in any way related to the UK, although they show Big Ben on their website.

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 18:28

Maybe its the Arabic one and thus 'Pig Pen' LOL

That's why it is difficult to answer the q about what specifically I didn't like.

a. it isn't a question of like and my personal subjective taste

b. there was a wide range of errors

By ex.ex.expat• 10 Dec 2010 18:24

and this is on their website:

Tamer Ebaid

Centre Director - Doha

Tel : (+974) 4 36 44 25

Mobile : (+974) 6 71 76 36

Fax : (+974) 4 36 18 76

[email protected]

So who has the problem with non-native speakers now?

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 17:46

LOL - really

I can never respect a company that says negative points about another one.

Although i am not friends and don't have the phone numbers of the teachers mentioned, I think it is nasty to call their professionalism into question on an open forum.

By snessy• 10 Dec 2010 17:40

lana19: did you forget to log in as jigsaw53 when responding?

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 15:34

1. I have an MA in Applied Linguistics so I am fully aware of this.

2. General Level of English

3. Thank you

4. Too many actually and you may suggest anything you wish on a public forum

5. I have never advertised myself as a Spanish Teacher although I am fully qualified to teach Spanish and French.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 13:14

Dear Oryx

Just because somebody has a degree and a CELTA does not mean they understand and/or can teach the nuances of the English language, especially when it comes to teaching IELTS writing.

2 What specifically do you not like about the Alexander website?

3 In your profile, for nationality you wrote Mexico. Can I respectfully suggest you write MEXICAN?

4 You are a memeber of many many groups. (No other life?) One of them is Sarcastics Anonymous. Can I suggest you practice your wit there?

5 I saw you advertising yourself as a Spanish teacher. Please send yor CV to [email protected] as they are very busy and need another Spanish teacher.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 13:13

Thank you for your offer but my horse is short and I have long legs.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:53
Rating: 5/5

Dear Mido

You can contact Alexander Language Centre on 44364425 or 55331718. They are very close to Al Sadd street. Fees depend on which IELTS class you are taking. Speak to them.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:53
Rating: 5/5

Dear Mido

You can contact Alexander Language Centre on 44364425 or 55331718. They are very close to Al Sadd street. Fees depend on which IELTS class you are taking. Speak to them.

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 12:39

Just checked out said website. Maybe they will give you a discount if you can correct their English for them.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:38
Rating: 5/5

Dear Mido

You can contact Alexander Language Centre on 44364425 or 55331718. They are very close to Al Sadd street. Fees depend on which IELTS class you are taking. Speak to them.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:35
Rating: 4/5

Dear saji1972

Yes they do IELTS preparation for the academic module.

You can contact them on 44364425 or 55331718. They are almost next to Al Waab petrol station on theAl Waab Street. (It's the road that runs from Al Sadd to Villagio.)

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 12:34

Also you can't take a Celta without a what is your problem with someone taking a Celta?

Someone is under their husband's sponsor who has a degree and they take a Celta.....and the problem with that is?

That means they are qualified...surely that is good?

By Oryx• 10 Dec 2010 12:31
Rating: 3/5

the bulgarian teacher and egyptian teacher you are talking about are excellent. I have friends who have been their students who have nothing but praise.

Just because someone is a native speaker it doesn't make them a good teacher

Just because someone is a non-native speaker it doesn't make them a bad teacher

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:30

No I don't work for them but my husband does. He is the Centre Director. He has been teaching English in Doha for the last nine years. Have a nice day.

By anonymous• 10 Dec 2010 12:26

Alexander Language Centre on 44364425 or 55331718. Please contact them. Good luck.

By lakes• 8 Dec 2010 12:39

They have a website guys. Its in Al Waab Street.

By Mido80• 8 Dec 2010 11:33

Hi jigsaw53, could you please provide their contact details, location, fees...etc.


By s_isale• 8 Dec 2010 11:32

pooooof gone.............

By saji1972• 8 Dec 2010 11:14

Jigsaw, can you provide the informations like contact no & location for the alexander Language centre. Do they provide training for ILETS acadamic? Thanks

By timebandit• 8 Dec 2010 11:06

Where is Burmingham?

By Johnson566• 8 Dec 2010 10:52

Dear jigsaw53, where is Alexander Language Centre and do they provide IELTS Exams for nurses to UK .What are their charges please.If you have please provide me their contact number too. thanks !

By lakes• 8 Dec 2010 10:46

LOL sounds like you work for them. :))

By snessy• 8 Dec 2010 10:29

Do you need a hand down from your high horse?

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