Human Eating in Pakistan

It is interesting that, in the past one year alone, several cases of a similarly gruesome nature have been reported in the media. All these cases are of cannibalism (eating flesh of a dead human). What is more interesting is that all these cases are from Pakistan. I am really wondering why it could be so.
Well, except this recent even in which a woman murdered her husband, most of the cases involve people who dugged up the dead bodies of people who had died a natural death.
PrincessSarah - The problem is about the guys who want to buy and eat pork but just can,t get into the QDC
Segmund - Are they the ones killing the person too just to have some human flesh to eat? or are these people who are being eaten died due to illness?just curious..
So what if QDC sells pork? Those who love pork can buy those who dont are not forced,so what's the problem?
Well, exactly. It is happening more than just once. And having almost 3 or 4 incidences can hardly be termed as an exception. There is a disease called Necrophagia. It could be that.
My moral was that people should stfu and mind their own business in life.
Segmund - and i thought that the case of the woman cooking her husband for taking a second wife was an exception. Now I understand it happens on a more regular basis out there.
Petergrifin, The point which applies to your post and the OP's subject is that when survival becomes the moral, 'forbidden' becomes the norm.
Indeed Fathimah, indeed! I would not call it piety though...;)
And yes I can understand why you feel so cos some of the stuff being said by the so called other side was downright nasty and just showed what their level of "piety" was!
Fathimah, no need for you to apologize...of course it was a joke...albeit during these pork eating times in Qatar...well, a bit sensitive...;)
People it was a joke!
Peter all those things you mentioned are haraam too maybe even worse than consuming swine flesh but the quip about QDC was made in jest by redtrebble(who from what I recall wasn't against QDC selling pork either) and both segmund and myself just played along as a joke too. If this is offensive to anyone then I'm certainly sorry for that.. didn't mean any harm to anyone. And I have not been one to act all intolerant and insulting towards any non Muslim who eats pork..ever. How can I when many of my own family and my husbands family eat it too.
oh yeah.. because QDC sells pork, which is Haram.. then maybe they should sell Human flesh too.. yeah I get it.
You that Islamic Banks here are not allowed to take interest because interest is Haram in Islam? However, if you want to buy a car or anything through them. They tell you in your face that they can buy it for you but they have to sell it for you at a higher price, that you can pay monthly ;)
Cheating God is NOT haram. Being insanely hypocrite is NOT haram. Treating women like they are objects is not Haram. Slaving people is Not Haram... Eating pork Is Haram tho.
making sense in life is a bliss.
redtreble, I did get you, no worries there mate.
It just raises my hackles after all this drama about pork being sold in Qatar.
And people who eat it are swine etc....
@Nomerci - No, what's stupid is the idea that someone would take me seriously when I suggested that QDC should sell human flesh.
I suspect your signature is meant to be ironic.
I can not find all the links but go to this youtube page and you can see other links I guess...
In China they used to make soup of babies born dead post that also and in Qatar vietnamese had Nepali biryani
Interesting. Can you post some links please..
Actually, QL has this unusually active post regarding swine meat being sold at QDC. This was supposed to be a joke. Swines are not born, bread or eaten here in Qatar. It is kind of unusual for people to have pigs being butchered and sold at regular butcheries here.
It was actually supposed to be a joke.
Why on earth would QDC sell human flesh?
As stupid a statement to make as saying the local butcher should sell it.
Who says there is anything great about it? In fact, it is terribly horrifying to know.
Who says there is anything great about it? In fact, it is terribly horrifying to know.
redtreb, swear to God, you made me jump in my chair at the QDC thing.
Fatimah, well, actually this does not happen like a followed practice. All the cases, are sporaidic and completely separate. But yes lets hope this comes to an end.
So Whats Gr8 About That It Happens In Most Parts Of the World ...
Scary phenomena...whatever be the reason I hope the horrific practice is soon wiped out.
QDC and human meat? that case even I will not be one to promote tolerance for all!!
already posted... there is a search tab on top right corner.. so try that before you are posting any thing..
Hopefully we'll get a bit of human flesh in QDC soon then. Lovely.