How to Renew Canadian Passports

By mayborn

Hello Canadians!

Wondering if any of you has applied for a new passport?

Do you know a photographer who can take photos as per passport photos requirements? And what courier I can use to send my application to the canadian consulate in Kuwait?

Your help is greatly appreciated,

By Ragnarock Raider• 29 Aug 2007 12:07
Ragnarock Raider

Glad the info turned out to be helpful.

For future reference:

That's where I got the number from. Its not like the yellow pages back home, and sure half he numbers are incorrect...but hey, its better than nothing. Good luck to you.

Stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By mayborn• 29 Aug 2007 11:52

Hi RR,

I just called them and the phone number is still valid. They say they have the spec, so thanks a bundle for your info. I don't even have the yellow pages!

Hey shorti122, if you need the statutory declaration form, you can download from the passport Canada website, or get a form from the British embassy.

Cheers guys!


By mayborn• 29 Aug 2007 11:41

Thanks So much,

I will call them and go there asap.


By Ragnarock Raider• 29 Aug 2007 11:19
Rating: 4/5
Ragnarock Raider

They take passport Photos to both American and Canadian specs.

And no its not a typo...that's how they spell their company name LOL.

They are located in the old city center area (not the mall), opposite the Sofitel Hotel....right next to the Panasonic dealership. Can't miss them with their big green neon sign, announcing their candidacy for spelling bee champions! hahaha...sorry couldn't resist...ok, i'll stop now. Their phone number (according to the yellow pages*) is: 442-6333

* Please note this disclaimer is to indemnify me from your swearing at me. I have never called them, they are right near my work, so I just walked over. My past experience with the yellow pages here is that fully half the numbers they provide are not in service /inaccurate /old /or just plain the wrong numbers. IF this turns out to be the case its not my faut!!!

Good luck, and stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By shorti122• 29 Aug 2007 11:13

Mayborn, thanks so much!

By mayborn• 29 Aug 2007 10:38

Hi Shorti22,

I was told the fee is CAD $50, and the lady who's coming next Tuesday will sign mine. I've been here for only 7 months.

By the way, could any of you please let me know where exactly you had your passport photos taken? What about yours Don?

I went to Konica photoshop, but they say they couldn't do it, it's too complicated. I measured the passport photos that they've taken was about 2cm smaller. They said even brits and americans were not that complicated (I took it as a compliment!).

Thanks for your help!


By Ragnarock Raider• 27 Aug 2007 15:25
Rating: 4/5
Ragnarock Raider

I don't recall the exact amount (I believe the downloadable forms have the exact amounts stated on them), but I do remember that it had to be a certified cheque made out to the Receiver General for Canada. I also mailed it (using Fed Ex), and crossed my fingers. All in all it did turn out to be rather painless, just took a little time (total of about 4 weeks, give or take a day).

Btw this is all the new and difficult regulations that required the passposrts to be issued directly from Canada (before that, the embassies used to do it). I remember for instance my parents renewed theirs (the time before last) at the embassy in Beirut about 7 years ago. The whole process took like 5 working days (whereas this last time again had to be done by mail and took around 4 weeks).

Good luck to whoever is renewing theirs, and stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By shorti122• 27 Aug 2007 15:15

Ragnarock... was there an additional charge for this? It sounds so easy renewing a Canadian passport here. In Rome they charged someone I know a 100 Euros extra for a guarator's fee at the Canadian Embassy.

By Ragnarock Raider• 27 Aug 2007 14:53
Ragnarock Raider

We had been here about the same time when my daughter was born, so we needed someone to sign the "in lieu of guarantor" form. The embassy in Kuwait said to just mail it to them, and the embassador would sign it if the Chief Canadian Warden in Qatar vouched for us. This is what must have happened, because a few weeks later we got her passport in the mail!

Good luck to you.

Stay safe all.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By mayborn• 27 Aug 2007 14:47

Thanks a lot!

I received the same email this morning. I hope she can sign my statutory declaration, as I have been here only for 6 months. I'll go and see her next Tuesday.



By Ragnarock Raider• 27 Aug 2007 09:10
Ragnarock Raider

Our own little January born is in Canada for the summer....getting a taste of greenery and fresh air....not to mention meeting her grandparents! It's been 2 months and I miss her terribly....makes you wonder how we got along before she was born.

Stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

By philip• 27 Aug 2007 09:09
Rating: 2/5

i received this email today:


Please be advised that Ms. Dana Al-Sarraj, the Consular Officer from the Canadian Embassy in Kuwaitis coming to Doha, Qatar. Ms. Al-Sarraj will be in town for the days of Tuesday (4Sep) and Wednesday (5Sep), departing Thursday. Should Canadians with questions/issues require a meeting with Ms.Al-Sarraj, some drop-in periods have been established. 1) Tuesday, September 4, 14:00 - 17:00, Sheraton hotel2&3) Wednesday, September 5, 8:00 - 10:00am, and 16:00 - 18:00, Sheraton hotel +(974) 485-4444 If you are unable to come by any of these hours, please leave a detailed message with front desk. All efforts will be made to accomodate availability. Ms. Al Sarraj will also be providing notarial services (please see attached) during these drop-in hours. Please confirm with Ms. Al Sarraj how much the services will cost and be aware: The notarial fees must be submitted by bank draft, ONLY, at the time ofthe service. $50.00 Canadian dollars made out to "Receiver General forCanada" drawn on a Canadian bank account with a Canadian address. In the meantime, if you need to speak with her regarding a Canadian,private Consular matter, you may leave your contact information and a detailedmessage at the front-desk of the Sheraton Hotel Doha, +(974) 485-4444 You may also email the Consular section at [email protected] any questions prior to her visit. Attached is some basic information about passport renewal, authentications, police clearances and the "In Lieu of Guarantor" form. Please read in DETAIL as most topics have been covered.


pm me with your email address if you want the attachment.

By mayborn• 27 Aug 2007 09:05

Thanks a lot, and congrats on the new baby girl.



By mayborn• 27 Aug 2007 08:44

Thanks so much for the quick response.

I will either use FedEx or DHL.

Best regards,


By Don• 27 Aug 2007 08:17
Rating: 4/5

I renewed mine and used DHL. You pay a fee that incudes passport costs and return of passport. Check with the Embassy in Kuwait first to make sure you have everything. They'll also tell you if there is any problems with any of the photographers.

I had mine back within 2 weeks.

By Ragnarock Raider• 27 Aug 2007 07:24
Rating: 5/5
Ragnarock Raider

Our Daughter was born in Doha in January so we recently had to apply for a citizenship card and passport for her. Most photography shops in Doha have the specs for Canadian passports (if not they are on the application forms you download off the net). As for Courrier, it may not be the only one, but we used Fed Ex. It may be a little more expensive, but since we had to include original documents, we went with a name we knew and trusted (and could track our shipments progress online).

Hope that helps, good luck to you.

Stay safe.

Perfection does not exist. The question therefore, is: what level of imperfection are we willing to settle for?

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