Idiots guide to the Palestinian papers

Best article on the Palestinian papers yet. Really helps to explain why the papers were significant.
Best article on the Palestinian papers yet. Really helps to explain why the papers were significant.
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to be more precise , "dictate"
By "Guide" , you mean "Tell"..
The secretary of state has already said that they cannot work with the new government in Lebanon, but are sure that the Mubarrak regime is stable :O)
Hold on Goldie
now the Yanks will guide them, whom they should select for their leadership.
I don't blame the poor guy. even if he cut his hands and put it on the plate for Israel, still he will not get anything. The best way is to bring back Hamas and face the truth, which of course will never be allowed by USA, Israel and the Zionist coalition partners.
What do you mean by that statement?
(Sorry to hijack/digress)
He inherited a mess. It is a coalition government and yes I agree he has gone back on some promises but I think he is trying to do the best.
He is a bit of a *osser. He is a new breed of Politician but we have to give this government a chance.
IF and it is a big IF, the Palestinian leaders bent over backwards and took it up the *ass for the common good of Palestine; then what they did was right. After all, they will get status and they will get land.
I don't think it is as easy as this though. I smell a rat and I think the Palestinian people have been let down again by their own, insulted by Israel (again) and let down by the global community (again).
It is a mess and I fear the backlash.
or the way the British elected Cameron. The masses are always less clever, I guess.
of their elections, they did elect their leaders. Therefore, as I stated I do not feel sorry for them. They are getting what they asked for. I didn't feel sorry for the yanks either when they elected Bush.
Palestinians elected Hamas but the whole of Europe, USA and Israel was not happy with that and asking for peace from Israel is a stupid question.
I don't feel bad for them. Maybe this will finally make some decent people take initiative to develop a new party that will represent the best interests of the people and reach a lasting peace deal. The people need to take responsibility for not supporting the same lousy status quo they have been voting for.
I really feel bad for the Palestinians, they deserve better.
Good article - thanks
Some comments:
So what's next? One, the US must now absolutely refuse to veto the UN resolution condemning settlements or demonstrate to the world that, despite the Al Jazeera revelations, we are still utterly in Israel's pocket (I won't hold my breath). And, two, the Palestinian Authority must reach out to Hamas with the goal of calling new elections in which Palestinians can choose a legitimate, democratically-elected leadership which can then - in the name of all Palestinians - declare the state.
None of this will happen :O)
There is no alternative. The Palestinians must declare their state and then reach out to the majority of Israelis who will welcome its establishment and will join with it to help make a symbol a reality.
Hahahaha - Good one :O)