I just spent the whole day fixing my computer and the network issues it's been having. That includes formatting the system, removing and adding a PCI card, and loads of other stuff. Now, just when I think everything's fine... my freakin router keeps randomly restarting itself.
And since I've got Mozaic... my folks can't even enjoy their freakin TV, because it's all connected. This isn't the first time! The router's been restarting itself or the internet's been going off and on for ages! What the hell Q-Tel? You guys are so lucky you're the monopoly Internet Service Provider here! If only a competitor arrives... that's it. They'd collapse. Who feels the same way?
I think Vodafone offer internet as well but by the sounds they are less reliable than Q-Tel so thats saying something
agreed to all of your comments guys and yes, my answer was also out of frustration. BTW, do we have any other choice apart from take it or leave it ??? thats what i meant.
what a stupid response nishan, I feel your pain op, qtel sucks.
Try using a different modem, I had the same problem (the modem automatically resets by itself). Now I use an Aztech, which works pretty good. By the way I don't have the mozaic service, I hope that thing only need a internet cable from modem.
I have to reset my modem 3 or 4 times a day :o(
well said gadarene, stupid comment from nishantvshah "don't use them" so whats the answer genius?
@ nishantvshah,the OP will stop using Qtel...when he has a choice of another internet service provider which currently he doesn't...unless you know something we don't!
So, "don't use their services" is hardly a solution now is it?! :)...
They do have some technical problems from time to time but overall, the internet service is pretty good.
dont use their services if you hate em. Simple as that.
you are not alone.
it's been three days i think that the connection goes on and off. when i call for help from their stupid hotline, they kept me on hold for about 15 minutes. Dammit! What the hell!
again... :(
Here we go again!
I don't hate Q Tel as such but suffer their apathy.
I can understand plight of Q-tel users being sufferer of their poor service & never-ending technical snags.
Height was, when they without attending the problem sent me confirmatory SMS of job done ..lol
Actually it’s not a Q-tel mistake but mine (customers per say) who keep high expectations from them :)-
sometimes the mozaic router can be a real pain. its like it wakes up one fine day and decides to quit and make our lives miserable.
i am still looking if there is any other router we can buy to replace the mozaic modem as i think its total crap and thomson is not good in wireless network. Only issue since we have DSL Broadband plus Tv using the same modem not any modem will work.