i admire the dignity and wisdom of this woman so far...

press statement made by the austrian girl who was kidnapped and went missing for 8 years.
"Dear journalists, reporters, dear global audience!
I am very much aware of what an impact the events of the past days must have made on you. I imagine how shocking and frightening the thought that something like this could even be possible must be. Furthermore, I am aware that you are somewhat curious about me and naturally want to know more details about the circumstances in which I lived.
First of all I want to let you know that I don't want and will not answer any questions about personal or intimate details. I will act against those who overstep personal boundaries towards voyeurism. Whoever tries to do so will have to watch out. I have grown into a young woman interested in education and with human needs.
My living space: My room was well enough furnished. It was my room and not meant to be shown in public.
My daily life: This was very regulated. Most of the time we had breakfast together - he didn't work most of the time - household chores, reading, watching television, talking, cooking. That's what it was like for years. Everything connected with the fear of loneliness.
The relationship: He was not my master. I was just as strong. But - to give you a metaphor - he carried me in his arms but also trampled me underfoot. But he took on the wrong one [person] - and he and I both knew that. He carried out the kidnapping on his own, everything was already prepared.
He furnished the room - which was not just 1.6 metres high - together with me. By the way, I did not cry after the escape. There was no reason for mourning.
Defamations: In my view his death was unnecessary. A penalty would not have been the end of the world. He was a part of my life and this is why I am, in a way, mourning him.
Of course it is true my youth was different from many other people. But generally I don't have the feeling I missed anything. I spared myself many things, I did not start smoking or drinking and I did not hang out in bad company.
Message to the media: The only thing the press should spare me are the permanent defamations of myself, the misinterpretation, the second-guessing and the lack of respect towards me.
Currently I feel good where I am, perhaps a little bit patronised. But that's how I decided that I want to only stay in touch with my family over the phone. I will determine myself when I will contact journalists.
About my escape: When I had to clean and vacuum the car in the garden, he went away because of the vacuuming noise. That was my opportunity, I simply left the vacuum cleaner running.
By the way I never called him "master", even though he wanted it. I believe he quasi-wanted it but not really seriously.
Intimate questions: Everybody wants to ask intimate questions that is not their business. Maybe I will tell a therapist or maybe I will tell somebody when I feel the need, but perhaps I will never tell. The intimacy belongs to me alone.
...It was Wolfgang's own decision to throw himself under the train. I sympathise with Wolfgang's mother. I can feel with her and put myself in her position. I, and both of us, think of him.
I want to thank all people who are so interested in my life. Please bear with me in the time to come. Dr Friedrich will explain it with this statement. Many people are taking care of me. Give me some time until I can tell the story myself."
but regardless of what it is called, i think it's basic human nature/goodness to feel sorry for anyone who had to go under a train. and in spite of what he did to her, she didnt lose that.
she was kidnapped while still a child, imagine what he must have done to her, not just physically but more lasting, mentally and psychologically, and maybe shaming her and making her believe she wont have a life anymore outside his domain.
she might have tried to run away before and im sure he didnt welcome her with chocolates when caught.
grown educated women have a hard time getting out of an abusive relationship because of fear of shame, failure, and physical repercussions, and i dont blame them. parallel that to what she has been used to for her past 8 formative yrs.
it is ode to the human spirit that even though she somehow have gotten used to their routine, she didnt give up the thought that there is still more to life than what she has. and even though there is such a thing as a stockholm syndrome, she was not rescued, she walked out.
I agree with the title of this post. she seems educated, well spoken and knows what people are thinking about her. Her statement was much more dignified and well though out than I would have expected it to be. You have to keep in mind, that it has bene aonly about a week since she walked away from her ordeal. She is also 18.
She might be suffering from Stockholm syndrome, but perhaps the guy who kidnapped her was a nice guy. People are not monsters all the time, he did a bad thing.. but he might have been a perfectly good person otherwise.
She also mentioned something that I found very interesting, that he realised soon after that he had picked the wrong child.. that they both realised it. That sentence in her statement is quite telling and I think that as the case unfolds, it might come into a brighter light.
I know, while she was cleaning his BMW. That implys that he let her outside? I would have thought someone would have seen her and notified the police.
I agree. he looked after her for 8 years you are bound to identify a little. Interesting that she ran away when she got the opportunity. I wonder if that was the 1st opportunity she had to run away though. The way she described it it sounds like he trusted her a bit.
I agree, Super.
What else could anyone possibly expect in her case, anyway?
Big time Stockholm sydrome, poor thing. :(
Stockholm syndrome
She certainly seems to be handling things well so far.... good luck to her in adjusting back to the real world.
There are some sick, sick people out there...