I think I just got banned

Or maybe I can't log on because i'm @ a different IP adress? Let me know mods- I won't participate on the board if my contributions are not wanted. I just need a little help with my move to Qatar and don't know where else to go..
I promise not to talk about women, gambling, or alcahol in the future..(2 outta 3 of my favorite subjects) Just Qatar related things
A Petite Corona?
My Cuban Shotputter used to call me her Cohiba .... and the way she rolled those cigars ..... Good Times :O)
They'll send them to you from Cigar shop up there, but they can't guarantee you'll get them..And at $75 a copy you don't want to lose 20 or 40 of them..I always have recieved them though..Last time the shop declared them as "playing cards"
Cohibas are noticeably better- I don't know why they can't grow them using Cuban seed somewhere else in the Caribbean, but they can't. They are never the same
Well, so far somebody always finds a way to bring them in..nothing to be done about it...and after all, OMG, it's a cigar!! Not the crown jewels.
Much ado about nothing.
Oh, NM, I know. It's just that ICE will getcha for them. My pilot buddies find creative ways to bring them in. First time, they just get confiscated. Second time you get a fine. Third time, if you are airline, you may lose your job!
Why is the cigar thing such a big deal? I mean if you want them you can find them anyway....
I know a guy that grew up on a farm in Leamington (?) Ontario and he brings me back a couple hundred every time he goes home, and I own two Laundry Mats in Purto Vallarta so I go down there four or five times a year..Although last time the custom agent didn't say hi, how are you doing, or anything. She looked right into my eyes and said "did you bring back any cigars?" I said "no" and she said "Are you sure" and I said "yeah"...There was a long pause and she was lookin at me like "I know you did" and she just said..."ok" and let me go..I guess she didn't want to take them from me, but wanted me to know that she knew..She was kinda cute
Nope, just illegal in the US, silly. How'd you get 'em in?
I'm peaking right now..
With no end in sight.
You're over 50 and you're still a Lover ... Tell me what you're taking :O)
I don't know what happened to my other log on name. I couldn't sign on no matter what I did.
Let me guess....They are against the law in Qatar?
Say it ain't so Mandi, say it ain't so.
Cohibas, huh? Well, I won't tell the Mods!
Good to see you here again Bull. Count some stars for me ;)
Thanks sweety
Keep up the positive attitude..QL needs more folks like you! Take care now.
Anyway, I'm in Sedona Arizona with my X sister in Law and daughter who decided to tag along at the last minute..They're off getting thier Chakras in line or something..This is a beautiful place, I love it but I didn't know it was some kind spiritual gateway..Everyones clutching crystals, doing steamhouse yoga, meditating and getting right with the universe..They all seem to enjoy it and thats nice, but its not my thing.. The Big Bull likes sitting here in the hot tub with a cohiba explindido, a beer and reading the racing form, thats how I get right with nature..Last night everyone stared at the stars and acted like it was the first time they ever saw them..A lot of oohs and aahs?
..I watched War Horse on Pay Per view- It sucked
I'm a lover, not a fighter- and i'm 50 years old
Nothin bothers me
And when the Bull says he cant wait to see everybody, he means it. The Big Bull doesn't judge people, he's just as comfortable mingleing with homeless people as he as with kings. He likes variety and enjoys new experiences..
So don't be afraid of the Bull-
See ya'all later
btw, why are you showing your muscles, have you challenged the defending champion who lives in Qatar? :P
Thanks friends..Anyway..I'm on a road trip right now, a trip that has been planned for days (I didn't want to miss it) so I cashed in the first class ticket they gave me to a place called Doha in Qatar for tommarow..I'll be coming next Sunday, coach...Cha Ching!..
I've been told it will take every bit of 2 months to get set up there. Looking foward to see'ing everyone!
Well try contacting the mod personally. The same happened to me a month or so back(God knows,I'm far from being the slightest bit controversial), and the ever helpful mod fixed it for me.
Hope you get your ID back, but if not just stick to this one and keep posting. And once again,welcome to QL..cheers!
you can go and check your profile its active.
but guess the ip you are using is in banned list. so try changing
Bull Meachum here
What is your actual ID?