HSBC ---- The worlds WORST local Bank


So that everyone knows.... Do not Bank with HSBC here in Qatar. They are the worlds worst bank with Zero Customer service. Also they must be the only Bank that takes 7 days to clear a Car Loan!!!

By [email protected]• 20 Jun 2010 10:56
Rating: 3/5

i advice to avoide car loans and personel loans

an u know u are paying 40000k if u take 100000 from any bank including their service and extra charges. if there are good frineds borrow and rturn back in time.

u Save a loat



By anonymous• 18 Jun 2010 15:21

@ raven,don't bother with this one mate,doesn't the guy's english language competency( or lack of it) say enough?...he's living his miserable life happy with the crap service that HSBC is dishing out to him because quite obviously he's never experienced REAL good customer service...his experience,from what one gathers from his posts,is limited to the Philipines,Saudi & here,not exactly leaders in customer service any of those places eh? i'm assuming that HSBC Qatar is the best amongst the pathetic customer service he's experienced thus far,so really no point arguing with this one...

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 23:19

so we agree that all have their own flaws and inperfection. But still, how sure are you that HSBC is the worst, do you have any data or as just posted by unsatisfied individual?

And how many individual are we talking about?

I have NOT seen you post in the Mashreqbank thread and tell the OP, "you're wrong, Mashreq is not the worst, it's HSBC, as Qlers says in unison". Lol!

By Raven1968• 17 Jun 2010 23:13
Rating: 3/5

what is wrong with debating which is the worst bank in Qatar, the banking services in this country are so appallingly bad that its a relavant topic...and there are going to be threads about diff banks been the worst...of course there can't be 2-3 WORST banks but it seems that HSBC gets the most damming comments from people, I'm not lecturing you about anything just pointing out observations. I bank with IBQ and they are crap, my good friend banks with QNB and they are crap, but none as bad as HSBC!!!

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 23:04
Rating: 2/5

you must be new? The bank threads is a favorite topic here in QL. So don't lecture me about which has more comments!

And again, I am not saying HSBC is perfect. But there can't be two WORST(S). And all banks here, as claimed have their own flaws and inperfections! Remember, I bank with three, so I can only talk about them. And definitely, HSBC IS not the WORLDS (or it should be WORLD'S) WORST LOCAL BANK! LOL!

By Raven1968• 17 Jun 2010 22:55
Rating: 2/5

Flor going on wait of numbers amongst QL memebers HSBC gets the WORST bank in Qatar prize hands down....even you can't be so pig headed to ignore that...Yes there have been other blogs about other banks...blah blah blah....but none so damming as against are the Lone Ranger in support of HSBC....a gold medal to you!

By shapil• 17 Jun 2010 22:50

I used to bank with HSBC in the past (not in Qatar) and they invariably had some hidden costs...havent banked with them here but corporate habits die hard.

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 22:45

and if that's the way you understand it, no use arguing with you!

By Raven1968• 17 Jun 2010 22:44

I am really way my league? Great grasp of the english lang! You seem to be the only LOSER here mate! No one is agreeing with you and you are throwing your toys out...get over yourself mate...everyone prob has an opinion to who is the worst bank in Qatar, seems that most agree HSBC gets that prize, and by a country mile. I'm sure a few other banks would compete as well....

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 22:32

who started going off topic, me?????????? Review the post again! You are really way your league!

Now if you want proof since you insist, The presence of another thread telling another bank operating here as the worst bank only means that what you and your bunch of losers are wrong. There could never be TWO WORST(S), there must be only one. And if that still doesn't comprehend you, I don't know what will? Clear your heads, people!

By Raven1968• 17 Jun 2010 19:08

Flor stop getting off topic, no one is disrespecting you

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 18:54

saying Mshreqbank is the worst, so which is which? That only solidify the fact that what you claim is false! And please, for the nth time, I did not say HSBC is perfect, you are just fooling yourselves in thinking that that's my belief!

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 18:51

do you think less than ten people is suffice to arrived in that conclusion! How many are you, 10, 20, 30 or more? And since you can't prove it, you're passing the burde of proof to me, get your life fix, dude! And don't BS me here, if you can not respect others, it means you have no respect to yourself!

By anonymous• 17 Jun 2010 15:38

@ flor 1212,MOST people on this thread (as well as on other threads on QL) about HSBC are in unision about the fact that HSBC is in fact the worst bank in on the other hand are their lone ranger knight in shining armour,now we ALL say HSBC is the worst,you ALONE say you it's no better or worse than other banks here so logically & to be fair,YOU my friend get your a$% out there & get the THREE statistics YOU require to prove that your dear HSBC isn't the crappiest bank in Qatar...

We KNOW it's the crappiest & we ALL agree on it,since YOU are the one insisting it's not,prove your point with your own required THREE figures...

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 11:36

I never said HSBC or any bank here that are perfect. I said it clearly that all have it's flaws. Now if you still insist your negative attitudes, go on and live a negative life!

Those who complains a lot live a miserable life, for sure! Do you have any positive views in your life?

So you think also that FS and others who don't complain "so much" lives a miserable life? Think again!

I did not say HSBC is good, but definitely, it's not the worst! Unless you can produce a comparative data of all the banks (at least three to qualify for the worst, because ifyou give me two, it will only be worse). I hope you comprehend that!

By Raven1968• 17 Jun 2010 11:17

sounds like you are the miserable one Flor, just because people don't agree with you you throw your toys....grow up man and stop behaving like a little child....reading this thread most people have had a bad experience with HSBC so why should we all be positive about this bank, just because you have had a good one?

By flor1212• 17 Jun 2010 10:58

I want to see your GREAT VIEWS! Fro you great people! Hope you enjoy your miserable life!

By anonymous• 17 Jun 2010 10:01

@flor 1212

We should be postive and love HSBC just becoz you have loan there ?? :P

what if they give you loan just coz they didnt have anyone to take the loan ? lol :D

By nomerci• 16 Jun 2010 23:01

Flor, maybe it's time to change your nic again? Getting a bit embarrassing. lol

By Raven1968• 16 Jun 2010 22:50

get a life Flor you muppet, just because people don't agree with you!!

By flor1212• 16 Jun 2010 16:47

how would you even understand me? You want me to "grow up", I wish you the opposite!

By Raven1968• 16 Jun 2010 15:46

haha well said Nachu....

By anonymous• 16 Jun 2010 09:43

why should people be positive to a "Worst" Bank compare to other banks ?? i am not getting that :( :O

By flor1212• 16 Jun 2010 08:43

people who have no positive things to talk about. Once in a while, we should learn to appreciate our "opponents" and agree in some level. But these people, they are constant, constant in opposing me, right or wrong! I don't know what kind of life these people have? Full of negativism!

By flor1212• 16 Jun 2010 08:40

yes you are right. But actually they were offering me a maximum of 3X that amount but decided not to give in to such "generous" offer. ANd mind you, I never missed a single payment with it and even my CC's as I believe it's my duty to pay. Well, maybe because I am a good customer, their response to my internet banking query is also satisfactory.

But I tell you, if I visit their office (which is very seldom), there are times I really get uncomfortable because of the long time spent in waiting for your turn (because a lot prefer to do counter service like many of you) but I just treat it as normal because it also happens back home!

By happygolucky• 16 Jun 2010 08:39

lol...looks like anyone having a difference of opinion has to go through scan on its 'personal life'...:)

By flor1212• 16 Jun 2010 08:34

what is that?

Neve heard of it before. Hard to debate with people with low comprehension! Understand the posting first before you respond! Don't go on personal tirade but on issues! It seems you guys have the same VERY negative mentality! Grow up and think positive. Who knows, it may take out some of the lines in you forehead!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 19:32

flor1212,may i hazard a guess?...HSBC gave you that 'substantial' loan on terms that no other bank in the country would?...the only reason i hazard this guess is because there are quite a few people in Qatar who've got "substantial" loans from HSBC but who were either below the criteria or wouldn't get that big an amount from any other bank simply because other banks in the country have/had enough account holders to not offer loans that a person would take a decade or so to pay back...just trying to figure out why you're so desperately defending a bank that most people in Qatar despise,that is a fact,i'm not asking your opinion on it,i'm just telling you that's the fact of the matter...denying it till the cows come home isn't going to change that fact...most of HSBC Qatar's clientele are companies(because they offer terms that other banks don't because other banks have enough account holders without needing to lower their rates so much.) or people like yourself tied to them because of your "substantial" loans...

So here's the deal flor dearie,by the grace of God,i don't owe a single riyal to a single bank in the country,so unlike you,i can choose who i want to bank with.

However,my company banking with HSBC isn't my decision to make,so your "why 'cling' to it?" apart from being wrong usage of the word cling,makes no sense whatsoever,the same applies to your usage of the word 'cursing' as opposed to airing one's grievances,who even uses that word anymore?! "cursing"???..."leave your job" just takes your ridiculous statements to a whole new level though,it has to be said...& as my fellow Ql'ers have already pointed out to you,the issue isn't about the 10 riyals, it's the principle of the matter,that 10 riyal they charge me didn't fall off a tree branch into my pocket,i work hard for what i earn so yes i do have a problem with a bank charging me even ONE riyal to put MY money into MY account...

@ whyteknight,there are definitely some serious comprehension issues there mate!!!...

@Raven1968,it's pretty obvious there's not a lot of thinking happening period eh?! *wink*!!!

@ Nachu,sense & logic both in short supply here!!!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 15:29

its not over posting .. its just coz of the error message in QL.

By Raven1968• 15 Jun 2010 14:17

Flor STOP posting the same post 4-5 times...what are you trying to collect points? Grow up man!! Just because people don't agree with you!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 13:23

As a customer gadarene has every right to complain till his issues are not resolved. As I said earlier, I am just glad that the companies worldwide don't think like you.

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 13:11

and cursing! What do you want, all complaints and nobody tries to clarify things. If somebody opposed your views, need to accept also such complain and make recommendation. I never said HSBC is perfect, but definitely NOT as they want to picture it!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 12:56

Errrr read that comment again, I think there is some comprehension issue there.

I am just glad that companies all over the world don't think like you and actually encourage their clients to speak out about any problems else we won't see any improvement anywhere.

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 12:54

BTW, when somebody did the same complain about Masreq, I acted the same, Am I an employee of Masreq? When somebody complain abou IBQ before, also, I acted the same, Am I an employee of IBQ? Please answer me!

WK, drmana said it all, your option to stop living when you learn to stop complaining!

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 12:53

BTW, when somebody did the same complain about Masreq, I acted the same, Am I an employee of Masreq? When somebody complain abou IBQ before, also, I acted the same, Am I an employee of IBQ? Please answer me!

WK, drmana said it all, your option to stop living when you learn to stop complaining!

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 12:52

BTW, when somebody did the same complain about Masreq, I acted the same, Am I an employee of Masreq? When somebody complain abou IBQ before, also, I acted the same, Am I an employee of IBQ? Please answer me!

WK, drmana said it all, your option to stop living when you learn to stop complaining!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 12:06

infact i love HSBC coz i dont have an account with them ;)

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 11:52

Flor1212, he is not compalining about 10QR. he has just given you an example of what HSBC is doing compare to all other banks. hope you have sense to understand the logic :P

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 11:12

lol drmana. flor companies make customer relations centres so that their customers CAN complain and tell them about their problems. With your advice, nothing will EVER improve, your kind of advice is more harmful to HSBC actually.

By drmana• 15 Jun 2010 11:10

Of course not WK! you should stop living only if you stop complaining :-)

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 11:06

If I complain about anything in this world, should I stop living???

By drmana• 15 Jun 2010 10:54

All this fight just for a bank??? Is it so difficult to change the bank here?

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:54

he can not avoid making transaction with HSBC because it's his company's bank. So it means he just need to stop complaining but he said he can't, so what other option?

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:45

does he do it everyday? And the comment is maybe unwanted, but definitely not stupid!

What's the use of working in a company you know give you problem because for sure, he will deal with HSBC? I can't find the logic. The company is connected to HSBC so if he don't like HSBC and hate it, then, what's his option?

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 10:40

LOL if I don't like the bank in which my company transfers my salary, I should leave the job. What an outstanding advice, ROFL... This has to be the best one in the series of leave Qatar & leave your job comments till date...

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:39

does he do it everyday? And the comment is maybe unwanted, but definitely not stupid!

What's the use of working in a company you know give you problem because for sure, he will deal with HSBC? I can't find the logic. The company is connected to HSBC so if he don't like HSBC and hate it, then, what's his option?

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:39

does he do it everyday? And the comment is maybe unwanted, but definitely not stupid!

What's the use of working in a company you know give you problem because for sure, he will deal with HSBC? I can't find the logic. The company is connected to HSBC so if he don't like HSBC and hate it, then, what's his option?

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:38

does he do it everyday? And the comment is maybe unwanted, but definitely not stupid!

What's the use of working in a company you know give you problem because for sure, he will deal with HSBC? I can't find the logic. The company is connected to HSBC so if he don't like HSBC and hate it, then, what's his option?

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 10:37

does he do it everyday? And the comment is maybe unwanted, but definitely not stupid!

What's the use of working in a company you know give you problem because for sure, he will deal with HSBC? I can't find the logic. The company is connected to HSBC so if he don't like HSBC and hate it, then, what's his option?

By Raven1968• 15 Jun 2010 09:53

Flor what a stupid comment saying Leave your company...yeah the guy is going to leave a well paid job, I don't think so mate...think before you blog!

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 09:27
anonymous sure u work for HSBC .. hehe

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 08:05

I stand corrected.

Okay MySense, shame on you!

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 08:03

and you hate that bank, only one solution is left, LEAVE your company or STOP complaining.

By Rizks• 15 Jun 2010 08:00

flor, its MySense !! dont give respect by calling him "Mr" when he doesn't know how to respect others...

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 07:59

is there even a sense in yourself? Get out of this topic if you can't take the heat!

By flor1212• 15 Jun 2010 07:56

you hate something but you cling to it, why? Is HSBC the only bank here?

By anonymous• 15 Jun 2010 07:49
Rating: 3/5

@ flor,you said & i quote"just use the ATM & internet banking."...a physical cash deposit cannot be done online...yet,maybe in the future yes,i wouldn't be surprised but as of now unless you're transferring funds directly from one account to another,it's impossible to deposit cash in hand into your account online,fair enough? so the ONLY two ways to do that,i.e put YOUR OWN money into YOUR OWN account is by

a) through the teller or

b) through the ATM.

HSBC is the ONLY bank in the country that either

a) levies a Qr. 10 charge to put YOUR OWN money into YOUR OWN account or

b) takes one working day(& God forbid it's a Thursday,the money will hit your account a full 3 plus days later on the following Sunday) for the money to be credited to your account.

If i'm not mistaken,this is the ONLY bank in Qatar & the only one on the planet (amongst the countries i've visited/studied/worked in)that levies such a charge or so blatantly profits from your funds...

now flor 1212,perhaps you can give me a reason as to why for the single above reason alone,HSBC does not deserve the title that the poster Batleybulldog has given it?...

Let me clarify it for you,which other bank in Qatar charges you money to deposit money into your own account or holds it for one working day if you opt to put it in the ATM?...very simple question & if there is any other bank like it in the country,i stand corrected,if not,i'm sorry but holding people to ransom & not leaving them a choice either way isn't exactly in my humble opinion,good customer service,now is it?...

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 13:25

A Filipino arguing with one blogger.....what a shame.

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 12:28

don't fly away from HSBC...... keep in touch with them .......

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 12:22

5 banks, you mean WORST, not worse! Lol!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 12:20

get out of HSBC.

Here's my experiences:

1. I do most of my transaction with them in Internet BAnking.

2. If I want something, I write them a message. Itold them to cancel my virtual card, they did together with what they initially charge me of 50 QAR yearly renewal.

3. They also cancel my yearly renewal for my visa and mastercards.

4. I have a substantial loan with them (which I pay religiously)

Sometimes I find not-so-good employees and services, but who cares, I find it in all banks here and in my home country. Precisely the reason why I minimized counter services. Just use the ATM and internet banking!

By britexpat• 14 Jun 2010 12:17

Go to admit, my experience with HSBC was not a good one..

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 12:14

let me say some bad exp from my side : -

1 - Once they deducted my CC bill amount twice in a month, when I go to take money to Pay my rent my balance below the amount of my rent ..... when I contacted them they asked me to wait for 3 days.

2 - once I asked them to cancel one my credit card and I went there and submitted them same, after 3 months they charge 300QR for the renewal the cancelled credit card, when I recvd the statement I informed them about this, even end of the month they deducted this amount

3 - After signing all the papers to get my car loan they asked me to wait 15 days to get my car


let me stop

sorry flor I don't have time to spend for HSBC

see this link :-

By Legend525• 14 Jun 2010 12:13
Rating: 3/5

I have banked with more then 5 banks in Qatar and clearly HSBC is the wrost in My ranking. customer service will do any thing to get you to sign the loan applicaton but then you will be at his mercey to the actual cash. their credit card department is also the worst.

IBQ and commercial bank so far is better.

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 12:07

exclusive club? Gadarene is asking! Lol!

By Formatted Soul• 14 Jun 2010 11:59
Formatted Soul

I like HSBC... I been banking since much complaints...I also bank with Doha hubby is with CBQ... I think HSBC is better than the other two.

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:56

this discussion will give you a clear indication of how many people like or dislike HSBC? Com'on, man, wake up!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:51

updated of what's going on here in QL? Maybe you need to ask your close friends about the repeated posts!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:49

updated of what's going on here in QL? Maybe you need to ask your close friends about the repeated posts!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:48

I did the same! Maybe I should ask HSBC , Doha and Masreq to give me DIVIDENDS, now! You wanna come with me, Nachu? Lol!

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 11:46

@ flor1212,ok i heard you the first time! does one get additional points for posting the same reply four times?! just curious as to why you would repeat the same post 4 times!...if you actually read my post you'd realize i don't actually have a choice,my company banks with them so i have to have an account with them to get paid,my "choice" is Doha Bank & CBQ which is why i opened accounts with them...i think it's pretty obvious from the replies on here how many people actually like HSBC,you're in an exclusive club flor1212 *wink*!!!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:45

because my comment was posted six times also! Lol!

By drmana• 14 Jun 2010 11:43
Rating: 4/5

I agree with flor, despite few problems I have stay put with HSBC since last 2 years. Its not the best but definitely not the worst bank here. Most other banks are same as well.

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:42

are you talking about? Just last night, first time I set my foot on their new office and transacted something about a bank draft and of course about my account with them. I am not a premier account holder but I am impress of their customer service. It may not be perfect but it's definitely not as bad as "SOME" of you want to picture it out!

To each his own, if you don't like the bank, get out of it! You have a lot of other choices!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:41

are you talking about? Just last night, first time I set my foot on their new office and transacted something about a bank draft and of course about my account with them. I am not a premier account holder but I am impress of their customer service. It may not be perfect but it's definitely not as bad as "SOME" of you want to picture it out!

To each his own, if you don't like the bank, get out of it! You have a lot of other choices!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:39

are you talking about? Just last night, first time I set my foot on their new office and transacted something about a bank draft and of course about my account with them. I am not a premier account holder but I am impress of their customer service. It may not be perfect but it's definitely not as bad as "SOME" of you want to picture it out!

To each his own, if you don't like the bank, get out of it! You have a lot of other choices!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:39

are you talking about? Just last night, first time I set my foot on their new office and transacted something about a bank draft and of course about my account with them. I am not a premier account holder but I am impress of their customer service. It may not be perfect but it's definitely not as bad as "SOME" of you want to picture it out!

To each his own, if you don't like the bank, get out of it! You have a lot of other choices!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:37

are you talking about? Just last night, first time I set my foot on their new office and transacted something about a bank draft and of course about my account with them. I am not a premier account holder but I am impress of their customer service. It may not be perfect but it's definitely not as bad as "SOME" of you want to picture it out!

To each his own, if you don't like the bank, get out of it! You have a lot of other choices!

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 11:34

flor121, are you working for HSBC ? ;) ..or having any share with them ?? :P

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 11:30
Rating: 5/5

@ flor 1212,seems like everyone except you agrees that HSBC is in fact by far THE worst bank in Qatar!!!,so i for one don't need ANYONE to 'convince' me,i agree 100%,it is the worst bank in the country...

I bank with Doha bank & CBQ(by choice) & HSBC(no choice,company account) & have had no bad experience with either Doha bank or CBQ...while have had ONLY bad experience with HSBC,i avoid dealing with them as much as possible 'cos it just makes my blood boil...

@ batleybulldog,you're talking about processing a car loan? which other bank in the country CHARGES you to deposit YOUR money into YOUR account???...or of course you can deposit it in the ATM but it takes ONE WORKING DAY to hit your account,so HSBC cooly profits from YOUR money for more than 24 hrs. in the process...

@ flor 1212,the only expats that will be "affected" would be those whose companies have accounts with them & banks are all covered by insurance so no one is going to lose any money if they go down & your company will then switch to another bank...

HSBC has some favour in this country with lower-income expats because until a few years ago,

when other banks were a lot more cautious & didn't give loans,especially big loans to lower income expats or offer credit cards to expats below a certain salary scale,HSBC were giving out huge loans like it was candy,offering credit cards to people with like Qrs. 3000 monthly salary,etc just to entice people,now these people are hooked,a good chunk of that monthly Qrs. 3000(sometimes all of it) goes in paying back that ridiculously huge loan they took out or that huge credit card bill they ran up...

But yes,i,as i'm sure many of my fellow QL'ers would agree that "the award for the worst bank in the country goes to...???" no competition or doubt about this one...

By chadqa• 14 Jun 2010 11:27

Maybe you aren't paying good thats why they are like that to you?! :) peace!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 11:11

because of Firose and the OP's bad experiences? My my, do you know how many people (specialty expats) be affected if HSBC goes down? Don't even wish for it!

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 11:10
Rating: 5/5

I was In Dubai more than 6 + years

I did banking with ABN - AMRO - Mashriq Bank......

they are not bad......

here I will not consider any bank for the world worst bank award its goes to ----->>>>>> HSBC QATAR

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 11:05
Rating: 2/5

As far as I know, only Qatar HSBC sucks. The other HSBCs in other countries have good customer service. But when it comes to Qatar, they don't have the right people working for them! HSBC's downfall will be caused by the irresponsible HR and employees.

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 10:59

Firos, i guess you had enough from HSBC ..hehe..

i am banking with QNB and Mashreq (Only credit card), and they seems to be good ..

By ajmani• 14 Jun 2010 10:57
Rating: 3/5

Unless you are a premium customer, you will not get "expected" customer service. Having said that, it's a similar story with all the banks. Again, it's a personal opinion and nothing to beat each other up for :)

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 10:55
Rating: 2/5

honestly, for me, they are not perfect but I am also convinced that they are not the worst. I also bank with Masreq and Doha Banks so as I say, yours is your own and you have all he right to shout it, but please, don't convince us to join you!

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:49


By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:49

Flor taste it !!!!

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:48

Flor taste it !!!!

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:48

Flor taste it !!!!

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:48

Flor taste it !!!!

By flor1212• 14 Jun 2010 10:45

here? or in the world? Gosh, people, wake-up! you can shout your personal frustration with whatever bank you wished to curse but please, do not convince us to follow you! We have different experience with different banks. If you are not happy with yours, just say it but ..........

By anonymous• 14 Jun 2010 10:38

Yes, all the banks in Qatar are Jewish enclaves. Taking interest is UNISLAMIC. And the money generated from interest is HARAM. How long will the government of this "Islamic" State of Qatar allow this?

By Gladiator1• 14 Jun 2010 10:31
Rating: 5/5

They are the worlds ************ bank.......

many many topics are here only for HSBC !!!

I have many bad experience with them , wht do my company want to keep our account with this ********** bank ,

Just four months back they used to deduct 50QR if my account go below 8000Qr,

I opened my account as “0” balance account as per my company agreement with HSBC, later I took CAR loan, then after one year I closed my Loan when I close my car loan that stupid A** F***** changed my monthly balance to 8000Qr (minimum) I know they did this by mistake……..

But they don’t want to change this to previous setup, from my office no one keeping single riyals in their account and they are not paying any penalty for this……

When I asked them they said its new F***** rule ……

Let them go to hell ………..

By drmana• 14 Jun 2010 10:13

All banks are same here.

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7 Days of Fun: One-Week Activity Plan for Kids

7 Days of Fun: One-Week Activity Plan for Kids

Stuck with a week-long holiday and bored kids? We've got a one week activity plan for fun, learning, and lasting memories.
Wallet-friendly Mango Sticky Rice restaurants that are delightful on a budget

Wallet-friendly Mango Sticky Rice restaurants that are delightful on a budget

Fasten your seatbelts and get ready for a sweet escape into the world of budget-friendly Mango Sticky Rice that's sure to satisfy both your cravings and your budget!
Places to enjoy Mango Sticky Rice in  high-end elegance

Places to enjoy Mango Sticky Rice in high-end elegance

Delve into a world of culinary luxury as we explore the upmarket hotels and fine dining restaurants serving exquisite Mango Sticky Rice.
Where to celebrate World Vegan Day in Qatar

Where to celebrate World Vegan Day in Qatar

Celebrate World Vegan Day with our list of vegan food outlets offering an array of delectable options, spanning from colorful salads to savory shawarma and indulgent desserts.